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Human idiocy has no limits

H. Fly | 01.07.2002 13:37

Human idiocy has no limits

Human idiocy has no limits
Human idiocy has no limits

H. Fly
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Israeli propaganda has no limits !

01.07.2002 16:36

Isnt it a bit odd that the entire western media should feel obliged to publish one dubious photograph made by one stupid family, and seized by the Israeli army in circumstances unknown.
No, the Zionists had a trashy tabloid 'scoop' of no substance, which hardly reflects on the current conflict in any way except to blur the issues and convince the good people of the UK and USA that Palestinians are a bunch of maniacs.
No, tell me; what does this picture actually prove ? What does it say about the mainstream media ?


Yesirrrr idiocy indeedy!!

01.07.2002 18:14

Mr Fly, ever heard the saying walk a mile in another mans Moccasins?

M Lacey
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Gun-Barrel of Laughs

01.07.2002 21:57

Yes and this pointless propaganda gave vent to a diatribe of venemous Anti-Palestinian racist filth by columnists Tony Parsons in The Mirror today, who accused them of "self-destructing."

He said, 'at least the Jews have maintained a sense of (sarcastic) humour as the "persecuted race" but the Palestinians don't respond to their own horrors with humour.'

I doubt if Jews were doing Marx Brothers impersonations in Belsen.

Here's a joke: Two Palestinians went into a bar - BOOM BOOM
