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All support to Palestine and IMC (cartoon by Latuff)

Latuff | 30.06.2002 23:57

Cartoon by Latuff on behalf of IMC DC and its efforts to bring justice to Palestine. Special and sincere thanks to IMCs Palestine, San Francisco, Israel and Italy for their diligent work on human rights in Palestine. Long live to these brave and decent activists.

All support to Palestine and IMC (cartoon by Latuff)
All support to Palestine and IMC (cartoon by Latuff)

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latuff = scum

02.07.2002 22:40

fuck of latuff.


Hahahaha, AntiFA ...

03.07.2002 13:20

.. you are getting pretty desperate, eh?

Also, you are a blatant fraud and it is time to change your nick - if you were truely opposed to fascism and slavery, as Latuff is, then you would oppose the overt fascism of the Criminal Sharonist Junta.

As it is, though, you are just a clueless pawn of forces you are incapable or unwilling to comprehend.

I'm sorry about what callous propagandists have done to you!!

Schalom, BP


cool it!

04.07.2002 20:08

Yo people, pull yourself together!

I think it is a rumour but nothing more that, if one strips off the insults and hate rhetorics, any progressive (AKA 'left') individual actively endorses the occupation policy of the current Israeli government or the terror campaign by narrow-minded religious fanatics targetting civilians, often children.
Given the Holocaust, who, on the other hand, can blame those from our ranks who get edgy about criticism pointed at 'the zionists' (or what the term du jour may be) for doing so?

It's either We the People stand united together through Mankind's darkest hour, of which what currently is going on in the world gives but a first taste (the greed for profit and resources will become bigger and bigger as less and less of it is to be had), or divided we fall into an abyss that is darker than any descent of a civilisation that has ever occurred before, for never before Mankind has risen so high, and never before was the fact that this is one world, one human race and that what's over there is also over here something very real, and not just a philosopher's musings.

There can be no question that the Middle East, slowly turning desert, can only find peace if the forces of peace prevail and the forces of hatred, war and terror are shackled and cast away on the dungheap of history, there to stare in awe at the bright future that we will be building, in spite of their attempts to condemn us all to misery and hatred.

There can be no question that glory be to those undaunted individuals, Israeli and Palestine alike who fight their daily struggle against those, both on their own side and on the 'other', that try to corrupt the souls of the people with their lies that in terror, war, hatred, oppression and in the vicious circle of retaliation lies the solution.

The only solution that can be brought into existence by such motives is a Final one.

And if rhetorics (or rather the lack thereof) is the price for sanity, for peace and a future to look forward to - wouldn't it be a price we'd all be glad to pay?
