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Pictures from the Social Movement

leoni | 30.06.2002 16:31

pictures from global resistance! Social Movement in: Genoa, Praha, London, Hannover, Seattle, Berlin, Langenhagen, Wiesenau, Calcuta, Japan

Pictures from the Social Movement
Pictures from the Social Movement


the new homepage "Resistance! - Picture Archiv" ( ):
Pictures from Genoa 2001, Gothenburg 2001, Praha 200, London, Berlin, Hannover, Anti-War movement, Anti-Nazi movement, movement in germany and mexico...

(still under construction!)

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people don't react well to those who lie to t

30.06.2002 19:02

what's so depressing and so funny about you lot is that you act like and possibly think that you own the movement. At Genoa the members of the SWP politbureau even claimed that they are the only ones with a coherent understanding of the current situation, so coherent in fact that J18 took them completely by suprise as did the scale, success and tactics of Seattle (although they pretend they were key players and that this was where the movement started).

people don't react well to those who lie to them. that's why no one trusts politicians or corporate propagandists. maybe you should bear this in mind

christopher spence

read this

30.06.2002 20:48

ah ja...
my english isn't very good....
please, read marxist analyses. ernst bloch says, that you must search the think in the world, which is able to change the world. this ist the basic of marxism....

'The emancipation of the working class must be conquered by the working class themselves.'
-Karl Marx

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