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Dangerous Severe Personality Disorder

Ferganoid | 28.06.2002 11:20

The DSPD Order Bill has some very worrying concerns.

1. Who polices the mental health service and are they accountable to the client and the public?

2. What safe guards are their to ensure that people are not wrongly diagnosed and detained under the new mental health act

3. Are there safeguards against abusive therapeutic practices?

4. If people are detained merely because they are "considered to be dangerous" will they be treated as patients or prisoners?

5. If they are to be treated as patients then why are places being reserved for them in whitmore jail?

6. If prisons in the UK are overcrowded, then how can staff find time to take care of their needs?

7. Will they have a cell to themselves if they chose it?

8. Will they be kept away from people in prison, who are being punished for a crime?

9. Will they have the right to personal property and clothing etc?

10. Are their safe guards against abusive "therapeutic

11. Why does the DSPD Order Bill, not porvide a provision to detain a person who has a "Severe Personality Disorder" if thay are a danger to themselves?

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Basically, it criminalises jus about everyone

28.06.2002 14:55

Basically, basically. Just as with Stalin, everybody was accused of non-existent conspracy so nobody was safe from the Gulag; now, although most people are not maniacs, everyone is liable to be incarcerated as one.

CD Erthuik