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The Good Samaritan

LaPeace | 28.06.2002 04:14

The latest cartoon by LaPeace

The Good Samaritan
The Good Samaritan

Copyright-free cartoon parody by pacifist LaPeace, on behalf of all the civilians injured or killed by the tragic violence in the Middle East.



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Indymedia not biased

28.06.2002 07:03

Good cartoon, good point, and i'm impressed with your work, but why the indymedia logo on the guy's top? Although some posters to indymedia are biased towards one side, Indymedia itself is not intrinsically (sp?) biased.

Keep up the good work!

David C


28.06.2002 12:58

Perhaps we all need to be reminded from time to time who we are trying to help and why. Some people pick one side, some another -- why not pick the side of humanity?
