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ABC/CBS/Zogby Poll | 28.06.2002 03:24

Here is an important poll question for everyone on this planet who values true human dignity and freedom...

Do You Support Regime Change in America?

With the recent revelations that the American Government has authorized the CIA to attempt to assassinate Iraqi President Saddam Hussein--and recent poll numbers which suggest that a majority of the American people themselves support what is in effect an example of state sanctioned murder--one must ask the question whether the people of the world should start supporting a campaign of fundamental Regime Change in America?

Given the fact that the American Empire--and significant sections of the American people--delude themselves into believing they have a God given right to choose what leaders are "appropriate" for another country or people (from Palestine to Yugoslavia to Venezuela to Iraq), it is high time to "flip the script" and allow the rest of humanity to decide what leaders and what system are best for America.

This is especially pertinent given the fact that the United States is not so much a nation, as it is a Global Empire which unfortunately has undue influence and power to violate the sovereignty of nations and people around the world--always of course justified behind lies about supporting Democracy, Freedom, Human Rights, and now the "War on Terrorism." Indeed, many people outside the United States increasingly realize that it is the USA--and NOT the old Soviet Union--which is the true Evil Empire in deed, if not word.

Do you support a fundamental Regime Change in America?




Other (please specify)

ABC/CBS/Zogby Poll


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Bush wasn't elected! Throw the bum out!

28.06.2002 05:31

Patriots all over the USA and the world should sign this thread.


a resounding - YES!!

28.06.2002 09:30

the necessity of this preliminary step towards achieving world peace is in fact patently obvious - I wholeheartedly support the struggle of Operation American Revolution II, to rescue the USA for and to Democracy.

If the people inside the USA cannot do this alone (and there is no more reason to believe they can, anymore than the Germans rid themselves of Hitler!) then International Solidarity demands we on the outside assist them in any way possible and effective.

What we need to clarify now, is exactly how to go abou doing this.

Solidarity with the enslaved North American People!!


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29.06.2002 16:12

bush has broken so many intnational agrements and killed so many in the name of 'war on terrorism' it is about time he was stopped. he should be removed from power and put on trial for crimes against the wrold and humanity.
