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Death and Repression in Argentina

argentina imc | 27.06.2002 08:53

As thousands protested the G8 in Canada, thousands more blockaded highways in Argentina against neoliberalism. Two people were shot dead by the government.


Summary of Available Photos & Audio -
An up-to-date list of the current photos, audio and testimonials
we have.

Repression and Death: A Timeline of the Day's Events

Protest, Repression and Murder
by Guillermo Cieza, an article about those whose lives were lost at the hands of the police while demanding food and jobs.

Argentina IMC Statement:
Three months ago, Dario proudly showed us a mountain of earth with a flag on it. Fifty families had helped to take this mountain. Last week, he told us that it was ready for people to settle there. Dario was 21 years old and today he was assassinated by the police. The complicity of the corporate media, the sweeping declarations from civil employees are juxtaposed against the haunting figure of this young fighter. His assassins will always have the stigma of taking a great friend from us. Dario died like he lived; when a bullet took his life from him, he was aiding a friend who was wounded on the floor. This is how we will remember him for each one of our days.

Dario Santillan of the MTD Lanus and Maximiliano Costeki of the MTD Pte. Peron, both of the CTD Anibal Veron, are the first victims of the new regime in Argentina.

Today, the government showed its true face. In the morning, it militarized all the areas where protests were anticipated. They mobilized the infantry, federal and provincial police, naval forces, water cannons, heavy tanks and helicopters. This is the true political and social regime of Duhalde from now on.
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Don't let their deaths pass un-noticed

27.06.2002 11:22

At the protests against the G8 this time last year, the Italian police murdered Carlo Guiliani. There were marchs, protests and acres of print condeming the killing produced by the Eurpoean socal movements

It remains to be seen if the murders of Dario Santillan and Maximiliano Costeki in Argentiania for protesting against the G8 will produce a similar reaction.

Call me cycnical - but I suspect many European activists believe that we are all equal - but that those of us in the imperial centres are more equal or important than those in the global south

Is Globalise Resistence or any of the anarchist groups calling a protest at the Argentinian embassy ?

Down with Euro-centric chauvanism

Let's make our voices heard!

Don't let these murders go un-noticed

Let our Resistence be as global as Capitalism!


yes they are

28.06.2002 16:51

See the report from the Argentina Solidarity Campaign, further up the newswire.
