IMC Hamilton Canada Documents Heavy Aerosol Spraying
LZ, SH | 25.06.2002 22:58
Heavy Aerosol Spraying Activity Over Hamilton Area Documented by IMC Hamilton Journalists
By Lysander Zimmerman, Stephanie Holliday, and Arthur Zimmerman, PhD, P.Eng.
IntroductionWhat are in "chemtrails"?
1. Aluminum and Global Cooling
2. Barium and the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)
3. A Biological Warfare Agenda?
An IMC Hamilton Activist's Personal Observations
Video Documentation (more coming soon)
What can Citizens do?
Links to Further Reading
[Note: all hypertext links are provided as source material, background information, definitions, pictures and further reading.]
Since January, Indymedia Hamilton journalists and contributors have been documenting the creation of artificial cloud formations over the Halton area. Almost daily, planes can be observed lacing the skies with what initially resemble normal jet contrails [examples here], but linger and slowly diffuse into a layer of cirrus cloud formations and finally finish as a lingering haze. This atmospheric mist then appears to act as a blanket reflecting, diffracting and refracting incoming solar radiation occasionally causing abnormal rainbow-like rings to form around the sun and the moon.
The question that begs an answer is this: are these artificial cloud formations caused by normal jet exhaust? The answer is simultaneously yes and no.

What are “chemtrails” if they are not merely ice crystals?
Sifting through the wealth of chemtrail information on the Internet to discover well-sourced data and concrete facts is a time consuming task. Amidst speculation, conjecture and disinformation ample proof exists that something is being released over nearly the entire planet. Several books have been published on the topic with the most well known, Probing the Chemtrail Conundrum, authored by investigative journalist Will Thomas. In this well-researched book, he details sightings and case studies from around the world, and relates instances where solid samples have been analyzed for their chemical makeup. The yielded results, together with evidence of joint military-corporate projects, have been answered by three main theories on the objectives of aerial chemical spraying.
1. Aluminum and Global Cooling
It is now an undisputed scientific fact that global warming is a man-made reality, that it is accelerating, and that it poses a major threat to our planet. The urgency to reduce global warming, for the short term, is one possible explanation for chemtrails. The details are clearly outlined in U.S. Patent #5,003,186, Stratospheric Welsbach seeding for reduction of global warming, issued to the Hughes Aircraft Company (a conglomerate now called Hughes Electronics defense operations which is wholly owned by General Motors). As described in the introduction "One proposed solution to the problem of global warming involves the seeding of the atmosphere with metallic particles." The patent explains how tiny particles of aluminum oxide and other reflective materials would be added to the fuel of jet airliners and emitted from the jet exhaust. Other aluminum oxide chemtrails can be formed using a powder contrail generation device [to view patent click on “images” – requires QuickTime] originally developed for the U.S. Navy in 1975.
While greenhouse gases accumulate and get trapped in the atmosphere, the Welsbach materials and heavy metals released reflect one to two per cent of incoming sunlight by converting "blackbody radiation emitted by the earth [into] heat energy that may be reradiated out into space”. Simultaneously, a small percentage of incoming solar radiation is reflected away from the earth’s surface “thereby reducing global warming.”
Computer simulations done by Ken Caldeira with the Atmospheric Science Division at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) calculated that aerosol spraying over 85 per cent of the planet would slow down global warming, yet in the long term would increase global warming by allowing atmospheric carbon dioxide to double within the next fifty years. Caldeira’s abstract states that “to counteract anthropogenic climate change, several schemes have been proposed to diminish solar radiation incident on Earth’s surface. These geoengineering schemes could reverse global annual mean warming; however, it is unclear to what extent they would mitigate regional and seasonal climate change … no previous study has directly addressed this issue.”
Although Caldeira recommends a curtailing of greenhouse gas emissions as “the most prudent and least risky option to mitigate global warming”, one can rationally hypothesize on the possibility that powerful petroleum companies and defense contractors, such as General Motors (Hughes Electronics), have lobbied for the implementation of the geoengineering project in order to continue burning fossil fuels. Could this be why Edward Teller, the founder of LLNL (a research institute contracted by the U.S. Department of Energy and the defense and oil industries), submitted a paper entitled Global Warming and the Ice Ages: Prospects for Physics-Based Modulation of Global Change to the 1997 International Seminar on Planetary Emergencies, which calls for the implementation of the geoengineering project? Teller’s report emphasizes the economic implications of imposing limitations, such as the Kyoto Protocol, on fossil-fired energy production. He notes how much cheaper it would be to lace the skies with light-scattering particles.
According to Will Thomas, in addition to generating profits for the U.S. military-industrial complex, insurance companies would save billions of dollars in profits from the mitigation of anthropogenic climate heating.
Can this type of aerosol spraying be dangerous?
It should come as no surprise that releasing metallic particles into the atmosphere will produce adverse human health effects. In a 50 square mile area where months of spraying had taken place, residents of Espanola, Ontario experienced high rates of severe headaches, chronic joint pain, dizziness, sudden extreme fatigue, acute asthma attacks, feverless "flu-like" symptoms and loss of short term memory. Samples of rainwater analyzed in labs found reflective quartz particles and levels of aluminum five times higher than the maximum permissible levels under Ontario’s Health and Safety Standards.
A petition signed by over 550 Espanola residents was brought before Canadian Parliament on November 18th, 1998 demanding an end to aerial spraying by "commercial or military aircraft, foreign or domestic." When the Canadian Ministry of Defense finally replied, their answer was “it’s not us”.
In addition to producing adverse health effects in humans, stratospheric aerosol seeding could have an unknown devastating effect on the climate. Even initial proponents of geoengineering the earth’s climate, such as Ken Caldeira, warn of the environmental risks involved. For example, enhanced stratospheric cooling could contribute to the destruction of stratospheric ozone, which protects us from solar and cosmic radiation. Furthermore, the placing of aerosols in the atmosphere could have additional adverse impacts on stratospheric chemistry that could lead to failure of the geoengineering system, thus subjecting the earth to extremely rapid heating – potentially causing a run-away greenhouse effect.
2. Barium and the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP)
Some chemtrail researchers believe that there are multiple concomitant aerosol scattering programs presently being executed. In addition to the geoengineering global cooling program, an experimental electromagnetic weapon with alarming multi-purposes and global range, inspired by Nikola Tesla’s experiments with electrical energy, is being tested out of Alaska. The aims of the HAARP project are to perfect a “reverse radio-telescope” that could be used to:
- disrupt electronic communications over an extremely large area, while keeping the military's own communication systems working
- to act as an electromagnetic pulse weapon capable of overloading and disabling electric circuits
- to provide radar that can scan beyond the horizon
- to act as an earth probing tool to locate oil and mineral reserves
- to conduct electricity through the atmosphere without wires
- to create nuclear-sized explosions without residual radiation
- to disrupt human mental processes through pulsed radio-frequency radiation over large geographical areas
- to modify and control weather patterns.
The link between HAARP and chemtrail activity was established after the confirmation of barium contaminated rainwater and snow samples collected after observed aerial sprayings. Since one of the key patents for the HAARP technology, U.S. Patent #4,686,605, proposes the “release of large clouds of barium” to enhance its performance, it is believed that HAARP is now up and running on a global scale.
To understand the link between chemtrails, geoengineering and HAARP, it is important to note that the owner of the HAARP technology patent and the contractor that built the HAARP facility is APTI (ARCO Power Technologies Incorporated), a subsidiary of the Atlantic Richmond Company – one of the largest oil companies in the world. In 1994, APTI was sold to one of the largest intelligence contractors in the world, Raytheon E-systems, which is a subsidiary of one of the world’s largest defense contractors, the Raytheon Company. In the fall of 1997, Raytheon successfully merged with the above-mentioned owner of the geoengineering Welbach patent, Hughes Electronics, making the new Raytheon Company the owner of both the global cooling technology and of the HAARP technology.
Are aluminum and barium (a toxic substance in all its chemical compounds) being released over large parts of the globe to further U.S. military agendas and to fatten the pockets of General Motors shareholders? The general public must demand answers.
3. A Biological Warfare Agenda?
The final of the three theories surrounding what Will Thomas refers to as the chemtrail conundrum is even more sinister in nature. Some people claim to have confirmed the presence of biological agents in precipitation samples. Since the detection of illegal aerial spraying operations and the allegedly related illnesses, fear has been spreading over the possibility that we are secretly being subjected to either aerial immunizations, bio-warfare testing, or immune system depressants such as ethylene dibromide and other harmful bio-agents (as part of a larger population control and reduction agenda).
In an article entitled The CIA and the West Nile Virus – What New Viruses, Vaccines and “Chemtrails” Have in Common, Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz discusses how American and African peoples were exposed to deadly chemical and biological agents by the American government with the goal of population control and depopulation. He points out that the CIA and the U.S. Navy, working in tandem with the Army, have used unwitting military personnel and civilian populations for germ warfare “experiments” or outright biological attacks.
Many of these revelations have come from the work of the 1975 Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations With Respect to Intelligence Activities [PDF document], chaired by Senator Frank Church from Idaho. One such program uncovered by the Committee involving a CIA biological and chemical weapons project with the participation of 86 colleges and universities was named NKNAOMI (sister project to the MKULTRA mind control experiments). The CIA was found by the committee to be involved in illegally storing and testing biological weapons including the development of a micro-dart that felt like a mosquito bite while delivering toxins including infectious biological agents. Horowitz claims that this is only the tip of the iceberg, and that if one digs deeper a global genocide program, in the name of “public health” and “national security”, is being implemented.
Horowitz claims that the “genocide program” is known as the “Russian biological cocktail” in military circles, and it involves the incapacitation and elimination of excess or targeted populations using the delivery of combinations of biological and chemical agents (i.e. co-factors). This makes diagnosis and treatment of these multiple simultaneous exposures/intoxications/infections difficult, if not impossible. Could a lethal co-factor to biological or chemical agents reportedly found in chemtrail samples, such as ethylene dibromide, be a vaccine with dangerous side-effects?
The US and Canada have already stockpiled hundreds of millions of smallpox vaccines. Both governments, using the 9-11 disaster as pretence, have already enacted “anti-terrorist” legislations that call for forcible vaccination under the threat of internment. Ashcroft has called for mass inoculations by next year. Only the naïve will not see that all this comes immediately after anthrax mailings now revealed to have come from a U.S. military lab.
Based on his three years of chemtrail research, Thomas believes that chemtrails do not contain biological agents given that “bio-attacks are conducted at low level and never in daylight, in order to avoid ultraviolet sterilization”. However, eyewitness reports show that not all aerial sprayings occur in the daytime. Some people, including two of the authors of this report, describe seeing jets flying low and in formation, leaving behind persistent reflective “contrails” visible to the naked eye in moonlight and in the pink-orange glow of urban light pollution. Therefore, the biological aerosol possibility, as disturbing as it is, remains until every one of the exact objectives for the aerial spraying are positively confirmed.
Would governments endanger our lives and sacrifice innocent people with such impunity?
The historical precedents for such secret chemical and biological assaults on large populations abound. In 1977, the U.S. Military admitted to carrying out hundreds of open-air chemical and bio-warfare tests over American and Canadian populaces. Among the most well known incidents was the release of the serratia marcescens bacterial agent over San Francisco in1950, causing an outbreak of pneumonia-like illnesses and resulting in the death of at least one person. The Church Committee documented numerous similar covert tests that have been carried out with other biological agents and chemical compounds.
Country | United Nations | NATO Member | NATO Partner |
United States | yes | yes | |
Canada | yes | yes | |
United Kingdom | yes | yes | |
France | yes | yes | |
Germany | yes | yes | |
Netherlands | yes | yes | |
Italy | yes | yes | |
Sweden | yes | no | yes |
Croatia | yes | no | yes |
Australia | yes | no | no |
Mexico | yes | no | no |
New Zealand | yes | no | no |
Haiti | yes | no | no |
Source: Chemtrail Central's FAQ page .
Click to go back to the text or read more about global chemtrail reports.
An IMC Hamilton Activist’s Personal Observations
by Lysander Zimmerman,
In October of last year I started becoming aware of a chronic bronchial congestion that still persists today. After submitting sputum samples to my doctor on two occasions and receiving negative results for typical bronchial microorganisms, I began to question the cause of my persistent illness. During the weeks to follow my father and I also began noticing bizarre cloud formations and we recalled an article that we had previously read about mysterious “chemtrails”.
Initially, we were skeptical of the chemtrail theories, but that all changed one afternoon in late January when I emerged from my grandparents’ home to see a perfectly linear cloud formation stretching across the entire sky. As I scanned the sky for a plane, I was astounded to see an aerial spraying operation taking place with some 6 or 7 jets in participation. Each plane was leaving a long thin dense white trail behind that would not dissipate. I was familiar with the existence of jet condensation trails but I had never witnessed anything like that before. Over a period of an hour or so, the trails slowly widened before transforming into cirrus-like cloud formations. After several hours, the sky was blanketed with a thin haze, accompanied by cirrocumulus-like waves, a cirrostratus-like blanket and cirrus-like wisps. Although these cloud types are perfectly natural, I was amazed that I had just witnessed a cloud manufacturing operation.
From then on I began documenting these operations on film and I have accumulated over 2 hours of video clips. Seeing as the sprayings have been occurring just about daily, I committed myself to capturing at least 1 out of every 3 incidents on video, with the exception of heavy chemtrail activity, which I always videotape.
Over the past 5 months of monitoring this activity, my father and I believe to have identified certain trends resulting from the operations:
- Most of these large high-flying white jet planes we witness making “chemtrails” appear to originate from the United States – flying North and Northwest from over Lake Ontario.
- Multiple jets take part in these operations forming all sorts of cloud patterns including grids, X-shapes, multiple parallel lines, and curved trails (including U-shapes). However, the majority of sprayings randomly blanket the sky without any set formations.
- The planes can be observed making lasting chemtrails in the same sky as others simply leaving behind rapidly-dissipating contrails.
- The heaviest spraying operations appear to take place in the early morning just before and after sunrise and continue all day.
- Other heavy sprayings take place above naturally existing cloud covers. The “chemtrails” and “chemclouds” can be seen in breaks in the natural cloud cover.
- Some operations take place at night or during the early morning hours. The planes are much lower and can be heard passing over repeatedly. On at least 4 occasions, my family has been kept awake as planes passed over our house every 5 to 10 minutes for about an hour. One night in May at about midnight, my father and I watched as two “chemjets” flew overhead in perfect tandem, leaving behind the long trails barely visible in the glow of the urban lights below. A couple of weeks ago, my father and grandparents witnessed a plane leave a chemtrail underneath the full moon on a cloudless night. Later on, the jets could be heard flying back and forth across the sky.
- The haze produced by the chemtrails refracts light, occasionally producing rainbow-like rings around the sun and moon. The “chemclouds” seem much more reflective than natural clouds at night.
- The skies have recently been covered by this white haze. Is this the same white haze that Teller says will remain in the sky for five years at a time as it is compounded by continuous aerial scattering operations?
Furthermore, we have collected solid samples on three occasions – each time after a precipitation subsequent to the aerial sprayings. A heavy cover of silver-brown powder -- sometimes a very fine fibrous deposit – is most visible on neighbourhood automobiles.
Could these strange particles be the cause of my congestion?
Video of Chemtrails Over the Hamilton Area (will continue be updated with more clips)
[Dial-up versions of these clips will be available later this week, however it might be difficult to see important detail.]
No. 1: A Cloud Manufacturing Operation
Broadband QuickTime Video -- download here.
This clip was taken around the middle of February. Notice the irregular flight patterns and the number of planes seeding the sky with an unidentified aerosol.
No. 2: Contrails Versus Chemtrails
Broadband RealVideo -- download here or stream here
This clip shows clearly, in the same sky, the difference between a regular contrail and a chemtrail.
No. 3: Ring of Refracted Light
Broadband QuickTime Video -- download here
During a heavy “sprayday”, a ring of refracted light formed around the sun. It resembles a faint rainbow.
No. 4: A Cirrocumulus-like “Chemblanket”
Broadband RealVideo -- download here or stream here
This is one of the heaviest blanketing of the sky that I recorded on video. It is still hard for me to believe that this is artificial, even though formations similar to this formed from jet “contrails” in front of my very eyes on many occasions.
No. 5: Solid Samples Collected After a Light Rainfall.
Broadband RealVideo -- download here or stream here
Several of my neighbours complained that they had never seen their cars so dirty after a rainfall. Many people were out washing their cars that day.
What can Citizens do?
Citizens who want to live in a democracy must be active and vigilant: they must be active to keep it working. This means questioning everything the government does with the people’s tax money. This is called: ACCOUNTABILITY.
To trust wholly the government is to be naïve and totally ignorant of history. Therefore, it is important that citizens who love freedom and democracy keep informed and that they inform others. People have a right to know if the government acts in their interests or if it works totally for corporate interests. If the public health and safety is being in any way compromised in the name of the loosely used and abused notions of "national security" or "economic growth", citizens have a moral right and a moral duty to demand honest answers. If these answers are not forthcoming, then citizens must organize to defend their rights to health and safety and to defend the health and safety of future generations.
Some suggestions of what individual citizens can do…
- Look at the skies (night and day) and document all sightings of chemtrails (video and pictures). Send your observations to an email list (Chemtrails Over Canada or Chemtrail Tracking USA) and to the Ministry of the Environment and confront the elected officials in your localities to demand honest answers.
- Document any health problems. Inform the family doctor of anything unusual concerning your health.
- Inform others. Ask them to document sightings and heath problems as well.
- Contact your local “experts” on pollution. Have them do the sampling and testing.
- Gather your own samples of dust, fibers and water. Have them tested at the University. Demand also that the government does the testing of your samples and demand that they divulge these tests to the public. If you’re not satisfied demand that independent labs do the testing.
- Join your local environmental group and organize conferences and information sessions. Keep in touch with activist groups doing the same research into pollution and into chemtrails. Contact Green Peace and ask them what they are doing about chemtrails.
- Contact the local district labour councils and get them involved.
- Get the churches and church groups to do their share for the environment.
- Boycott corporations who fund the chemtrail operations. Bad P.R. will cost them.
- Be skeptical of the corporate media’s coverage of chemtrails.
- Ask many questions of scientists who may be working for the state or for corporations.
- Ask many questions of government officials who will try to convince you with their “trust us” line into being vaccinated. Do your own research. Defend your rights to refuse anything that may affect you health in the long term. Demand the right to breathe fresh air and enjoy blue skies.
- Above all stay optimistic: people power will prevail.
Links to further reading:
Information on Natural Cloud Cover:
Global Warming:,3604,355070,
Contrails Mystify, Sicken AmericansThe truth about those strange chemical trails in the sky
Against Chemtrail Theories:
Further Reading on General Motors and the History of Corporate America:
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