another West Papuan leader murdered.
Ruairi | 25.06.2002 15:52
peaceful leader poisioned in own home
The 'International community' continue to look the other way. They appeared to learned nothing from East Timor or simply choose to sit by and ignore. This includes our Minister for Foreign Affairs. can make a HUGE difference to the future of this forgotten country.
peaceful leader poisioned in own home
The 'International community' continue to look the other way. They appeared to learned nothing from East Timor or simply choose to sit by and ignore. This includes our Minister for Foreign Affairs. can make a HUGE difference to the future of this forgotten country.
A photo of Yafeth Yelemaken, Panel Member, Wamena, and Director Executive, Society for Highlands Survival, who died in agony at home on June 23 is at - taken at his home. It is widely suspected Yafeth was poisoned by Indonesian military personnel.
Note: Yafeth Yelemaken warned West Papua Action in February 25 2002 about the "Indonesia army strategy to kill 1000 people - Panel and Presidium West Papuan Members, April - May 2002."
Yafeth is the second respected non-violent leader to have been killed recently. Presidium Chairperson Theys Eluay was assassinated in November.
Please cut and paste this short message now to the Minister for Foreign Affairs:
Dear Mr.
I am very concerned at reports from West Papua, where Indonesian military activity is increasing.
Please work with your EU colleagues to call on the Indonesian government to invite the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mrs Mary Robinson, to visit West Papua to investigate the killing of Yafeth Yelmaken, poisoned at home on June 23, and the assassination of West Papuan leader Theys Eluay last November, both of whom were non-violent leaders, and to investigate on-going human rights abuses in West Papua.
Yours sincerely,

Note: Yafeth Yelemaken warned West Papua Action in February 25 2002 about the "Indonesia army strategy to kill 1000 people - Panel and Presidium West Papuan Members, April - May 2002."
Yafeth is the second respected non-violent leader to have been killed recently. Presidium Chairperson Theys Eluay was assassinated in November.
Please cut and paste this short message now to the Minister for Foreign Affairs:
Dear Mr.
I am very concerned at reports from West Papua, where Indonesian military activity is increasing.
Please work with your EU colleagues to call on the Indonesian government to invite the High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mrs Mary Robinson, to visit West Papua to investigate the killing of Yafeth Yelmaken, poisoned at home on June 23, and the assassination of West Papuan leader Theys Eluay last November, both of whom were non-violent leaders, and to investigate on-going human rights abuses in West Papua.
Yours sincerely,