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roisin watson | 25.06.2002 15:34

tour of the north erupes in violence, catholic and protestant pensioners on Duncairn Gardens caught in the middle of baying loyalist mob.

Friday, catholic and protestant pensioners barricaded themselves in their homes as the tour of the north parade turned into Duncairn Gardens, as pensioners settled down to watch Big brother, cries and shouts of "kick the door in" rang out, from the engulfing tide of commotion outside. The peelers/PSNI had conveniently forgotten to put up a steel sheild on top of an exposed garage, allowing New lodge wee kids to stone the loyalist parade, peelers had put up steel shields at the bottom of Duncairn gardens,at the gates of Lepper st and at the top of Duncairn gardens but had neglected to shield out a gap above a garage between Neeson's shop. All hell then broke loose as loyalist marchers and new lodge wee kids exchanged missiles. Loyalists were on the brink of bootin down the doors of pensioners homes to get at the ones from New lodge, when the peelers arrived and instead of escourtin the loyalist crowd into Hallidays road, just pushed the loyalist marchers on up Duncairn gardens, Loyalist fury by now was at boiling point having been exposed then denied excess to the crowds from New lodge, a loyalist mob then proceeded to kick in pensioners doors further up Duncairn Gardens, unchanllenged by the conveniently too little, too late PSNI peelers. A policeman insider told me he had been told by his RUC/PSNI colleagues not to go near Duncairn Gardens as trouble was about to 'kick off'. Now if the PSNI knew trouble was brewing they should have escourted the contentious tour of the north parade up Duncairn gardens to Hallidays road, as they usually always do every year, RUC/PSNI peelers always flank both sides of the parade as it moves up Duncairn gardens, but this year for some STRANGE reason RUC/PSNI decided to let the parade make its own way up Duncairn gardens and allow all hell to break loose, and give the loyalist marchers a free reign to run amok. Angry pensioners and residents of Duncairn gardens are now putting in a written complaint about the terrorising policing fiasco to peeler chiefs.

roisin watson


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i know its not the point, but

25.06.2002 16:49

why were the pensioners watching so-called Big Brother ?


what else would pensioners be doing

25.06.2002 22:31

becos thats what most ordinary unassuming pensioners were watching on friday, big brother eviction night, i know its hard for yous to apprehend the fact that ordinary working class old folks watch big brother but they do, cos they were hoping that pouting poncing middleclassmodelbodysnob alex would get his preening arse kicked out of big brother, what do you want pensioners to do, wait outside their front doors to be kicked up and down duncairn gardens by orange boys, come on now, most pensioners have enuf common sense not to be interested in orange parades, apart from your rich oul lads/binky old boy sargent major types. think pensioners, think zimmer frames, hearing aids and heart attacks. A catholic pensioner was actually beaten with a meat cleaver and golf clubs after the orange parade, another Duncairn gardens pensioner had to be hospitalised after suffering a heart attack during the ensuing riots, another protestant pensioner who has cancer had all her windows put in last month, by rampaging UFF thugs, is this fair, how would they like it, if it were their grannies or grandas, cowering in their houses, the most vunerable people in our society are being left to fend off burly UFF thugs by themselves, because of the indifference, incompetence and negligence of peelers.
