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Global Labour Standards?

vngelis | 25.06.2002 12:53

Immigration & Standards?

Can we Have Global Standards?

One of the main argument of the globalists is that workers are the same everywhere. A docker in Liverpool is the same as a Docker in Bombay. In crude class terms this may be the case as they are both exploited by their bosses. But in many other terms they aren't the same.

For a start the docker in Liverpool (if they are any left!!) will be using more modern machinery, will most certainly have been to school in his teens, if disabled at work will get some type of assistance from the state. Globalists currently argue in the press, on the tv,
in 'left' groups that workers are the same everywhere. We have arrived wilfully at a capitalist nirvana where we are told there are no differences hence workers can do any job any place anywhere, as if we are drinking Coke in an advert.

Language, culture, history, tradition are all to bow under the tank of globalisation. If there is a 'shortage' here or a shortage there fill the gap, like plaster on the wall. Everyone knows there are mor than 1billion unemployed, millions dying of hunger and wars every year, what a wonderful world this would be if we had more globalisation instead of less.

Blairism which is an advanced form of political decline sees the 'saviour' of the public services in sub-contracting to individual bosses with work teams working on fixed targets. He who meets the target gets his/her contract renewed he who doesn't wont. The aim isn't the 'stabilisation' of decline, but its generalisation. Its as if the centre has one aim in mind. How to destabilise and already destabilising situation, by playing with peoples lives. As managers have become modern day footballers on permanent transferes a manager
of one post can be a manager of another post - transferability of skills is the key. SO a manager of burger chaing can now manage the train service its all the same.

The same policy is now being extended into all major occupations. A carpet fitter from Bombay will be equivalent to a carpet fitter in the UK. A doctor from Sierra Leone equal to a doctor in the NHS. the globalisation of labour implies by its very nature the globalisation of standards, one size fits all approach from every skill to every
occupation. If they can get the job done why bother questioning

Just as the 'left' has acecpted the transferability of management they are now willing to accept the transferability of workers. But this in short as has happened on Railtrack is a recipe for disaster.
Railtrack style disasters are proceeding apace in the NHS, Schools, Universities etc. Blairs reforms aim to copy the US on everything.
