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G8 protests: links, posters, pamphlets, articles

Dru | 24.06.2002 23:31

Learn more about the G8; spread the word with posters and pamphlets.

Posters and Pamphlets
Print and distribute freely.

G8 and Trade (11x17" poster, 200k pdf)
A big poster which illustrates and describes the relationship between the G8, the IMF/World Bank and WTO, and how they affect the global south.

Globalization Reading List (1/2 page leaflet, 150k pdf)
Excerpts from articles by Paul Hawken, Arundhati Roy, and Noam Chomsky which expose some of the problems with "globalization".

G8 Pamphlet (118k, pdf)
This pamphlet from the Alberta Council for Global Cooperation (site) covers a broad range of important issues surrounding the G8. A good intro.

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More on Structural Adjustment Programmes

25.06.2002 03:22

Look at the link below for more on Bretton Woods Institutions(IMF/World Bank) and their Structural Adjustment Programmes. Take special note of the final paragraph on their section entitled "What's Wrong with SAPs?" for a chilling take on the misogynist tendencies of these policies. These Bretton Woods people are one collection of sick puppies.

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