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Left Right Left Right......

dh | 24.06.2002 20:59

The US radical right is drawn towards the anarchist left by common cause. To embrace or snub. Down with wingism. There's too much at stake as the secret government's plans for us all get more and more in our face



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24.06.2002 21:12

Nazi's posting on IMC-UK again... :(


left right distractions

24.06.2002 21:26

look into it .....

e i e i o

e i e i o

24.06.2002 21:41

could that be as in 'yellowman is a reggae ambassador, e i e i o' or is it more old macdonald? Hardly nazi.


not left or right, but anti-capitalist...

24.06.2002 22:11

The people who say that "wingism" does not matter seem
to be, in the main, right-wingers who want to get
people to listen to them. In the 1920s and 1930s, the
French fascists used to argue that they were neither
left-wing nor right-wing, for example.

Ultimately, anarchism is anti-capitalist and anti-hierarchy.
the right-"libertarians" are for both. There are no similarities
between anarchism and right-wing "libertarianism" and its
doubtful any sort of common ground could be found.

Personally, I find the extreme free market capitalism urged
by the libertarian right to be just as much a threat to
individual liberty and social equality as that urged by
the mainstream parties and neo-liberalism. The fact that
the neo-liberals appropriate right-"libertarian" rhetoric
says it all...

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Political ideology is in dissolution

25.06.2002 15:09

As a commentator above says, fascism either played with socialistic ideology (many groups having ex-leftists in their leaderships, using the word 'social', flirting with red flags and shirts, etc etc.) or tried to 'transcend' politics, disolving parties altogether, and crying 'neither left or right'.
beware. many communist parties tried signing pacts with the fascists (the USSR- Germany one of 1939 being only the most notorious), and the result was always a debacle for the left.

R D Rewsder (Nom de plume)