Fear of oppression common in the U.S.
DIRK | 24.06.2002 19:21
To question the wars of the U.S. means to be beat down, black listed and dismissed from your job or removed from school and having your property seized and being imprisoned you should know big brother is watching and acting on what they see
but this is the time to step up our opposition against these dictators that have taken over our country. With tens of millions of Americans caught up in the massive prison industrial complex the citizens of the U.S. know what it is like to live in fear of their government that’s out of their control we must turn our fear into anger and our anger into action for positive change. The implications of what is going down on the ground in the U.S. has major global impact so people of the world must unite and help Americans fight against the fascism that is growing in the U.S. Considering that the insane rulers of this dictatorship have control of tens of thousands of nuclear weapons and plan on using them soon to depopulate the regions of the world on their target list for seizure they plan to kill all who stand in the way of their bloody plans of this evil empire
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where are the centers for action?
24.06.2002 20:39
The "powers that are" fight the ACLU - American Civil Liberties Union to ineffectiveness on most very important cases. They are one of our strongest protectors who just won a US Supreme court case for Retarded persons to NOT be "killed" by the government.
You're right! Thomas Jefferson's spirit must organize from the grass roots and "take our country back to its rightfull owners, "We the People!"
How many of us are there? Where are the central locations for information to flow to and out of?
Post an email address to come together. I'll be back dirk.
Unscientific and nothing new
24.06.2002 23:21
Proletarian revolution and international socialism are necessary to fight capitalism, then fascism will become a serious problem as the bourgeoisie increasingly fears the organised, revolutionary workers, and then it will be the organised revolutionary workers under the banner of international socialist revolution who will crush fascism along with capitalism. Of course, workers must organise to crush the elements of fascism which do exist now, but this must be part of the struggle for workers' revolution, not merely the destruction of fascism for the sake of the destruction of fascism.
Antid Oto