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U.S. threatens to pull out of U.N.

Jack Stan | 23.06.2002 10:22

NEW YORK-- Washington will pull out United Nations unless Americans are given immunity from prosecution by the world's first permanent war crimes tribunal.

Most countries back the new International Criminal Court (ICC), scheduled to begin its work July 1, but the Bush has pulled U.S. endorsement of the ICC – arguing its citizens may face prosecution. American diplomats have presented the UN Security Council with a draft resolution demanding guaranteed immunity at the ICC. Critics say Washington is trying to set its self above the law in the new International Criminal Court. 'Inexcusable and indefensible' "I think the United States government has really reached a low point in regard to human rights as an aspect of its foreign policy," said Richard Dicker, director of the international justice program at Human Rights Watch. "To be trying to broaden or extend the scope for impunity if people commit these crimes, it's inexcusable and indefensible." UN Secretary General Kofi Annan has called on Washington not to abandon U.N. He said the new court will prosecute suspects only if their own governments fail to take action. But Washington insists on immunity for Americans, and it refused to back down during a debate Friday. Maybe the U.N. should make a clean break from the rogue U.S. fascists and move the U.N. to the Netherlands or somewhere else in Europe. The world should prepare for the inevitable action that will be needed to protect the world from the American fascists.

Jack Stan


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23.06.2002 11:57



U.S. rules the worrrld

23.06.2002 18:15

You clearly don't realize our purposes in supporting the UN. That is to say, you honestly believe that the UN is an altrustic device, and hence, you're confused. You probably also believe that WTO is designed to facilitate "free" and equitable trade (when, in fact, "WTO" stands for "We're Taking Over"). You likely also believe that the Population Fund is altrusitic (when, instead, it's a device by which to use eugenic policies to depopulate regions like Africa, which have little value in a "Global Economy" construct).

Some facts: USA/CA/AUS/EU have collaborated to corporately colonialize the remaining nations on Earth. UN is merely a device (like many others) to affect and enforce policies that USA, as a nation state, cannot. All the altrustic bullshit UN churns out is exactly that; we control it, and if it doesn't do precisely as we wish, we simply ignore it (generally) or, more frequently, drain any power its resolutions have.

Here's the world in ten years: a European coaltion of nations with a common defense, ringed by a comon missile defense, against which no nation will effectively have the capability to wage war. That coalition will dictate to the remaining nations EVERYTHING. Furthermore, that coalition will gradually close its borders. That's where we're going. Go to and and take a close look at those maps (and projected maps that anticipate the future structures of those orgs). What you'll see there is an empire populated (on the mean) by 97% Europeans [when taken as a whole].

Welcome to the Thousand-Year Reich. And whilst the underclasses throw rocks and bottles (or even use low-grade automatic weapons), the Reich's coaltion will be armed with space-based weapons (in, say, 25 years). Game over. By and by, that coalition will strangle the Third World, unchecked, and mercilessly. And this will come to pass, over this or that UN programme's objections.

As an American, I see nothing wrong with this, either. Idealistic, confused ideas about equality aside, Earth has only so many resources. Either our children drink the blood of others or, those others will drink ours. Welcome to reality; how many children have to die to fill an American gas tank? Or, maybe a better question is this: does it matter? For more than 50 years, CIA (and related agencies) have worked tirelessly to ensure that you have an edge. They've lied, stolen, cheated, and killed for it. And if you feel bad about that, you should move to one of those Third World nations and join the wretched who live therein. Your children won't thank you for it, though.

Oh, idealism is wonderful, until the oil runs out, and you can't get basic goods because trucks that once delivered them to your local town can no longer roll. Okay, until your supermarket shelves are empty. At that point, you'll be asking yourself "Why doesn't the CIA overthow whomever it needs to."

The problem with idealists is that they think as proletariats and not as rulers. For one moment, imagine yourself USA's head honcho. What steps would you take (what limits would you go to) to ensure USA primacy? Trade barriers? Spying to ensure that we snag contracts from foreign competitors? Murder? If your answer to any of the three aforementioned question is "no," you're not qualified for the job. And it's not a question of Republican or Democrat or Right or Left, for, when it comes to such questions (and economic realities), wings and philsophies are bullshit. Maciavelli and Hobbes were only restating tenets that have existed in statecraft and governance since city states first arose (and maybe a lot earlier than that).

Think as a ruler and not as a subject. The world looks different from that vantage point, I assure you.


sad hammertime

23.06.2002 20:26

Do you seriously believe that the USA can plunder the rest of the world for the last remaining oil reserves and expect to survive?
think again.
Sooner or later, we'll but up against Europe, China, or Russia once again, and expect nothing less than millions of american deaths. Sure we'll probably drop nukes on other nuclear enemies, but what do you think they'll do.
The damage inflicted will be more than enough to fracture America as any sort of reality. Look at what a bee sting like 9-11 did.
America, despite its massive military, is still extremely fragile. We are dependent on all of the countries that you believe we can somehow control indefinitely.
Well you're wrong, once the real shortages hit, things will crumble. We'll drink each others blood(whatever the hell that means, why did you say that anyway?)
Its sad to see that the depletion model will eventually be taken up by republicans to somehow justify their actions.
Not to say that they don't do it already, but trust me, Americans will willingly go along, and no doubt pay for their stupidity.

wu tang


24.06.2002 08:34

hammertime, first of all there is nothing idealist about stating that a life is a life whether American, Somalian, Afghani.....nation states & national interest do not have to exist and have not always existed, so to suggest that national interest is some kind of unalienable law is pretty dumb. Where do u draw the line around whose interest you are working for? why nation? why not village, city, state, or better still planet?......
Yes there are only so many resources to go around, but there is plenty for everyone to live happy lives....if you're overdependent on oil, then sort your life out, cos there's only so much oil to go round and the oil we do use is destroying our habitat.....
i don't have much money, don't use much oil, but live a contented life... so what is there in redisrtibution & global equality to make you scared? ......


One Way to keep U.S. in Check

24.06.2002 15:38

The rest of us have got to stop giving those bloodsucking Yanks our money! Stop going to McDonalds, using AT&T, and driving bloody GM and Ford SUVs that guzzle gallons of petrol bought from Exxon/Mobil stations! The oil is going to run out anyway-so why not dump that SUV now and take the tube or ride a bike?