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trouble starts in seville

mannie FROM espANA | 22.06.2002 21:41


a massive peaceful demo has just changed moods due to the poresenc of blac bloc parasites, (when will they grow up?)

police are attacking protesters on bridge, Oh Dear!

latest news on the minute

mannie FROM espANA


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um well

22.06.2002 22:48

give more info. who, where? black bloc's a tactic not a group. it's got nothing to do with parasites. it can be used well or used bad. if you're going to write a report make it worth reading


Defend Anarchists against state repression!

23.06.2002 00:09

The so called 'left' are happy to betray the Black Block (tactics and/or organisation) to the state and to throw them off demos when they appear; this happened in Genoa and continues, with the respectable 'left' labourite social democrats, ostensibly 'revolutionary' organisations, denouncing and smearing an organisation which takes a far better stance on the bourgeois state than they do. I am a Marxist, but I know full well that the Black Block want to destroy capitalism and that the fake left such as the SWP are lackeys of their own bourgeoisies.

Anarchists may not have a class or dialectical perspective on how the state can and must be overthrown and destroyed, but fundamentally they recognise it as what needs to be destroyed and they are willing to fight it, unlike those organisations such as the SWP and their front groups such as Globalise Resistance who call themselves the heirs of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Trotsky.

Defend the Black Block! Fight persecution and vile betrayal of Anarchists to state agents and cops!

Antid Oto

Fuck you parasite!!

23.06.2002 01:47

How dare you call black bloc parasites!! One of the
groups organising the seville demonstration is an
anarchist co-ordination group that comprises of militants involved in the BB. If you wanna call anyone
parasites then have a look at the "left" and the trade unions!!


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get serious

23.06.2002 04:56

Did not the Autonomist YA BASTA forcibly evict black blockers from their march in Genova?
And is there not a difference between the legitimate self defence of protesters where necessary, and those who fetishise petty violence as the 'essence' of revolutionary struggle?
And doesn't a general strike bring us closer to smashing capitalism than just smashing a few shop windows?
I have no idea whats the situation currently is on the streets of Sevile, so I can't comment on that. But those who are ideologically wedded to the black bloc tactic need to answer some serious questions about revolutionary strategy.

friend of Durruti