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A drug lord and his fashionable tennis shoes (photo by Latuff)

Latuff | 22.06.2002 03:15

One of the Brazil’s top drug lords Fernandinho Beira-Mar, as he is known from his days as the kingpin of Rio de Janeiro’s shantytown drug trade, is seen in this picture I shot inside court building few weeks ago, wearing Ferrari tennis shoes, available in shoe shops for 500 reais (about US$ 130).

A drug lord and his fashionable tennis shoes (photo by Latuff)
A drug lord and his fashionable tennis shoes (photo by Latuff)

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Wanna sell the rights?

22.06.2002 07:41

Wanna sell the rights to that picture? Since not many people outside the region know this man is a 'bad guy' you have a great photo of some fashionalble looking man wearing Fila shoes and surrounded by cops - a statement that Fila shoes make you a cool rebel.
And if people started talking about how Fila shouldn't influence 'da youth' by making an icon of the villain, well - all controversy is good controversy.



10.06.2004 18:07

I think this is absolutely horrible. I´m currently in Brazil and men like the one in this photo are responsible for the demise of this country. People are starving, dying, and living in fear every day in the favellas (slums) because of men like this. Anyone who would use someone like this to sell a product is sick.
