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you must see this: the Miners money grabbers get stuffed!

info-girl | 21.06.2002 16:46

Need a good laugh after the footie, fear not

need a good laugh after the footie, fear not:
Price Waterhouse Coopers who during the 1984 Miners Strike were responsible for sequestrating the miner unions fund at the bequest of Thatcher, unfortunately someone else has a similar one.



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oops, missed something out

21.06.2002 18:44

should have said

need a good laugh after the footie, fear not:
Price Waterhouse Coopers, the multi-national accountants who during the 1984 Miners Strike were responsible for sequestrating the miner unions fund at the bequest of Thatcher and who are implicated in the Enron affair,have just paid zillions to rebrand themselves as Mondays!(apparently it symbolises a fresh start) unfortunately someone else has a similar one before them,

