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Events unfolding in Sevilla 21/06

acrobat | 21.06.2002 12:11

here are short summaries of some events that have happened this morning 21/06 in Sevilla.

Crude translation of events - to see the original report in spanish, click on the link below:

Antimilitarist Puzzle
Seville, 13.30: In the San Salvador area people are creating an antimilitarist puzzle " with pieces " of cardboard. This work, of about 4 xs 3 meters, says” the military expenses for social uses schools, day-care centers, work and hospitals”. It has brought around 300 people. The atmosphere is calm and excessive police present is not apparent here.

Seville, 13.16: Several people have risen naked in the area of San Francisco. Each one takes a poster - with a letter covering to him the genitals, to from the phrase " Against the Europe of the Capital ".

13.15 - The Haine from Seville: At the moment, the participation in the actions is being low. The enlarged police presence is dissolving and harassing people in the streets who try to make protests or performances, and are being prevented from the development of the predicted activities.

Pasacalles against the external debt
Seville, 12.57: A gathering of 150-200 of people are arriving for "the abolition of the external debt " at the area of San Francisco, singing folk music.

Denunciation paraisos fiscal
Seville, 12.50: In the area of San Francisco, a group is doing a performance called "paraiso fiscal ". They are seated and they wash tickets with detergent and they put them to dry. In the activity 50 people are together.

Global Zoo
Seville, 12.45: Police presence and harassment has not allowed the action called “Global Zoo” to go to Hotel Alfonso XIII, where apparently several Chiefs of State are Staying. The people who have managed to congregate themselves momentarily have been ID-ed and expelled from the area, like all those that have approached the area.

Seville, 12.20: Police numbers are unfolding.

Seville, 12.15: Pasacalles denounces External Debt. 200 people participate, people is beginning to leave the New Seat. The police presence is little.

Seville, 10.30: " Construction of shanty town", (Campus of of Queen Mercedes). Little participation has been registered.



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  1. Police Harrassment — George's Bush