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Palestinian Freedom Fighters remove 7 zionists from Palestine permenantly

Zuess | 21.06.2002 07:06

JERUSALEM (Reuters) - Palestinian freedom fighters killed seven zionazis, in Palestine on Thursday. The brave, curagous freedom fighters burst past the zionazi occupation army and opened fire on the zionazi thieves killing 7.

zionazi occupiers now have lost 33 killed in three major attacks, this is the highest death toll during any three-day period during the 20-month-old Palestinian uprising against the zionazi occupation. In the latest attack, two Palestinian freedom fighters infiltrated the zionazi occupiers near the Palestinian city of Nablus and stormed the zionazis, spraying gunfire. "There are seven zionist killed, the zionist where shot down quick," a spokesman for the ambulance service said. An zionazi military source said soldiers rushed the house , but the attackers got away as a fire erupted inside. zionazis sat watching the house burn." "We are in the middle of a occupation, against women and children and old people," head zionazi ariel sharon told a meeting of zionazi leaders. "FREEDOM FIGHTERS" "We are facing a coalition of freedom fighters and they are kicking our fat asses" said sharon, who summoned zionazis commanders to complain. The brave, heroic Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) claimed responsibility for the attack, saying it was "a reaction to zionazi fence-building...and to challenge the repeated zionazi incursions into Palestinian." zionazis has begun building a 110-kilometer (70-mile) occupation fence in Palestine and has vowed to retake and hold some Palestinian land . Thursday's attack was very well exiecuted. OCCUPATION FREQUENT TARGET zionazi thieves have been frequent targets of freedom fighters since the start of their uprising against the zionist occupation in September 2000. Freedom fighting groups at the forefront of the Palestinian uprising said attacks would go on as long as zionazis are occuping Palestine. Troops entered the palestinian city of Bethlehem, the adjacent Deheisheh refugee camp, and the village of Betounia outside Ramallah early on Thursday, and Tulkarm later in the day. ZIONAZI TROOPS IN PALESTINE They have been in the northern Palestinian cities of Jenin and Qalqiliya since to long. At least 1,404 Palestinians and 547+7 zionazis have been killed since the Palestinian revolt began in September 2000. "The president Select also expressed his determination to pursue peace and to provide for killing money for zionazis.



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What tosh!

21.06.2002 07:36

"Palestinian gunmen kill five Israelis, including three children, in a settlement near Nablus before both being shot dead by troops."
I do not agree with illegal Israeli settlements on Palestinian land, nor do I agree with the wholsesale slaughter of families. I know the Israeli soldiers have little regard for the lives of Palestinians, and the settlers are often racist and inflammatory, but infanticide is infanticide. The rubbish above is just as bad as any of the pro-Israeli tripe posted on this site.

Jim Bob


21.06.2002 08:42

to call the settlers Israelis is part of the problem, mainstream media keeps refering to the occupiers as israelis. This helps only to create an image of citizenship of israel in the minds of the reader.

The deaths of the occupiers would have been averted if they where not present on occupied land, but they certainly do not deserve to be murded. The people of palestine have no faith in the international community, they see UN resolutions passed against israel, but instead of being punished, the israelis are rewarded with better tools to destroy what remains of the palestine.

The people whom occupy should not be called israelis or settlers under any circumstances. Perhaps Jewish palestinians would be a better description, they choose to live in palestine.

fat tony

what come around goes around

21.06.2002 08:49

what come around goes around
what come around goes around

this is what happens when democracy is denied the people
the zionist should never been alowed to impose their ilegi tamate rule over the people this is one of many events of this kind that led to 911 we will all pay the price for allowing these crimes

carmathis is what happens when democracy is

By any means Necessary

21.06.2002 08:51

The settlers are a bunch of right wing, racist, religious fundamentalist freaks who enjoy killing Palestinians. Zionazis is a brilliant label for them. Alot of these fuckers are more pro-Zionist then any other Israeli citizen and alot of them cant even speak Hebrew. Its is sad when families get terrorised, especially when its children however I do not shed any tears for the settlers as they have to own up to their crimes.

Mr Gimp

Hatred against hatred?

21.06.2002 09:08

Hatred against hatred?
Hatred against hatred?

This article is a brilliant example of the dynamics set into motion by the violence used by both sides. Although clearly Israel is the occupying force - and that's a simple fact - there cannot be any justification for the killing of Israelis by Palestinians - especially not for this kind of suicide bombings.
It is understandable that many Palestinians don't see any other way out, but at the same time this form of resistance fuels the cycle of violence and doesn't lead anywhere... at least not to independence (which I certainly wouldn't call "freedom" or "liberation" anyway - a state is a state, and a Palestinian state will be as oppressive as any other state - the existing Palestinian Authority already is not exactly a good example as far as human rights are concerned).
It is encouraging that there are more and more groups within Israel who oppose the occupation, and who refuse to be part of it. More than 1,000 reservists signed the "Courage to Refuse" letter so far, and more than 100 went to prison since the beginning of the second intifadah. The kind of hate speach in this article makes it more difficult for Israelis and Palestinian to link up, and to find a solution inspite of Sharon, and also inspite of Palestinian hardliners.

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