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Free Speech issues continue

1st_Ammendment. | 20.06.2002 14:04


Sacked BNP member- latest

Media coverage continues regarding the controversial decision by the management of DIY chain B&Q to sack Mr. Kevin Scott from his position at the Sunderland store.

The sacking was directly as a result of his standing as a BNP candidate in the May 2002 council elections. His sacking represents a dangerous escalation in the war against political correctness.

Some aspects of the British media have been very fair in this matter and Kevin has been given the opportunity to voice his concerns in the local papers and on Tyne Tees television. Nationally, Kevin and the party have been given a fair crack of the whip by BBC Radio Four. You can hear Kevins' recent interviews with "The World Tonight" and "Today" together with an internal piece by clicking the link below.

It goes without saying that Kevin has the full support of the BNP in this matter and those wishing to send support should use the following contact details. Please realise that this isn't just a BNP matter, it has fundamental implications for all of us who cherish free speech - left, right and centre.

Kevin Scott
PO Box 25
Tel 07812 958141



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Regardless of his politics,

20.06.2002 16:43

Mr. Scott rights must be defended!!

Surely this should not be about leftist crowing and political resentment.


Free Speech.

20.06.2002 17:59

This is reflective of the sorry road we are travelling down. It wont be long before the only political opinion you are allowed to have is one that reflects the company that employs you. Makes you wonder who the fascists really are, the right wing or the politically correct 'do gooders' of the liberal elite.

Firing a person from their job because of political beleifs is something that needs to be fought on all fronts, by all people, regardless of politcal persuasion. Left and Right must surely see that this is an unacceptable interference in the freedom of choice, free will and speech of a companies workers by the company itself.

Totally unacceptable, illegal, and morally unjustifiable.

I urge all indymedia users to write to this company and demand they give this chap his job back, and boycott them in the meantime.

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Nazi scum

20.06.2002 20:13

I'm all for free speech but there's no way I can sympathise with this 'chap' who, as a BNP member, is a fascist.

If he has been sacked simply for standing for council then I'm sure he should be able to win his case in a tribunal. But I suspect, having regard for the general nature of these cloaked bully boot-boys, that there was more to the sacking than that (perhaps there were some non-white workers who he didn't see eye to eye with).

Even if he was sacked purely for being BNP, then I don't really blame his boss. I wouldn't want to be in the same building as a fucking nazi.

Nice to see Radio 4 gave him a 'fair crack of the whip'. Would they have done the same if he was an anarchist or communist?

Fight the increasing respectability of fascists. Answer back to these fascist posts, indymedia people.
I won't support a nazi - I despise them, whether they've been unfairly sacked or not. And why should I believe the BNP that this is the sole reason he's been given the boot, anyway? The BNP are a bunch of lying bastards who now pretend they don't and never have supported Hitler when history speaks for itself.

The BNP and the like are the enemy. Let's not unite with them on any issue, no matter how supposedly workers' rights it is. Don't engage with the bastards, just repel them.



20.06.2002 20:53

How would you lot like to get sacked because you're commies?

There are plenty of people, who quite justifyably, wouldn't want to be in the same building as a commie. Far more people died under them than under the Nazis, fact.

This isn't about politics, its about the right to express an opinion that the state disagrees with. If people want to hold views that the state think are extreme, then so be it, its their right. It's non negociable. It's a fundamental freedom.

I refuse to personally berate someone because of their politics, but it seems those on the left are the first to resort to childish personal abuse against people they disagree with.

Live and let live, if the BNP's ideas really ARE as bad as you claim (and I for one would differ on that), then they won't win elections.

It's an open market place of ideas, in a fair political system with a free media that didn't have an agenda the best ideas would win out. Unfortunately we do have a biased system and a controlled media, however we should at least be protecting things like freedom of speech! All of us should be.

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