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Police State

me | 19.06.2002 20:43

After attending the anti-G7 demos in Halifax, I will never look at the police the same way again.

Police State
Police State

Jun 19 '02

I am shocked at how many people have swallowed the lies and propaganda spewed forth by the corporate media about what happened at the protest. This poem is dedicated to the Halifax police, whose violent behaviour DRAMATICALLY eclipsed that of protestors:


With clubs and shields and tear gas,
The pigs are out to thomp some ass.
Carrying out their brutal mandate,
They stifle our right to demonstrate.

Defending the rule of corporate snakes,
Their stun guns make our bodies shake.
Tossing aside professionalism,
They resort to pure fascism.

Though they?re savage and without remorse,
They deny they used excessive force.
To justify their violent acts,
The news distorts the bloody facts.

The truth is that they abused their power
To suppress dissent and make us cower.
Freedom they will not tolerate.
They are sworn to protect this police state.



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About Halifax

19.06.2002 22:13

for coverage of the G7 protests in Halifax, Canada.
