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The Homosexual Disease - Cause and Cure

ITP | 19.06.2002 01:43

ENGLISH SOCIETY HAS been going downhill for so long and in so many ways that it is a positive miracle that it still exists in however crude a form.

One form of degeneration that stands out in the last 30 years, and which is one of the most vicious attacks on Family and Society, is the rise of the homosexual plague that calls itself the "Gay Rights Movement". There have been, of course, homosexuals in all times and in places, but this does not mean that it is natural or acceptable in society, any more than the presence of drunkards or criminals in all times and places is an argument for accepting drunkenness or criminality in our country.

What makes the last 30 years so unusual is the fact that the number of homosexuals appears to have multiplied rapidly, and with this rise there has been associated a propaganda on their behalf in the mass media which has no precedent in history. In the beginning the media called for a halt to discrimination against homosexuals; once this was achieved in large part, they went one step further and demanded "tolerance". Once this in turn was achieved the campaign was started for equality in all respects - and this is where we are today. The pressure for homo-marriages, homo-foster parents, the giving over of children to be looked after by their homosexual 'parents' and all the rest of it growing day by day. And once this has been achieved - and it will be achieved because the very heart of our liberal society cannot bring itself to say "No!" to anything, no matter how perverse - how long will it be before the campaign starts to make homosexuality compulsory? Don't laugh! 40 years ago the present moral degeneracy was unthinkable; what will another 40 years bring? Of course, the growth of the homosexual lobby in our society has only been made possible by the fervent activities of interested groups.

The media is an obvious example, but how many know that the English masonic journal, New Age, back in the 1930s said that it was vital to the advance of Freemasonry to do everything possible to "encourage homosexuality"? The connections between British newspapers and masonic editors and journalists is too well documented to treat of here. Suffice to say that normal people have been bombarded ever since with the lie that homosexuality is simply "an alternative lifestyle", and one, it is implied, which is genetically determined. After all, who has not heard some homosexual or other on TV claim "I was born that way. It is not my fault; I didn't ask to be gay. I am only doing what comes naturally to me". Yet the overwhelming evidence of scientific research in this field is that homosexuality is purely environmental. Professors Byne and Parsons of Columbia University say: "There is no evidence at present to substantiate a biologic theory". And to them we may add respected scientists like Hubbard, Wald, Nicolosi, Bieber, Socarides and Van den Aardweg. These are not mere scientists - they are people who work actively in this field and who know exactly what is involved. Did you know that as a result of their research homosexuality can be treated? Bieber claims a conversion rate - ie a return to normal sexuality of between 30 - 50%; Socarides, President of the National Association for Research and Treatment of Homosexuality in the USA claims a reversal rate of nearly 50%; whilst Van den Aardweg says that since he began his novel form of therapy in 1968 he has had conversion rates in excess of 65%. Stunning stuff that blows the guts out of the liberal hogwash that is fed to us daily in the Press and on TV - so why don't we hear about the other side of the coin?

Or again, did you know that thousands of homosexuals quit the homosexual lifestyle and scene every year? Did you know that there are organised ex-homosexual groups devoted to trying to bring this Good News to the "gay community"? Courage and Exodus are only two of the organisations that are working to solve the homosexual problem in the only way that it can be solved, by understanding that it is an illness and dealing with it accordingly. Why are we forever hearing about the perverts of OutRage and Stonewall, who are ramming homosexuality and its evils down our throats, and hearing nothing about Courage and Exodus who are working patiently to cure the victims?

To ask the question is to answer it. As long as liberal society lives and breathes, we will be subjected to lies and evasions that inevitably bring ruin down upon our country and people. To smash liberal society is the finest thing that any healthy person can do for his country, his family and his children! So get active!

