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Chumbawamba release 'Her Majesty's a Pretty Nice Girl'

Chumbawamba | 18.06.2002 14:17

Check out Chumbawamba's release of the Beatles 'Her Majesty's a Pretty Nice Girl'.. :)

Chubawamba has released an 'alternative' version of The Beatles' 'Her Majesty's a Pretty Nice Girl'. Check it out. Very cool. :)

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I thought it was crap

18.06.2002 21:07

I thought it was crap

paul mccartney

Haven't we had this before?

18.06.2002 22:14

Excuse me, but am I the only one with a feeling of deja vu? I remember this release of Chumbawamba being on the newswire about 2 months ago. Anyway, I don't really think much to Chumbawamba's sound, a bit too poppy, too commercialied, too teeny-bopper for me.

If you all want to listen to some bands and artist which sound great and give out our kind of political message, then check out Billy Bragg, the Levellers, Rage Against the Machine, New Model Army, and Anti-Flag. Now they are REAL musicians!

Thomas J

Haven't we had this before?

18.06.2002 22:19

Excuse me, but am I the only one with a feeling of deja vu? I remember this release of Chumbawamba being on the newswire about 2 months ago. Anyway, I don't really think much to Chumbawamba's sound, a bit too poppy, too commercialied, too teeny-bopper for me.

If you all want to listen to some bands and artist which sound great and give out our kind of political message, then check out Billy Bragg, the Levellers, Rage Against the Machine, New Model Army, and Anti-Flag. Now they are REAL musicians!

Thomas J


18.06.2002 22:21

Didn't mean to send that twice!

Thomas J

I only meant to send that once

18.06.2002 22:26

Ok so I comitted the cardinal sin of repeated posting. I just didn't know if it had been uploaded or not, my browser didn't say. It was strictly unintentional and the Indymedia techies can go and remove the excess articles. Do think about what I said though.

Thomas J

Haven't we had this comment before?

19.06.2002 07:35

Am I the only one getting a sense of Deja Vu during the last postings of that comment?

Oh the irony :-)

David C