No Borders | 18.06.2002 09:00
On Tuesday 18th June, No Borders will be protesting outside the Daily Mail due to the paper's racist scapegoating of asylum seekers and other vulnerable minority groups. Don't just criticise the corporate media - come along and give them a hard time!
For years the right-wing tabloids have been promoting a "Fortress Europe" agenda by scapegoating ansylum seekers and other vulnerable minority groups. Words such as "scroungers", "spongers", "swamping" and "bogus" typecast refugees as petty criminals and con-artists. Strangely enough, the Daily Mail has never made the connection that two of its Thatcherite darlings from the late 1980's - Michael Howard and Michael Portillo - are both the sons of immigrants.
Immigration is good for Britain. With a rapidly ageing population, the UK needs immigrants to fill the jobs being created in the low-paid service sector. No-one is suggesting that uncontrolled immigration is the answer to Europe's problems. But the existence of fences and barbed wire across our continent is a clear indication of our future.
The Berlin Wall may have fallen, but new barriers have gone up in its place. Making racist comments about asylum seekers and locking them up in detention centres is not a solution. Europe's Far Right has lost the plot, kidding voters that "tough" solutions can be found to this problem. The truth is that without a co-ordinated and above all humane strategy, the refugees will keep on coming, and the race relations issue in our own country will continue to be exacerbated.
Today's picket has been called by No Borders and the West London Anarchist group.
The Daily Mail's offices are on Derry Street in Kensington. (Nearest tube: High Street Kensington.) Turn right once you leave the station and Derry Street is the first turn on the right.
Immigration is good for Britain. With a rapidly ageing population, the UK needs immigrants to fill the jobs being created in the low-paid service sector. No-one is suggesting that uncontrolled immigration is the answer to Europe's problems. But the existence of fences and barbed wire across our continent is a clear indication of our future.
The Berlin Wall may have fallen, but new barriers have gone up in its place. Making racist comments about asylum seekers and locking them up in detention centres is not a solution. Europe's Far Right has lost the plot, kidding voters that "tough" solutions can be found to this problem. The truth is that without a co-ordinated and above all humane strategy, the refugees will keep on coming, and the race relations issue in our own country will continue to be exacerbated.
Today's picket has been called by No Borders and the West London Anarchist group.
The Daily Mail's offices are on Derry Street in Kensington. (Nearest tube: High Street Kensington.) Turn right once you leave the station and Derry Street is the first turn on the right.
No Borders
Hide the following 7 comments
18.06.2002 09:04
No Borders
just a little query.....
18.06.2002 11:37
so what controls are u suggesting, and how does this fit in w/a group calling themselves no borders?
No Border, No Nation
18.06.2002 12:59
However, we should be looking at the broader issues. Why is it that there are no controls on the global flows of finance and capital, yet there are stringent controls on the flows of people? Why are the rich able to travel freely across the world, but economic migrants penalised and criminalised when they attempt to flee poverty?
These are not easy problems to come to grips with. But asking some basic questions about the way we live today is a great deal better than anything the Daily Mail has to offer!
Citizen X
18.06.2002 13:49
Do you feel under attack from a bunch of asylum seekers, fleeing the reality of globalisation and the threat of nuclear war? I don't and even if I did, refugees are still welcome here. They are being housed in old military barracks... Concentration Camps, and if it's OK for refugees, it'll be OK for you too, when the time comes.
New Labour
Can you pay to get in to the UK?
18.06.2002 13:54
Christopher Spence
18.06.2002 16:27
The only reason i can think of is that the UK might then be 'flooded' by immigrants...well so what?
are u saying that if people are born in england then they have a right to live free from poverty, overcrowding and war, whereas if they are born elsewhere they don't have such rights?
I don't see how any kind of border control could be anything but racist....
anyways i can't make it tonite as i don't live in london and don't have means to get there...but if i were there i would be doing so in favour of no borders, and free movement for everyone, not 'stop bashing illegals and give em better accomodation'....
How was it??
19.06.2002 10:58
How was the picket?
Any news?
daniel gurney