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Israel begins construction on Zion's Berlin Wall

W S DERFTY | 17.06.2002 16:23

Over the weekend, Israel began to put into place what it bizarrely describes as a fence, along the border with the west Bank.

Fences are not usually made of prefabricated concrete. rather like the term 'settlement', these euphemistic phrases are intended to hide the true nature of the thing itself. Ultimately, just as in Berlin, this wall is intended to divide a premier city, in this case Jerusalem. Just typical ! when you thought the Cold War was about over, along comes another one to take its place !

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Very funny

18.06.2002 12:32

It's amazing that the british say Israel is occupying PLO land, but when they get out give it back to the PLO Area "A" and then try and stop killers who target women and children you have the nerve to say it's immoral. So let's get this right one last time, you moan when there is Israeli control of Judea and Samaria, but when Israel gives it back to the PLO lets them set up goverment and launch terror using Israeli weapons that's okay. But when Israel builds a Wall to try and stop the terror and virtually create a PLO state for the future then that''s wrong to?

Try and explain

Ivan the Terrible

how redicilous can you get?

19.06.2002 10:18

after mor then one and a half years of teror and madness,the israelis want to stop the busses getting explode with people on it,cafes and restaurants and clubs and markets(choose what ever u like),the palastinians going against the one think they fought for:seperation of jerusalem.
and when they finally achiveing it,they complaining about it ,in avery hipocret way



19.06.2002 12:57

who the hell first introduced these tactics into the 'holy land' ? who 'did' the king david hotel in 1947, you insincere creeps

GH Ujikop