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Israel begins construction on Zion's Berlin Wall

W S DERFTY | 17.06.2002 16:23

Over the weekend, Israel began to put into place what it bizarrely describes as a fence, along the border with the west Bank.

Fences are not usually made of prefabricated concrete. rather like the term 'settlement', these euphemistic phrases are intended to hide the true nature of the thing itself. Ultimately, just as in Berlin, this wall is intended to divide a premier city, in this case Jerusalem. Just typical ! when you thought the Cold War was about over, along comes another one to take its place !

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Display the following 3 comments

  1. The wall is the fault of sucide bombers — steelgate
  2. More like apartheid every day — Auntie Beeb
  3. Bravo, Anti-Beeb !! — BlackPope