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"CIA told to get Saddam" - the war begins?

BBC Online | 17.06.2002 10:14

American politicians of both main parties have welcomed reports that President Bush has authorised the CIA to undertake covert operations in Iraq.
These would include attempts to try to capture Iraq President Saddam Hussein.

American politicians of both main parties have welcomed reports that President Bush has authorised the CIA to undertake covert operations in Iraq.
These would include attempts to try to capture Iraq President Saddam Hussein.

The revelations in the Washington Post newspaper were confirmed by senior Democrat Congressman Dick Gephardt, who said he had been briefed by the White House on the plans and he thought they were a good idea.

Saddam Hussein's Iraq is part of Bush's "axis of evil"

Whatever misgivings European leaders might have, there is no sense here that the President has overstepped the mark.

What the CIA has been given permission to do, according to the Washington Post, is pursue covert operations in Iraq using small teams of special forces soldiers working as they do in Afghanistan.

The teams would try to capture Saddam and would be allowed to kill him in self-defence.

The CIA apparently believe the action would be a preparation for a more conventional military attack but a CIA source is quoted by the paper as saying "hopes are high and we could get lucky".

Diplomatic fallout

The Washington Post said the presidential order was signed earlier this year.

The newspaper says the operations are seen by CIA insiders as preparations for a full-scale military attack.

These reports appear to confirm that President Bush is still serious about ousting Saddam Hussein.

It was reported earlier this year that the Pentagon was worried about the number of US troops that would be involved and was advising caution.

There is also some concern about the diplomatic fallout, particularly among America's European allies, most of whom would see any military action in Iraq as extremely unwise.

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Tit for Tat

17.06.2002 10:23

What if Mugabe, Castro or Gadaffi issued orders to their secret police to get Bush or Blair? Would that be legal? Acceptable? Or would the UK/US/Zionists bomb them to Kingdom Come?
