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ITP Statement on Pim Fortuyn

ITP | 15.06.2002 14:42

What the "far right" really thinks about so called nationalist Pim Fortuyn.

Pim Fortuyn was not a Nationalist. He was not a patriot. He was not a racialist. He was not even "extreme right wing" as the media love to call anyone who defends their land, culture and heritage.

Pim Fortuyn was a homosexual who promoted his homosexuality and the "rights" of homosexuals - even to the extent of talking about quite disgusting matters on TV.

Pim Fortuyn wasn't opposed to immigrants being in Holland, or of race-mixing. Rather he wanted assimilation of immigrants - something Nationalists are opposed to as it destroys ALL cultures. Indeed, Pim Fortuyn promoted the Yankee 'Coca-Cola McDonalds' anti-culture which so usually goes hand-in-hand with promotion of homosexuality and race-mixing.

Pim Fortuyn even stated that he was happy to have sex with Arab young men!

Pim Fortuyn's opposition to immigrants was primarily born from his hatred of Islam, because it dared to say that homosexuality is wrong. However, on commenting on Islam and mentioning immigration what the born-against reactionary - who was pro-Israel and pro-new World Order - ex-Marxist managed to do was let the anti-immigration genie out of the bottle.

Dutch people at last thought it was 'safe' to talk about immigration - a subject they had been terrorised and bribed into remaining silent about for 20 years or more.

The fact that a left-wing agitator found Fortuyn to be a threat and carried out an assassination speaks more about the fragility of Dutch society and the violence of the left when it is threatened in any way, than it does about the kind of society that Fortuyn envisaged: a homosexual tolerant, mixed-race, pro-Israel, pro-America reactionary symbiosis of the worst of the left and the worst of the right.

Perhaps now the media across Europe will call for an hysterical clamp-down on the "extreme left" just as it does after certain 'patriotic' forces make gains in elections...

One positive thing to come from Pim Fortuyn's assassination is that the Dutch media and politicians who went so far in their extremism as to call Pim Fortuyn a Nazi, a fascist, Hitler, Goebbels and more, will now have to think twice before labelling any genuine Nationalist any of these ridiculous and outmoded labels.

And maybe, with Pim Fortuyn dead, the Dutch people will continue to be able to question immigration in an open and honest way - without the old hysteria of a media which now has blood on its hands. In that atmosphere the possibility is there for a REAL Nationalist alternative that will campaign for the rights of Dutch people, Dutch families and Dutch FREEDOM!

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Hide the following 7 comments

No Platform!

15.06.2002 21:30

Why is this on here?


Agree with above

15.06.2002 22:18

Why the fuck are Nazi groups like the ITP allowed to post their bullshit on here?!

IMC is media for us; not for fascists or racists.
IMC recently is getting swamped by racist postings. I think that if the editorial collective can't cope with the influx, then more people should be given the site passwords so it can be cleaned up and become once more a useful resource for anyone interested in creating a better world.

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Fair comment, makes sense to me

15.06.2002 22:38

Fair comment, makes sense to me
Fair comment, makes sense to me

There is a lot of media-imposed hysteria floating around Europe these days - just the past couple of weeks in Germany have seen the completely over-the-top case of 'Moellemann versus Judenrat'. A surreal circus if I ever saw one!

It's high time for some holy cows (left and right!) to get dragged into the light of criticism and dissected for all to see. Therefore, I welcome your initative

Why was good ol' boy Pim such a media-darling? Well, it seems he ably fulfilled 2 prerequisites needed by all slimy get-ahead Euro-politicians these days:

1. He eagerly demonstrated his agility in bending over for a 'precision-bumming' from Yankee Imperialism/NATO.

2. He was a dogmatic supporter of Israel's 'right' to contravene and flaunt International Law.

Noticably, no politician or other public figure who effectively opposes either of the two above points could ever concievably be described as a media-darling, regardless of other qualities.

What does this tell us about political culture and the press in modern-day Europe?

Everything else about the man was just so much dressing.

Oh, and Jimmer, that was a pretty boring fart of a comment you made there - what does it mean?

But then your sort has a habit of just farting the place up and then buzzing off never to be heard from again



Hey, AntiFa RedNeck !!

15.06.2002 23:01

Hey, AntiFa RedNeck !!
Hey, AntiFa RedNeck !!

you pathetic little jumped-up Thought-Policeman ...

So you'd love to get your grubby, censorious paws into Indymedia's shorts then, would you? Well, no luck, chum!!

Who appointed you Lord Chief Determinator of Righteousness?!?

I know your sort - you are too lazy and/or stupid to think, and so don't have any opinion or argument to present, instead you must rely on censorship and bullying to smother intelligent dialogue which rubs against the grain of your oh-so-precious political dogma.

What opinion expressed on this page fills you so with fear and risible, righteous rage?

Please accept this light goading as an invitation to engage in dialogue.

Shalom, BP


What I object to...

16.06.2002 00:49

Is a hitler-supporting bunch of Nazis posting shit on this anti-racist, anti-fascist site seeking to make a better world.
Nazis have got their own sites (admittedly with far fewer readers than IMC), they should fuck off and use them.

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Try to answer my question, RedNeck Dummy !!

16.06.2002 11:04

>>What opinion expressed on this page fills you so with fear and risible, righteous rage?

Do you need me to spell it out for you? Or maybe a fax, huh, would that help?

While awaiting your reply, I'm going to just sit here chanting "Fuck-off, Nazi - Fuck-off, Nazi", too myself in a low moaning drone, until my brain turns to cheeze.

Hey, it worked for you!?!

Schalom, BP


islam is anti gay and anti women.....

16.06.2002 16:05

i could be wrong but from my experience Christianity is hardly hot on preaching gay rights and equality between the sexes, likewise homophobia is ingrained in most right wing newspapers, commentators i'm confused as to why Pim should have had a go at Islam for this....i'm sure there are many more non-moslem homophobes in holland & europe than there are moslem homophobes....
