teachers respond to indonesia appeal (www.nosweat.org.uk)
no sweat supporters in leeds nut | 14.06.2002 18:43
The appeal launched by Leeds NUT to help raise money for the
Indonesian Trade Union FNPBI has already raised £480 towards No Sweat's UK target of
Indonesian Trade Union FNPBI has already raised £480 towards No Sweat's UK target of
Letters to local branches only went out before the summer half term and we were not
expecting many replies just yet as trade union meeting cycles are notoriously sluggish.
Nevertheless in the first couple of weeks 6 branches have responded with sizeable
NUT branches in Leeds, Lancaster Morecambe and District, Leicestershire, City of Leicester and
Westminster have sent in money as well as Leeds UNISON and one individual donation.
We are optimistic that the final total will far exceed this early success.
Any NUT activist who wants more details of the appeal or copies of the appeal letter should contact Leeds
NUT at

More details of the appeal (not just for teachers or trade union members) can be found at

It's not just about the money, far from it. We want to make the working conditions in Nike's (etc.) factories known and the situation in Indonesia, and across the world, and to encourage people to campaign against them....
no sweat supporters in leeds nut