holidays in the sun
robber brides riot squad | 13.06.2002 21:49
girls are you bored wif yur boring pot bellied lazy oul fellas, dont you wish yur boring dull fellas would do something other than booze, slobber and make a dirty great slobby mess for you to clear up.
girls are you bored wif yur boring pot bellied lazy oul fellas, dont you wish yur boring dull fellas would do something other than booze, slobber and make a dirty great slobby mess for you to clear up. fed up being chained to the kitchen sink, and the supermarket trolley, is your life one daily neverending monotonous round of drudgery, do you seek solace and escape to the yorkgate bingo hall. if so ladies, help is on hand, forget yur dull boring oul fellas, and escape to colombia, where sun, bags of coke, guns and gorgeous FARC jungle fighters await us bored housewives. tell yur husband yur not coming home ever again, who could resist, sun, adventure, excitement, bags of coke, guns and gorgeous FARC guerillas, wat more cud a girl ask for.
robber brides riot squad