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Major picket at London Selfridges Friday 14th June

Campaign for Palestinian rights | 13.06.2002 19:24

There will be an action at Selfrdiges on Fri 14th June at 7 pm

Many groups are joining in to make protests at Selfridges stocking Israeli goods and illegal settlement goods. To join protests in the store meet at 6.30 pm at Marble Arch station, otherwise gather outside the main entrance to join the Rhythms of Resistance for a carnival of noise and protests at 7 pm.

Please have a look at the last protest by D.A.A.W.N (Direct Action Against War Now!) that brought so much commotion 2 weeks ago:

good luck and see you all there!

Campaign for Palestinian rights


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Palestinian plea to stop the actions

14.06.2002 10:11

These actions hit the palestinian poulation first as much of the Palestinian economy and income depends on the Israeli economy.
Palestinian workers who are employed by the Israeli companies will be the first to loose their jobs.
My family and other families will suffer.
Please stop the actions now!
these are not actions of support as they cuase serious damage to many palestinians.

Ahmed Shareef

Selfridges Security Scum

14.06.2002 22:35

Selfridges Security Scum
Selfridges Security Scum

Yep, everyone went in at 7 pm and got assaulted by the plain-clothed and uniformed security guards. Who needs cops when you've got a private army of thugs to protect your property?

One female protestor was blatantly assaulted in front of several onlookers. When two police officers arrived, they refused to investigate the matter on the grounds that the protestor constituted a "non-vulnerable victim". The officer's number was DM12, and he is a sergeant. There you have it - it's official - PROTESTORS HAVE NO HUMAN RIGHTS.

PS - This is for the Nazi guy who always writes in to say we're all left-wing scum and we should get a job etc etc - I BOOPED YOUR MOMMA LAST NIGHT AND SHE WAS A LOUSY LAY!!!!

Inspector Clouseau