Request to Indymedia
db | 13.06.2002 13:04
Would it be possible for the people running this site to trim off some of the superfluous tit-for-tat propaganda and insults that are being traded ion ever increasing numbers by various Palestinian and Israeli supporters.
Indymedia as a site is at its best when it's somewhere to get serious alternative news and views... But surely the point of is not to be a platform for nonsense like:
"Palestinians Hurt Animals" (refering to the ritual slaughter of a sheep)
"56 Ways You Can Help Israel" and there are equally foolish point scoring attempts from the Palestinian side.
Get rid of it, or make a special chat room where these sorry web warriors can trade their puerile insults away from the erst of us!!
Indymedia as a site is at its best when it's somewhere to get serious alternative news and views... But surely the point of is not to be a platform for nonsense like:
"Palestinians Hurt Animals" (refering to the ritual slaughter of a sheep)
"56 Ways You Can Help Israel" and there are equally foolish point scoring attempts from the Palestinian side.
Get rid of it, or make a special chat room where these sorry web warriors can trade their puerile insults away from the erst of us!!
Hide the following 9 comments
boring middle east infantile shite
13.06.2002 13:21
herr goebbles
Enough is enough.
13.06.2002 14:22
It is not unusual for zionists to take over sites, and when they move in people will naturally reply to their offensive lies and propaganda. Keeping control of postings is not censorship. There are plenty of other places to air those views - the mainstream right wing press for instance.
i say: each case on its own merits
13.06.2002 15:02
thx 1138
quite right
13.06.2002 21:36
there is no 'editor' on indymedia but you
14.06.2002 03:15
the only criteria for removal from the wire are these, snip from the editorial guidelines on :
-repeated posting
all of the above reasons except repeated posting are obviously always debatable... and the collective maintaining this wire has until now always tried to err on the side of not-removing.
if you take issue with specific articles please mail to the features list. this is the list where the people hang out who have the password to hide postings, and where middle column stories are proposed. it's a publicly archived list so you can check out how people go about things by reading the archive. YOU can be part of this mailing list. just engage and you'll get the password very soon when people see that your contributions are helping out. get yourself involved in the grinding daily maintenance of this site. the features list is on
Ignore them
14.06.2002 07:42
It's justy not possible, besides i think it works fine.
You ignore the shit and pick out the good articles, depending what your into. I normally find one or two good articles of a night. Which often lead to new websites and so on .
The israeli / palastine war is heavy shit, and the articles are often well out of order, as the Jews/ supporters of Israel control the 90% of the media, Indymedia should be a place for alternative views. But it seems that they are not
content with that and want to dominate IMC as well.
It doesn''t take long to pick up on who's who .
What ever happened to Danile Brett ? has he gone underground ? I was wondering if he had had half a Lobotomy and been reincarnated as JOSH, DOV or one of the other dodgy types lurking on IMC, I tend to ignore them anyway .
Hope your all in enjoying the Walt Disney world cup ..
Power to the people
14.06.2002 14:12
the heart of the problem
14.06.2002 14:39
Q> Werty
so what i mean to say is
14.06.2002 14:45
Q> Werty