Anarchist Group BACK TO THE STREETS | 13.06.2002 12:57
Article Published in ROUTE FOR FREEDOM issue No.3 - May 2002 - Monthly Anarchist Newspaper in Greece and Cyprus /

The TV Audience has decided!!!
or… they turned themselves from snitches to judges and psychologists…
Eugenics, Big Brothe(l) and *The BAR* [tv reality show in Greece, something like Big Brother)
*Questions get answered by those who are clever. Smart people succeed at challenges at which duller individuals fail. Astute planners move ahead*
(from Introduction in: IQ in Question: The truth about intelligence, Michael J.A.Howe, Sage Publications 1997).
*As many writers on intelligence have pointed out, people with low IQs do not thrive in the modern world. They tend to be poor, and unemployed or, working in poorly paid unskilled jobs. Compared with better educated men and women with higher IQs, they are more likely to get into trouble with the law. They may be inadequate parents and their marriages are prone to break down. We are informed that they often become addicts, dependent upon alcohol, cigarettes or other drugs. Their life-styles can be violent, dirty, and unhealthy […] The belief that we are threatened by a growing underclass is far from novel, but in recent times it has been reinforced by claims that intellectual differences have a firm biological basis* (from Preface in: IQ in question: The truth about intelligence, Michael J.A. Howe, Sage Publications 1997)
Even though someone could argue exactly the opposite of what the above writer is saying about the level of the participants in the TV-reality shows BAR and Big BROTHER, we will make some more general markings.
After the surface or pseudo- reactions of groups of authoritarians against the *phenomenon* like Bar-Big Brother, and while they seem to forget the matter, another matter doesn’t seem to simmer down and be forgot: the fact that such *phenomenon* are scouts for more intense brain-washing by the MEDIA generally and anyone that support them. Because they can’t hide the fact that MEDIA have reached the climax of their misery. And they cant’ hide that. That’s why they have to express publicly and testify their degradation and their frank depreciation of human habits, human needs. In other words, they don’t even keep a cool head. Maybe, because they feel so powerful…
One of the basic parameters of such reality-shows (together with the effort to addict people to camera, microphones, every way of control by security guards, psychologists and TV-straws) and generally of TV and MEDIA is the standards their managers promote and the effort to legislate and strengthen the construction of the *PUBLIC OPINION*. A fruit that is somehow or other constructed and artificial, just as artificial the gullop polls that were imported from AmeriKKKa in early 20th century are. Just as artificial the *public conscience* of their society, the *common citizen*, the TV-audience decisions, the common televiewing, the tv-polls etc. are. We will try to point out why we are against every effort of *public opinion* counting and every generalization regarding the *common citizen* or even the *public conscience* of a social group, movement etc.
The science of psychology continues to offer the state all the tools trying to understand and control the human behavior. The first issue here is whether some educated sub-humans have the right to put standards on our lives, to analyze and reach arbitrary conclusions that were used by the rulers to strengthen their oppression to human societies in any time and in any place.
Even if somebody could argue that a social stance of behavior could be measured by maximinization of the *specimens*, it’s hard to find a gullop poll in which the *specimen* exceeds 2000 people. It is easy to understand what kind of people those are and what’s their relationship with social struggles. As far as tv-polls are concerned, those numbers fall down to 700-800, so the fraud is obvious.
Not that we care for such numbers. We don’t believe in any scientific measurement of the spirit, the personality, the behavior of the humans, as each human being has a sole personality that constantly gets stimulus and can alter. Every such effort promotes the continuous control and monitoring of human behavior so that they will be able to understand future reactions. Furthermore today, that they are trying to construct artificial intelligence.
Without being interested in analyzing subjects that attendants of a high-level psychological convention would be interested in, we will take a look at an interesting …story.
In 1904 a French psychologist, Alfred Binet, was asked to conceive a device that could measure the spiritual differences between pupils of moderate ability (and what would that be?) and pupils with less than moderate ability! In other words, pupils for whom teachers decided they wouldn’t succeed in education tests. Why bother to persuade them to study when we can impose some special education on them (for example make them servants?).
This first, according to psychologists, attempt to measure human personality was done just for the enhancement of the educational process, which castrates, humiliates and undermines human personality since the ancient years.
This man, Binet, knew exactly what he was doing. He had tried unsuccessfully to measure the human spiritual abilities. He knew first-hand, a colleague of him, Francis Galton, cousin of Charles Darvin, had also failed. So he sat down (mostly his student Theodore Simon), published a test in 1905 which consisted of 30 little tests, simple ones such as question-answers, memory tests, comparing of lengths and weights, and harder ones such as completing phrases, putting a pattern from memory onto paper, creating rhymes. After that, every stuck up asshole scientist presented his/her own test. But what were the criteria? Every test had to conform to the previous ones!!!
All these were presented as the evolution of the scientific research. What research? That presented by the scientific gangs years and years so far, and on thousands of subjects. That research they reach conclusions from, take it back and construct it again in favor of their power. Especially the science of psychology –and, unfortunately, many others- plays an enormously insidious role in legislating regimes of psychological violence.
Those tests were intensified after Binet’s death in 1911 (the Stanford-Binet test), especially in the US. There, those tests were intensely applied, firstly onto juveniles and then to adults for the purpose of selecting personnel during the 1st World War. It was about that time that they set up IQ (Intelligence Quotient). So they set up IQ to come something like 50 to 150, and the average turning out to be around 100, according to the tests they themselves have determined!!!
Avant-garde psychologists like Lewis Terman were excited with the use of such tests to control society. Furthermore, this gentleman *discovered* the G factor, which is relevant to the spiritual abilities of a human. Another sample of scientific arrogance. We decide and command! We discover several wicked factors and we impose people not only to accept them, but also to study on them worldwide!!!
Another British military officer, Charles Spearman, was way out! He insisted that the spiritual abilities are a gift. He was a notorious psychologist and pure believer of Eugenics, already a member of EUGENICS SOCIETY!
*We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here* (Erich Koch, NaziReichskommissar in Ukraine).
J. Philippe Rushton, professor at West Ontario University, published a book in 1995: Race, Evolution and Behavior in which he argued that the success of the Nazi Army was due to the clarity of German’s genes, and that there are considerable differences of spiritual ability between people of different races. Another professor at the University of Edinburgh, Christopher Brand in his book: The g Factor (Wiley and Sons ed.), tries to prove that: *It is a scientific fact that black Americans are less intelligent than white Americans and the IQ of Asians is higher than blacks*.
Another one, Richard Lynn, professor at the University of Ulster, a fanatic of Eugenics, insists that *people who are poor or ill are weak specimens whose proliferation needs to be discouraged in the interests of the improvement of the genetic quality of the group*
*Both Rushton and Lynn have been extensively funded by an organization known as the Pioneer Fund, which was founded in 1916 with the support of Madison Grant … a supporter of the eugenics movement as well as a promoter of Nazi racial propaganda in America… The fund’s first president, Harry Laughlin… developed a programme that resulted in the forced sterilization of thousands of American people* (IQ in Question, p.67), whom those beasts considered as lower.
The members of this organization promote racist propaganda, publish scientific magazines that boost racial opinions in psychology. Though denounced by anthropologists all around the world, still they inspire hundreds, maybe thousands of scientific researchers all around the globe.
Even if some times plausible approaches are shown via gullop polls, researches etc. through the media as far as matters such as drugs, joblessness are concerned, those are appeared in order to present a *social* profile. It is a constant necessity for them. They could not show Bar and Big Brother all day! They could not support the daily deception of people this way.
But isn’t that the substance of politics?
The question whether something could be changed through the *inside* of the system and whether the hopes of some ambitious and well-meaning students to promote scientific research for the sake of society and humanity could be answered by the above writer, who cynically admits:
*…we students were solemnly informed (by their teachers!!) that the matter had been resolved by decreeing that intelligence is what intelligence tests measure* (the same, p.3-4)!!
And below he notes that few scientists dare argue the prescriptions of any crook experiment tester. Few are those that *documented the fact than on many occasions tests have been grossly misused, often in order to appear to legitimize unfair discrimination against minorities* (the same, p.12)
One might wonder who are those minorities in the present time we live (or *live*)? Who are those disturbing –as it seems for the scientists- social groups and pieces that do not *comply* or do not meet the standards? Maybe whoever do not spend their time into every kind of bars and clubs, do not like the certain way of having a good time, pseudo-companionship and lifestyle? Maybe whoever does not like to kiss ass, to bend their heads across the parasites of the economical, political, authoritarian elits, to cross over bodies in order to settle down? Maybe whoever doesn’t take dope?
It seems that all the physical and ethical accessaries of every Bar and Big Brother, and the armies of scientists trying to give cover and arguments to that scum, consider all those poor millions of people as useless relics that wouldn’t exist in an ideal –for them- evolution of society! Only P.R. managers and slaves would exist!
Isn’t this what exactly they timidly tried to say some months ago, when –excited- announced a big (!!!) gullop poll showing that the majority of the Greek youth want to be a barman or a model?
And you’re still wondering who are those who answered?
or… they turned themselves from snitches to judges and psychologists…
Eugenics, Big Brothe(l) and *The BAR* [tv reality show in Greece, something like Big Brother)
*Questions get answered by those who are clever. Smart people succeed at challenges at which duller individuals fail. Astute planners move ahead*
(from Introduction in: IQ in Question: The truth about intelligence, Michael J.A.Howe, Sage Publications 1997).
*As many writers on intelligence have pointed out, people with low IQs do not thrive in the modern world. They tend to be poor, and unemployed or, working in poorly paid unskilled jobs. Compared with better educated men and women with higher IQs, they are more likely to get into trouble with the law. They may be inadequate parents and their marriages are prone to break down. We are informed that they often become addicts, dependent upon alcohol, cigarettes or other drugs. Their life-styles can be violent, dirty, and unhealthy […] The belief that we are threatened by a growing underclass is far from novel, but in recent times it has been reinforced by claims that intellectual differences have a firm biological basis* (from Preface in: IQ in question: The truth about intelligence, Michael J.A. Howe, Sage Publications 1997)
Even though someone could argue exactly the opposite of what the above writer is saying about the level of the participants in the TV-reality shows BAR and Big BROTHER, we will make some more general markings.
After the surface or pseudo- reactions of groups of authoritarians against the *phenomenon* like Bar-Big Brother, and while they seem to forget the matter, another matter doesn’t seem to simmer down and be forgot: the fact that such *phenomenon* are scouts for more intense brain-washing by the MEDIA generally and anyone that support them. Because they can’t hide the fact that MEDIA have reached the climax of their misery. And they cant’ hide that. That’s why they have to express publicly and testify their degradation and their frank depreciation of human habits, human needs. In other words, they don’t even keep a cool head. Maybe, because they feel so powerful…
One of the basic parameters of such reality-shows (together with the effort to addict people to camera, microphones, every way of control by security guards, psychologists and TV-straws) and generally of TV and MEDIA is the standards their managers promote and the effort to legislate and strengthen the construction of the *PUBLIC OPINION*. A fruit that is somehow or other constructed and artificial, just as artificial the gullop polls that were imported from AmeriKKKa in early 20th century are. Just as artificial the *public conscience* of their society, the *common citizen*, the TV-audience decisions, the common televiewing, the tv-polls etc. are. We will try to point out why we are against every effort of *public opinion* counting and every generalization regarding the *common citizen* or even the *public conscience* of a social group, movement etc.
The science of psychology continues to offer the state all the tools trying to understand and control the human behavior. The first issue here is whether some educated sub-humans have the right to put standards on our lives, to analyze and reach arbitrary conclusions that were used by the rulers to strengthen their oppression to human societies in any time and in any place.
Even if somebody could argue that a social stance of behavior could be measured by maximinization of the *specimens*, it’s hard to find a gullop poll in which the *specimen* exceeds 2000 people. It is easy to understand what kind of people those are and what’s their relationship with social struggles. As far as tv-polls are concerned, those numbers fall down to 700-800, so the fraud is obvious.
Not that we care for such numbers. We don’t believe in any scientific measurement of the spirit, the personality, the behavior of the humans, as each human being has a sole personality that constantly gets stimulus and can alter. Every such effort promotes the continuous control and monitoring of human behavior so that they will be able to understand future reactions. Furthermore today, that they are trying to construct artificial intelligence.
Without being interested in analyzing subjects that attendants of a high-level psychological convention would be interested in, we will take a look at an interesting …story.
In 1904 a French psychologist, Alfred Binet, was asked to conceive a device that could measure the spiritual differences between pupils of moderate ability (and what would that be?) and pupils with less than moderate ability! In other words, pupils for whom teachers decided they wouldn’t succeed in education tests. Why bother to persuade them to study when we can impose some special education on them (for example make them servants?).
This first, according to psychologists, attempt to measure human personality was done just for the enhancement of the educational process, which castrates, humiliates and undermines human personality since the ancient years.
This man, Binet, knew exactly what he was doing. He had tried unsuccessfully to measure the human spiritual abilities. He knew first-hand, a colleague of him, Francis Galton, cousin of Charles Darvin, had also failed. So he sat down (mostly his student Theodore Simon), published a test in 1905 which consisted of 30 little tests, simple ones such as question-answers, memory tests, comparing of lengths and weights, and harder ones such as completing phrases, putting a pattern from memory onto paper, creating rhymes. After that, every stuck up asshole scientist presented his/her own test. But what were the criteria? Every test had to conform to the previous ones!!!
All these were presented as the evolution of the scientific research. What research? That presented by the scientific gangs years and years so far, and on thousands of subjects. That research they reach conclusions from, take it back and construct it again in favor of their power. Especially the science of psychology –and, unfortunately, many others- plays an enormously insidious role in legislating regimes of psychological violence.
Those tests were intensified after Binet’s death in 1911 (the Stanford-Binet test), especially in the US. There, those tests were intensely applied, firstly onto juveniles and then to adults for the purpose of selecting personnel during the 1st World War. It was about that time that they set up IQ (Intelligence Quotient). So they set up IQ to come something like 50 to 150, and the average turning out to be around 100, according to the tests they themselves have determined!!!
Avant-garde psychologists like Lewis Terman were excited with the use of such tests to control society. Furthermore, this gentleman *discovered* the G factor, which is relevant to the spiritual abilities of a human. Another sample of scientific arrogance. We decide and command! We discover several wicked factors and we impose people not only to accept them, but also to study on them worldwide!!!
Another British military officer, Charles Spearman, was way out! He insisted that the spiritual abilities are a gift. He was a notorious psychologist and pure believer of Eugenics, already a member of EUGENICS SOCIETY!
*We are a master race, which must remember that the lowliest German worker is racially and biologically a thousand times more valuable than the population here* (Erich Koch, NaziReichskommissar in Ukraine).
J. Philippe Rushton, professor at West Ontario University, published a book in 1995: Race, Evolution and Behavior in which he argued that the success of the Nazi Army was due to the clarity of German’s genes, and that there are considerable differences of spiritual ability between people of different races. Another professor at the University of Edinburgh, Christopher Brand in his book: The g Factor (Wiley and Sons ed.), tries to prove that: *It is a scientific fact that black Americans are less intelligent than white Americans and the IQ of Asians is higher than blacks*.
Another one, Richard Lynn, professor at the University of Ulster, a fanatic of Eugenics, insists that *people who are poor or ill are weak specimens whose proliferation needs to be discouraged in the interests of the improvement of the genetic quality of the group*
*Both Rushton and Lynn have been extensively funded by an organization known as the Pioneer Fund, which was founded in 1916 with the support of Madison Grant … a supporter of the eugenics movement as well as a promoter of Nazi racial propaganda in America… The fund’s first president, Harry Laughlin… developed a programme that resulted in the forced sterilization of thousands of American people* (IQ in Question, p.67), whom those beasts considered as lower.
The members of this organization promote racist propaganda, publish scientific magazines that boost racial opinions in psychology. Though denounced by anthropologists all around the world, still they inspire hundreds, maybe thousands of scientific researchers all around the globe.
Even if some times plausible approaches are shown via gullop polls, researches etc. through the media as far as matters such as drugs, joblessness are concerned, those are appeared in order to present a *social* profile. It is a constant necessity for them. They could not show Bar and Big Brother all day! They could not support the daily deception of people this way.
But isn’t that the substance of politics?
The question whether something could be changed through the *inside* of the system and whether the hopes of some ambitious and well-meaning students to promote scientific research for the sake of society and humanity could be answered by the above writer, who cynically admits:
*…we students were solemnly informed (by their teachers!!) that the matter had been resolved by decreeing that intelligence is what intelligence tests measure* (the same, p.3-4)!!
And below he notes that few scientists dare argue the prescriptions of any crook experiment tester. Few are those that *documented the fact than on many occasions tests have been grossly misused, often in order to appear to legitimize unfair discrimination against minorities* (the same, p.12)
One might wonder who are those minorities in the present time we live (or *live*)? Who are those disturbing –as it seems for the scientists- social groups and pieces that do not *comply* or do not meet the standards? Maybe whoever do not spend their time into every kind of bars and clubs, do not like the certain way of having a good time, pseudo-companionship and lifestyle? Maybe whoever does not like to kiss ass, to bend their heads across the parasites of the economical, political, authoritarian elits, to cross over bodies in order to settle down? Maybe whoever doesn’t take dope?
It seems that all the physical and ethical accessaries of every Bar and Big Brother, and the armies of scientists trying to give cover and arguments to that scum, consider all those poor millions of people as useless relics that wouldn’t exist in an ideal –for them- evolution of society! Only P.R. managers and slaves would exist!
Isn’t this what exactly they timidly tried to say some months ago, when –excited- announced a big (!!!) gullop poll showing that the majority of the Greek youth want to be a barman or a model?
And you’re still wondering who are those who answered?