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Summer Fashions from America

Albert Kada | 13.06.2002 06:04

What do you wear to a holy war?
Clean white underwear of course.
Please don't declare it, just wear it.

Protestors might complain that outer clothes can slow you down on the run. Just ask Trent Lott as he glides swiftly down the steps of the capitol followed closely by a goon in black. Hard hats may provide an image of preparedness.

Will the national police force stick with basic black riot gear and gas masks? Imagine 37 billion dollars worth of spanking new jackboots bearing the visage of General Custer.

Thousands of young ambitious newbie secret agents trying to mix in among the common folk will provide an entertaining ensemble of look alikes and duplicates. Ski masks adorn the badgeless.

Poll watchers will likely be uniformed.

America always dresses according to the President. But the young prince Bush has everyone dashing for army surplus which seems to have dissappeared. The Tom Ridge Czarist forehead seems to be the new look for New World Order of appointees. Kruschev is back in black.

Sunworshipers might get little use of thier newest swimwear because of intense radiation and angry sharks. Don't forget your gamma rated sunblocker!

Walk like the Egyptian Mubarak whose neat white collar snubs anti-color-diversity. see

Albert Kada
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