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Commander O'Brien | 12.06.2002 17:12

There are 126,000 Police Officers in England and Wales - that's one for every 400 of us. Now the cops have launched a big recruitment drive to see if the other 399 want to join up.


Entry Requirements:

To join, you must be between the IQ of 18 and 55 with no previous convictions. Prospective officers should be able to baton-charge peaceful protestors for at least 200 yards. Racists, homophobes, misogynists and sadists may be considered at the Chief Constable's discretion. Applications are particularly welcomed from the White Supremacist community.

Specialist Units:

TSG (Thick as Shit Group). You get to drive around London in a big white van with flashing blue lights and kick the shit out of random passers-by. Most often heard to say: "I don't give a flying fuck about the law."

FIT (as in "fit-up"). Ever wanted to get your own back on those leftie-protest types? Then join the Forward Intelligence Unit and get 'em all locked up on totally spurious charges! Most often heard to say: "I'm arresting you under Section 5 of the Public Order Act."

CID (Criminal Incompetance Unit). If taking bribes and arranging hit-men is your thing, then why not become a Detective in the Metropolitan Police? Salary - £500,000 per annum plus as much charlie as you can snort of the bonnet of a riot van. Most often heard to say: "Wanna buy a sawn-off shotgun?"

Police - Putting the Cunt Back into Constabulary.

Commander O'Brien
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just keep talking

12.06.2002 18:46

Met Police are falling over themselves to display loyalty to their PC Labour masters. The IQ 18-55 must refer to the desperation to recruit Black/Ethnic to fulfill post McPherson Diversity requirements. Get real

out of yourearse

nice one

12.06.2002 19:28

Nice one ;)

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12.06.2002 19:36

You should both join - I feel the cut of your jib would be an asset to the force

D Blunket

keep an eye on these posters above

15.06.2002 20:20

why do I feel that the two people posting above are cops? That they are just waiting for someone to say something stupid? (and the racist aside with the winked eye ... does begin to sound like the chat over at the station)
