Murder is still sponsored by Selfridges - Picket And Action Friday 14th
Let's keep Up the Pressure! | 11.06.2002 23:27
Since Selfridges started once again stocking good from illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories, there have been a series of pickets, protests and actions to persuade the store to recognise their wider civic responsibilities. Let's Keep the Pressure Up! (article 1)
Murder is still sponsored by Selfridges - Picket And Action Friday 14th
Murder is still sponsored by Selfridges - Picket And Action Friday 14th
Murder is still sponsored by Selfridges - Picket And Action Friday 14th
Murder is still sponsored by Selfridges - Picket And Action Friday 14th
Murder is still sponsored by Selfridges - Picket And Action Friday 14th
Murder is still sponsored by Selfridges - Picket And Action Friday 14th
Since Selfridges started once again stocking good from illegal Israeli settlements in the Occupied Territories, there have been a series of pickets, protests and actions to persuade the store to recognise their wider civic responsibilities. Let's Keep the Pressure Up!
By selling these goods, Selfridges gives economic and political support to Israeli military oppression. The settlements in question are were built in order to cement Israel's occupation of the the Golan Heights, West Bank and Gaza Strip, while at the same time the Israeli government has been making conditions so awful for the Palestinians living there - by sheer terror and forced poverty - that they will give up and leave. The settlements serve, through their existence and continued expansion to constitute a serious and major obstacle to achieving peace at this sensitive time.
Previous actions have been supported by Rhythms of Resistance (

and activists from the Campaign For Palestinian Rights
who used a mixture of samba, street theater and direct action to make their point.
These goods sold by Selfridges from the Occupied Territories are illegally labeled "Made in Israel" in contravention to EU excise and customs regulations. The EU governments have knowingly turned a blind eye to this flouting of their own rules, but more and more people have been taking direct action to bring what's going on to public attention.
The products socked by Selfridges include:
Alchva halva - Barakan Industrial Zone.
West Bank Toiletries- Mitspe Shalem
West Bank Beigal petzels - Barakan Industrial Zone.
West bank Yarden Wines - Katzrin, Golan Heights.
Last Saturday, saw around 10 activists from DAAWN (Direct Action Against War Now) peacefully removed the illegal goods from the shelves, put 'em through the tills and then refused to pay, explaining their reasons, causing a big scene and drawing peoples attention to what's happening. (See pics). Others mingled with shoppers, some giving out leaflets - or engaging staff and shoppers in discussion. The activists were then escorted from the premises by Selfridges Security. Only to return again.
There was no criminal damage or arrests made in this action - but the point was put across to Selfridges that support their for the occupation will not go unchallenged. This type of action is simple, effective and really easily to replicate. But of course we wouldn't recommend that you should even consider getting together with some friends and giving it a go yourself next time your planning on doing a spot of shopping in London's Westend.
Alternatively you could join in and support the picket and protest outside of the store on this Friday 14th of June @ 7pm Oxford St. Nearest tubes Marble Arch or New Bond Street. Use your Imagination!
We will continue or campaign against Selfridges until they once again remove these products of Palestinian suffering from their shelves.
Please make your concerns known to Mr. Vittorio Radice, Chief Executive of Selfridges, 400 Oxford Street. London W1A 1AB. His e-mail address is

love, rage and solidarity
la lucha sigue,
hasta la victoria siempre!
one love
Let's keep Up the Pressure!