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'US Senate agreed to invade the Netherlands'

Maria V. | 11.06.2002 12:01

The US Senate has agreed to sign a bill that authorises an invasion of the Netherlands or any country that hosts the International Criminal Court.

The US Senate has agreed to sign a bill that authorises an invasion of the Netherlands. The invasion would be warrented to free American prisoners accused of war crimes held by the International Criminal Court (ICC), housed in The Hague.

The invasion plans are part of the contested "American Servicemembers' Protection Act" (ASPA), introduced to undermine the jursidiction of the ICC. After being rejected in December 2001, it reappeared in Senate recently and will be signed shortly after some minor changes have been made. The basic aim of ASPA is to prevent any Americans to ever appear in front of the court. Beside the clause that allows the US to invade any country hosting the ICC to free American prisoners, the bill includes a legal prohibition of cooperation with the ICC and immunity and special presidential protection for American servicemembers who participate in peace missions. It also outlaws military support to countries that have signed the ICC-treaty, excluding NATO members, important allies and Taiwan.

Although president Clinton signed the international treaty for the installation of the ICC, he advised his successor not to ask the Senate to make the treaty into national law, a specific American requirement for the ratification of most international laws. The US objects to the idea of an international instution trying American citizens, which it considers solely its own prerogative. At the moment the Bush administation runs a strong anti-ICC campaign that uses diplomatic pressure and financial support to change the minds of countries that have already signed the treaty or prevents those that are considering doing so.

More on IMC Netherlands and the Coalition for the ICC

Maria V.


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11.06.2002 12:36

This just shows how hypocritical the US is. We have to line up with their "War on terror" or be a target as Bush has stated "You're either with us or against us" but when it comes to other international co-operation they just refuse to be involved.
It also shows how out of touch the US are.


U.S. a Rogue State!

12.06.2002 02:56

Read Amnesty International's annual report exposing AmeriKKKa's hypocricy as it's violations of human rights continue to escalate! The Yanks need to be held accountable! And MONEY is all they seem to care about-which is why the urgency for the world to:


and its Middle East sidekick ISRAEL!

- Homepage:

about time

12.06.2002 17:11

The europeans have attempted to take away the constitution of the united states from the american people in demanding that america put aside it's working and brilliant constitution to be judged by the wackos in europe in their twisted version of international justice. (Ugh. The continent that gave the world fascism, communism, and totalitarianism just came up with another "plan for the common good." Nasty.)

1. America was booted off the human rights counsel and syria was put in it's place because europe is opposed to america's death penalty. Europe's view is that to kill 3,000 people is legitimate; but killing one rapist is immoral. Amnesty international has since said that bombings are acceptable if done towards jews--so when america bombs europe or iran--we'll just say (as we bomb) "shalom."

2. Europe finds killing only adults who've been tried "repugnant." Any fool knows that europe says that to kill effectively you have to put "razor blades and nails" into schrapnel bombs, go into a mini-mall--and stand next to a two year old. Killing a 2 year old in a civilian bombing is acceptable to europe--while executing someone whose killed by lethal injection is..."inhumane." Ahhhhh..we bad americans who don't like schrapnel in two year olds...the baddies we are...


Based on these differences as we see them in the US:

IF THE NETHERLANDS or any other european nation DECIDES TO KIDNAP AMERICAN SERVICEMEN and take them to europe FOR THE KANGAROO COURT SYSTEM of europe's twisted view of what is "murder," AMERICA WILL BE ENTITLED to go EXTRACT our servicemen or bomb the host country (netherlands or not) which kidnaps our citizens....
In closing,

I say the criminal court moves to whatever norweigan town is manufacturing those razor blade bombs the palestinians love so much. That way, the war on terror can take out two targets at one time. Touch our sacred constitution for europe, yah right.

mail e-mail: you have it already

To Ms. Judy Yank-WhackJob

12.06.2002 23:15

just for your information:

1. International Law also applies to the USA !!

2. This proposal is a mere sham to intimidate other countries from signing up for the ICC.

3. Any real resistance to US-NATO-EU-fascism and lawlesness will never come from this court, or the ranks of Euro-Whore-politicians in general, but rather, from the streets, from the people they misrepresent who still see and are not blinded by CNN-propaganda.

4. Yours is a lost cause, because justice will prevail !!

5. You should think about establishing democracy in your own country rather than wasting time ranting here !!
