Gerd P. in Gothenburg, Sweden | 11.06.2002 01:18
Demokratinätet (Democracy Network), Folkrörelsestudiegruppen (Grassroots Movement Study Group) and Rådslag Göteborg 2002 (Consultation Gothenburg 2002) are organizing a weekend full of activities in Gothenburg on the first anniversary of GBG2001!
FRIDAY June 14th
Seminar: One year after the EU Summit
Gothenburg 2001: What happened and why?
Time: 10AM - 5PM
Place: Världshuset, Brogatan 4 close to Järntorget by the canal, Gothenburg
10.00 AM: Power over information
Tord Björk, Folkrörelsestudiegruppen (Grassroots Study Group)
Aant Elzinga, Professor, Theory of Science, University of Göteborg
Christina Hagner, Chief Editor, Ordfront Magazine
Björn Hettne, Professor, Peace and Conflict Research, University of Göteborg
Sven-Erik Sjöstrand, Member of Parliament (leftist party)
Per Warming, Educationer
10:45 AM What did the different groups want?
Klas Corbelius, Author of "EU-motståndet" ("EU-resistance")
Marika Ehrenkrona, Author of "Granskning av EU-kritiken" ("Critique of EU-criticism")
Ingela Mårtensson, Folkrörelsen Nej till EU (Grassroots Movement No to EU)
Magnus Hörnqvist, Nätverket mot rasism (Network against Racism)
Mikael Oscarsson, Göteborgs universitet (Gothenburg University)
Louise Pettersson, editor of a report on the Alternative Summit and the Göteborgsaktionen 2001
11:30 - 12:45 AM Lunch
12:45 AM What happened?
Parallel sessions 12:45AM- 1:45PM, plenary session 1:45PM - 2:45PM
A more open or a more closed EU summit? Preparations and Realization.
Roger Hällhag, Government representative
Hans Abrahamsson, Göteborgs universitet (University of Göteborg)
Tord Björk, author of "Toppmötesprotester 1968 - 2002" ("Summit Protests 1968 - 2002")
Yvonne Ruwaida () (Member of Parliament, Green Party)
Gudrun Schyman (Chairperson, Leftist Party )
Violent rioting or riots caused by police action and cut off dialogue?
Elin Gauffin, RS/Antikapitalistmarschen (“March against Capitalism”)
Hanne Kjöller, author of "När världen kom till Göteborg" (“When the world came to Gothenburg”)
Mikael Oscarsson, Göteborgs universitet (Gothenburg University)
Emil Lindal Persson, editor in chief of”Flamman”
Anders Svensson, author of "Göteborgshändelserna 2001" ("The Gothenburg Events 2001")
Alternative summits, NGO meetings, protests and actions (possibly two seminars)
Elisabeth Ahlin, Ickevåldsnätverket* (Non-violence network)
Mia Jansson, Fritt Forum* (“Open Forum” at the EU Alternative Summit)
Jacob Johansson, Miljöförbundet Jordens Vänner* (Friends of the Earth Sweden)
Joel Lindfors, co-author of "Gatans politik – Göteborgsdemonstrationerna (“Street politicsw – Gothenburg demonstrations 2001”)
Ingela Mârtensson,
Ingrid Ternert, Kvinnor för fred (Women for peace) and the Alternative Summit*
Annika Tigerryd, SAC Syndikalisterna*
Mattias Wåg, Antifascistisk Aktion* (AFA)
3PM The aftermath
Parallel sessions
Politics for grassroot organizations and other players
Hans Abrahamsson
Tord Björk
Kenneth Haar, Initiativet for et Andet Europa (“Initiative for a different Europé”)
Natasha Lopez, Demokratinätet and NOG Malmö* (“Democracy Network” and Enough!”), Malmö
Ingela Mårtensson
Legal and police aspects (possibly 2 seminars)
Bjarne Lundin, coauthor of the report from the Police Board of the Västra Götaland region
Thomas Mathiesen, professor in Rättssociologi* (Professor of Sociology of Law)
Erik Nord, , coauthor of the report from the Police Board of the Västra Götaland region
Representative for the Policemen union*
Johan Rönnblom, Kommittéen för utredande av polisskotten (“Committee for investigation of the handgun shots from the police”)
Anders Svensson, author of "Göteborgshändelserna 2001" ("The Gothenburg Events 2001")
Erik Wijk, author of "Göteborgskravallerna" ("The Gothenburg Riots")
Mass media and alternative media
Avid Afkami, author of "Romantisera eller fördöma"* (“Romantize or condemn”)
David Karlsson, journalist and writer
Mikael Lövgren, editor of "Vad hände med Sverige i Göteborg" (“What happened to Sweden in Gothenburg”)
TV-Stop, Köpenhamn*
Göteborgsposten* ((The Gothenburg Newspaper)
Yelah* (Internet news)
4 PM – 5 PM: Analysis and comparisons for the future
Hans Abrahamsson
Tord Björk
Reidun Heiene, For UM’s WTO working group*
Thomas Wallgren, Jordens Vänner (Friends of the Earth) and World Social
Forum committee in Finland*
* invited persons.
Government representatives and political parties will be especially invited to the seminars.
Organizers: Demokratinätet (Democracy Network) and
Folkrörelsestudiegruppen (Grassroots Movement Study Group)
Place: Folkets Hus Järntorget, Gothenburg
Time: 11 AM
Seminars and group discussions on the following items:
1. The Gothenburg Events and the Gothenburg trials in a historical context.
Has the left always been punished harder than others for similar crimes?
Police register of political dissidents in Sweden. Is it still going on? Significance for what happened in Gothenburg, or in the future?
Anders Carlsson (KPMLr), author of the book “Report on KPML(r], Secret Police and the police register of political dissidents in Sweden 1969-1998”
2. Do the adults listen to the youth today in Sweden?
Christina Hagner, editor of the magazine “Child”
Eva Hagström, mother of a youth sentenced in the Gothenburg Trials
3. The judicial process and sentences in Gothenburg.
Are the judges and trials political?
Have the sentences been fair?
What are the consequences of the decision of the Swedish Supreme Court
And is the decision a sign of a functioning judicial system?
Christian Diesen , Professor of Law of Court Proceedings
Erik Wijk, author of the book “The Gothenburg riots and the trials”
Per Rudbäck, lawyer
Staffan Levén, judge at The Court of Appeal
3. Consequences of the anti-terrorist legislation.
What are the consequences for future summit protests, both in Sweden and in other countries?
What are the consequences for the support of liberation movements?
Anna Wigenmark, Swedish NGO Foundation for Human Rights
Organization: Demokratinätet (Democracy network)
* Equality before the law – re-examine the Gothenburg sentences! The trials were political, the prison sentences ten times increased!
* Defend legal security - no to collective sentences!
* Defend democratic rights - No to EU's terrorist branding of political
protests, no to an international police force and to registration of political opinions!
* Do not let police investigate their own crimes!
* Do not let the authority of the police increase at the expense of
judicial security and citizen security!
* Promote non-violent conflict resolution and democratic dialogue!
Meet us at Järntorget, 6:30PM, SATURDAY JUNE 15TH.
Organization: Demokratinätet (Democracy network)
Consultation Gothenburg 2002
- a social forum for Johannesburg and the danish EU presidency.
Place: Victoriahuset Stora salen, Linnégatan 21 A (close to Järntorget)
Time: 10AM - 6PM.
EU, EMU, WTO and international forced privatization
Europes Ecological Debt
EU's militarization and immigration politics
10AM -12:30AM Work on the different items
Welcoming of participants
Five to six persons will hold short introductions in matters that
concern the above themes.
Theme discussions in smaller groups.
12:30AM - 1:30PM Lunch
1:30PM - 5:30PM How can we progress?
The groups shortly present their discussions/conclusions
Parallel sessions and a common seminar:
How do we work with the issues:
1. for Johannesburg
2. for the Danish EU presidency
3. for upcoming WTO negotiations
4. locally and regioanlly
5:30PM Common closure
For registration contact:
Färnebo Folkhögskola/filial
Linnégatan 21 A, 413 04 Göteborg
Organization: Rådslag Göteborg 2002 (Consultation Gothenburg 2002)
FRIDAY June 14th
Seminar: One year after the EU Summit
Gothenburg 2001: What happened and why?
Time: 10AM - 5PM
Place: Världshuset, Brogatan 4 close to Järntorget by the canal, Gothenburg
10.00 AM: Power over information
Tord Björk, Folkrörelsestudiegruppen (Grassroots Study Group)
Aant Elzinga, Professor, Theory of Science, University of Göteborg
Christina Hagner, Chief Editor, Ordfront Magazine
Björn Hettne, Professor, Peace and Conflict Research, University of Göteborg
Sven-Erik Sjöstrand, Member of Parliament (leftist party)
Per Warming, Educationer
10:45 AM What did the different groups want?
Klas Corbelius, Author of "EU-motståndet" ("EU-resistance")
Marika Ehrenkrona, Author of "Granskning av EU-kritiken" ("Critique of EU-criticism")
Ingela Mårtensson, Folkrörelsen Nej till EU (Grassroots Movement No to EU)
Magnus Hörnqvist, Nätverket mot rasism (Network against Racism)
Mikael Oscarsson, Göteborgs universitet (Gothenburg University)
Louise Pettersson, editor of a report on the Alternative Summit and the Göteborgsaktionen 2001
11:30 - 12:45 AM Lunch
12:45 AM What happened?
Parallel sessions 12:45AM- 1:45PM, plenary session 1:45PM - 2:45PM
A more open or a more closed EU summit? Preparations and Realization.
Roger Hällhag, Government representative
Hans Abrahamsson, Göteborgs universitet (University of Göteborg)
Tord Björk, author of "Toppmötesprotester 1968 - 2002" ("Summit Protests 1968 - 2002")
Yvonne Ruwaida () (Member of Parliament, Green Party)
Gudrun Schyman (Chairperson, Leftist Party )
Violent rioting or riots caused by police action and cut off dialogue?
Elin Gauffin, RS/Antikapitalistmarschen (“March against Capitalism”)
Hanne Kjöller, author of "När världen kom till Göteborg" (“When the world came to Gothenburg”)
Mikael Oscarsson, Göteborgs universitet (Gothenburg University)
Emil Lindal Persson, editor in chief of”Flamman”
Anders Svensson, author of "Göteborgshändelserna 2001" ("The Gothenburg Events 2001")
Alternative summits, NGO meetings, protests and actions (possibly two seminars)
Elisabeth Ahlin, Ickevåldsnätverket* (Non-violence network)
Mia Jansson, Fritt Forum* (“Open Forum” at the EU Alternative Summit)
Jacob Johansson, Miljöförbundet Jordens Vänner* (Friends of the Earth Sweden)
Joel Lindfors, co-author of "Gatans politik – Göteborgsdemonstrationerna (“Street politicsw – Gothenburg demonstrations 2001”)
Ingela Mârtensson,
Ingrid Ternert, Kvinnor för fred (Women for peace) and the Alternative Summit*
Annika Tigerryd, SAC Syndikalisterna*
Mattias Wåg, Antifascistisk Aktion* (AFA)
3PM The aftermath
Parallel sessions
Politics for grassroot organizations and other players
Hans Abrahamsson
Tord Björk
Kenneth Haar, Initiativet for et Andet Europa (“Initiative for a different Europé”)
Natasha Lopez, Demokratinätet and NOG Malmö* (“Democracy Network” and Enough!”), Malmö
Ingela Mårtensson
Legal and police aspects (possibly 2 seminars)
Bjarne Lundin, coauthor of the report from the Police Board of the Västra Götaland region
Thomas Mathiesen, professor in Rättssociologi* (Professor of Sociology of Law)
Erik Nord, , coauthor of the report from the Police Board of the Västra Götaland region
Representative for the Policemen union*
Johan Rönnblom, Kommittéen för utredande av polisskotten (“Committee for investigation of the handgun shots from the police”)
Anders Svensson, author of "Göteborgshändelserna 2001" ("The Gothenburg Events 2001")
Erik Wijk, author of "Göteborgskravallerna" ("The Gothenburg Riots")
Mass media and alternative media
Avid Afkami, author of "Romantisera eller fördöma"* (“Romantize or condemn”)
David Karlsson, journalist and writer
Mikael Lövgren, editor of "Vad hände med Sverige i Göteborg" (“What happened to Sweden in Gothenburg”)
TV-Stop, Köpenhamn*
Göteborgsposten* ((The Gothenburg Newspaper)
Yelah* (Internet news)
4 PM – 5 PM: Analysis and comparisons for the future
Hans Abrahamsson
Tord Björk
Reidun Heiene, For UM’s WTO working group*
Thomas Wallgren, Jordens Vänner (Friends of the Earth) and World Social
Forum committee in Finland*
* invited persons.
Government representatives and political parties will be especially invited to the seminars.
Organizers: Demokratinätet (Democracy Network) and
Folkrörelsestudiegruppen (Grassroots Movement Study Group)
Place: Folkets Hus Järntorget, Gothenburg
Time: 11 AM
Seminars and group discussions on the following items:
1. The Gothenburg Events and the Gothenburg trials in a historical context.
Has the left always been punished harder than others for similar crimes?
Police register of political dissidents in Sweden. Is it still going on? Significance for what happened in Gothenburg, or in the future?
Anders Carlsson (KPMLr), author of the book “Report on KPML(r], Secret Police and the police register of political dissidents in Sweden 1969-1998”
2. Do the adults listen to the youth today in Sweden?
Christina Hagner, editor of the magazine “Child”
Eva Hagström, mother of a youth sentenced in the Gothenburg Trials
3. The judicial process and sentences in Gothenburg.
Are the judges and trials political?
Have the sentences been fair?
What are the consequences of the decision of the Swedish Supreme Court
And is the decision a sign of a functioning judicial system?
Christian Diesen , Professor of Law of Court Proceedings
Erik Wijk, author of the book “The Gothenburg riots and the trials”
Per Rudbäck, lawyer
Staffan Levén, judge at The Court of Appeal
3. Consequences of the anti-terrorist legislation.
What are the consequences for future summit protests, both in Sweden and in other countries?
What are the consequences for the support of liberation movements?
Anna Wigenmark, Swedish NGO Foundation for Human Rights
Organization: Demokratinätet (Democracy network)
* Equality before the law – re-examine the Gothenburg sentences! The trials were political, the prison sentences ten times increased!
* Defend legal security - no to collective sentences!
* Defend democratic rights - No to EU's terrorist branding of political
protests, no to an international police force and to registration of political opinions!
* Do not let police investigate their own crimes!
* Do not let the authority of the police increase at the expense of
judicial security and citizen security!
* Promote non-violent conflict resolution and democratic dialogue!
Meet us at Järntorget, 6:30PM, SATURDAY JUNE 15TH.
Organization: Demokratinätet (Democracy network)
Consultation Gothenburg 2002
- a social forum for Johannesburg and the danish EU presidency.
Place: Victoriahuset Stora salen, Linnégatan 21 A (close to Järntorget)
Time: 10AM - 6PM.
EU, EMU, WTO and international forced privatization
Europes Ecological Debt
EU's militarization and immigration politics
10AM -12:30AM Work on the different items
Welcoming of participants
Five to six persons will hold short introductions in matters that
concern the above themes.
Theme discussions in smaller groups.
12:30AM - 1:30PM Lunch
1:30PM - 5:30PM How can we progress?
The groups shortly present their discussions/conclusions
Parallel sessions and a common seminar:
How do we work with the issues:
1. for Johannesburg
2. for the Danish EU presidency
3. for upcoming WTO negotiations
4. locally and regioanlly
5:30PM Common closure
For registration contact:
Färnebo Folkhögskola/filial
Linnégatan 21 A, 413 04 Göteborg
Organization: Rådslag Göteborg 2002 (Consultation Gothenburg 2002)
Gerd P. in Gothenburg, Sweden
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