Coronation or Fraud??? This is the year to ask!!!
Minister of Christ Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger | 10.06.2002 21:18
This Golden Jubilee is stained already as the revelation of a false oath of allegaince to her majesty is Canada wide.
We can react to this dereliction by asking questions as to why it is allowed or ignore it like sheep waiting for the slaughter. We do have a right to speak, let us use it now!
We can react to this dereliction by asking questions as to why it is allowed or ignore it like sheep waiting for the slaughter. We do have a right to speak, let us use it now!
The following statutes and laws will demonstrate that a fraud upon the Canadian public, and probably your country to, is being perpetrated by our provincial justice departments. Please try to read through them to the comments at the bottom.
They the lawyers for justice who wrote these false oaths have knowledge that the oath of allegiance that all provincial officials have taken according to provincial law is false wrong and invalid.
You to truly understand the meaning of that allegiance you will need to read the Coronation Act

The federal Oath of Allegiance Act is clear and final. If there is to be any alteration of that oath it is to come from the federal Government not provincial. The provincial bogus authorities have been notified and are in agreement that it is wrong but plan to do nothing in this her majesty’s 50 year Golden Jubilee of that Coronation promise this oath is about. Those in provincial justice are in a conflict of interest on this as it clearly means they are bogus without sanction of the Queen and are in no position to decide if they will require a valid oath to be taken by all of it’s provincial officers because they are of no sanction and have violated section 126 of the Criminal code.
I accuse them of violation of and in ignorance of their own law, 126 which is no excuse!
A conflict of interest of unprecedented caliber extraordinaire!
Oaths of Allegiance Act
An Act respecting oaths of allegiance
Short title
1. This Act may be cited as the Oaths of Allegiance Act.
R.S., c. O-1, s. 1.
Oath of allegiance
2. (1) Every person who, either of his own accord or in compliance with any lawful requirement made of the person, or in obedience to the directions of any Act or law in force in Canada, except the Constitution Act, 1867 and the Citizenship Act, desires to take an oath of allegiance shall have administered and take the oath in the following form, and no other:
I, ...................., do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her Heirs and Successors. So help me God.
Demise of the Crown
(2) Where there is a demise of the Crown, there shall be substituted in the oath of allegiance the name of the Sovereign for the time being.
R.S., c. O-1, s. 2; 1974-75-76, c. 108, s. 39.
Solemn affirmation of allegiance may be substituted
3. Every person allowed by law in civil cases to solemnly affirm instead of taking an oath shall be permitted to take a solemn affirmation of allegiance in the like terms, with such modifications as the circumstances require, as the oath of allegiance, and that affirmation, taken before the proper officer, shall in all cases be accepted from the person in lieu of the oath and has the like effect as the oath.
R.S., c. O-1, s. 5.
Regulations respecting oath of allegiance and oath of office
4. The Governor in Council may make regulations requiring any person appointed to or holding an office that is under the legislative authority of Parliament
(a) to take the oath of allegiance set out in section 2 notwithstanding that the taking of the oath is not required by any other law; and
(b) to take an oath of office in the form prescribed by the regulations for the faithful performance of the duties of that office, in any case in which the form of such oath is not prescribed by any other law.
R.S., c. O-1, s. 2.
No other oath necessary
5. It is not necessary for any person appointed to any public office, for any mayor or other officer or member of any corporation, or for any person admitted, called or received as a barrister, advocate, notary public, attorney, solicitor or proctor, to make any declaration or subscription, or to take or subscribe any oath other than the oath of allegiance set out in section 2 and such other oath for the faithful performance of the duties of the office, or for the due exercise of the profession or calling, as is required by any law.
R.S., c. O-1, s. 3.
Time for taking oath
6. The oath of allegiance set out in section 2, together with the oath of office or oath for the due exercise of any profession or calling, shall be taken within the period and in the manner, and subject to the disabilities and penalties for the omission thereof, provided by law with respect to such oaths.
R.S., c. O-1, s. 4.
By whom administered
7. All justices of the peace and other officers lawfully authorized either by virtue of their office or by special commission from the Crown may administer the oath of allegiance set out in section 2 or receive a solemn affirmation of allegiance.
R.S., c. O-1, s. 6
To further demonstrate the continuance of her majesty’s duty to uphold the law of God you will see the protocol of the courts in Canada include her majesty’s decree that all Courts of her majesty must have a Royal letters patent version of the King James Bible in the court room available to all those of faith.
To additionally emphasize the continuance of the importance of upholding that oath her majesty ensured by an Imperial act of Parliament, "The Oath of Allegiance Act" we observe that all agent and sanctioned members of her majesty’s aid are to bear faithful and bear true allegiance
, shall be taken within the period and in the manner, and subject to the disabilities and penalties for the omission thereof, provided by law with respect to such oaths.
R.S., c. O-1, s. 4.
122. Every official who, in connection with the duties of his office, commits
fraud or a breach of trust is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, whether or not the fraud or
breach of trust would be an offence if it were committed in relation to a
private person.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 111.
OATHS OF OFFICE ACT (Created by non allegiant unsanctioned men and women)
HER MAJESTY, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly
of Alberta, enacts as follows:
Oath of allegiance
1(1) When by a statute of Alberta a person is required to take an oath of
allegiance it shall be taken in the following form:
I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , swear that I will be
faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the
Second, her heirs and successors, according to law.
So help me God.
(2) Where the name of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second is expressed
in the form, the name of the Sovereign at the time that the oath is taken
shall be substituted therefor if different.
RSA 1970 c266 ss2,5,Form A
Official oath
2 When by a statute of Alberta a person is required to take an official
oath on
(a) being appointed to an office other than that of judge or
justice of the peace, or
(b) being admitted to a profession or calling,
the oath shall be taken in the following form:
I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , swear that I will
diligently, faithfully and to the best of my ability execute according to
law the office of . . . . . . . . . . .
So help me God.
RSA 1970 c266 s3,Form B
Judicial oath
3 When by a statute of Alberta a person is required to take a judicial
oath on his appointment as a judge or as a justice of the peace, the oath
shall be taken in the following form:
I, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , swear that I will honestly
and faithfully and to the best of my ability exercise the powers and duties
of a . . . . . . . . . . . .
So help me God.
RSA 1970 c266 s4,Form C;1975(2) c43 s5
Those eprovicial judges who have made orders for forclosures are void ab initio and so are the lawyers who take the bogus orders to a sheriff acting under the authority of a bogus justice minister and judge.
The facts speak for themselves and point to a clear deriliction of duty, criminal activity within the system and intent to leave it that way!
Sherifsf cannot violate the law using trhe excuse that a bogus judge without a valid oath told me to. The Nuremburg principles paint that oficer as a criminalifd he take orders that are unlawfully obtainwed from any one and carries trhem out. He is liable for his deriliction of duty to be aware of the law provided below. Remember tehy are saying that they do not need a valid oath of allegiance which is aiding a abetting a crime of violating the Coronation act and all the sec5ions below .The main thing to remember is they had to take an oath to obtain power and sanction with out a val;id oath tehy are invalid. No brain surgeon necessary to figure that one out and you have the right and duty to ask if they are performing under a valid aoth or not and to ask to see it foer proof rather than involve yourself ina conspiracy of a federal and international nature.
The oath to the Queen is clear and it has clearly been violated!! This si a violation of many sections of the Canadian Criminal code but mainly 126 and 46.
Affirmation or declaration
Defence of dwelling
40. Every one who is in peaceable possession of a dwelling-house, and every one
lawfully assisting him or acting under his authority, is justified in using as
much force as is necessary to prevent any person from forcibly breaking into or
forcibly entering the dwelling-house without lawful authority.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 40.
Defence of house or real property
41. (1) Every one who is in peaceable possession of a dwelling-house or real
property, and every one lawfully assisting him or acting under his authority, is
justified in using force to prevent any person from trespassing on the
dwelling-house or real property, or to remove a trespasser therefrom, if he uses
no more force than is necessary.
Assault by trespasser
(2) A trespasser who resists an attempt by a person who is in peaceable
possession of a dwelling-house or real property, or a person lawfully assisting
him or acting under his authority to prevent his entry or to remove him, shall
be deemed to commit an assault without justification or provocation.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 41.
Assertion of right to house or real property
42. (1) Every one is justified in peaceably entering a dwelling-house or real
property by day to take possession of it if he, or a person under whose
authority he acts, is lawfully entitled to possession of it.
Assault in case of lawful entry
(2) Where a person
(a) not having peaceable possession of a dwelling-house or real property under a
claim of right, or
(b) not acting under the authority of a person who has peaceable possession of a
dwelling-house or real property under a claim of right,
assaults a person who is lawfully entitled to possession of it and who is
entering it peaceably by day to take possession of it, for the purpose of
preventing him from entering, the assault shall be deemed to be without
justification or provocation.
Trespasser provoking assault
(3) Where a person
(a) having peaceable possession of a dwelling-house or real property under a
claim of right, or
(b) acting under the authority of a person who has peaceable possession of a
dwelling-house or real property under a claim of right,
assaults any person who is lawfully entitled to possession of it and who is
entering it peaceably by day to take possession of it, for the purpose of
preventing him from entering, the assault shall be deemed to be provoked by the
person who is entering.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 42.
Treason and other Offences against the Queen's Authority and Person
High treason
46. (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,
(a) kills or attempts to kill Her Majesty, or does her any bodily harm tending
to death or destruction, maims or wounds her, or imprisons or restrains her;
(b) levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto; or
(c) assists an enemy at war with Canada, or any armed forces against whom
Canadian Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists
between Canada and the country whose forces they are.
(2) Every one commits treason who, in Canada,
(a) uses force or violence for the purpose of overthrowing the government (King James Bible) of
Canada or a province;
(b) without lawful authority, communicates or makes available to an agent of a
state other than Canada, military or scientific information or any sketch, plan,
model, article, note or document of a military or scientific character that he
knows or ought to know may be used by that state for a purpose prejudicial to
the safety or defence of Canada;
(c) conspires with any person to commit high treason or to do anything mentioned
in paragraph (a);
(d) forms an intention to do anything that is high treason or that is mentioned
in paragraph (a) and manifests that intention by an overt act; or
(e) conspires with any person to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) or forms
an intention to do anything mentioned in paragraph (b) and manifests that
intention by an overt act.
Canadian citizen
(3) Notwithstanding subsection (1) or (2), a Canadian citizen or a person who
owes allegiance to Her Majesty in right of Canada,
(a) commits high treason if, while in or out of Canada, he does anything
mentioned in subsection (1); or
(b) commits treason if, while in or out of Canada, he does anything mentioned in
subsection (2).
Overt act
(4) Where it is treason to conspire with any person, the act of conspiring is an
overt act of treason.
Corruption and Disobedience
Bribery of judicial officers, etc.(Pensions, wages, renumerations)
119. (1) Every one who
(a) being the holder of a judicial office, or being a member of Parliament or of
the legislature of a province, corruptly
(i) accepts or obtains,
(ii) agrees to accept, or
(iii) attempts to obtain,
any money, valuable consideration, office, place or employment for himself or
another person in respect of anything done or omitted or to be done or omitted
by him in his official capacity, or
(b) gives or offers, corruptly, to a person mentioned in paragraph (a) any
money, valuable consideration, office, place or employment in respect of
anything done or omitted or to be done or omitted by him in his official
capacity for himself or another person,
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding fourteen years.
Consent of Attorney General
(2) No proceedings against a person who holds a judicial office shall be
instituted under this section without the consent in writing of the Attorney
General of Canada.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 108.
Bribery of officers
120. Every one who
(a) being a justice, police commissioner, peace officer, public officer or
officer of a juvenile court, or being employed in the administration of criminal
law, corruptly
(i) accepts or obtains,
(ii) agrees to accept, or
(iii) attempts to obtain,
for himself or any other person any money, valuable consideration, office, place
or employment with intent
(iv) to interfere with the administration of justice,
(v) to procure or facilitate the commission of an offence, or
(vi) to protect from detection or punishment a person who has committed or who
intends to commit an offence, or
(b) gives or offers, corruptly, to a person mentioned in paragraph (a) any
money, valuable consideration, office, place or employment with intent that the
person should do anything mentioned in subparagraph (a)(iv), (v) or (vi),
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding fourteen years.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 109.
Frauds on the government
121. (1) Every one commits an offence who
(a) directly or indirectly
(i) gives, offers or agrees to give or offer to an official or to any member of
his family, or to any one for the benefit of an official, or
(ii) being an official, demands, accepts or offers or agrees to accept from any
person for himself or another person,
a loan, reward, advantage or benefit of any kind as consideration for
cooperation, assistance, exercise of influence or an act or omission in
connection with
(iii) the transaction of business with or any matter of business relating to the
government, or
(iv) a claim against Her Majesty or any benefit that Her Majesty is authorized
or is entitled to bestow,
whether or not, in fact, the official is able to cooperate, render assistance,
exercise influence or do or omit to do what is proposed, as the case may be;
(b) having dealings of any kind with the government, pays a commission or reward
to or confers an advantage or benefit of any kind on an employee or official of
the government with which he deals, or to any member of his family, or to any
one for the benefit of the employee or official, with respect to those dealings,
unless he has the consent in writing of the head of the branch of government
with which he deals, the proof of which lies on him;
(c) being an official or employee of the government, demands, accepts or offers
or agrees to accept from a person who has dealings with the government a
commission, reward, advantage or benefit of any kind directly or indirectly, by
himself or through a member of his family or through any one for his benefit,
unless he has the consent in writing of the head of the branch of government
that employs him or of which he is an official, the proof of which lies on him;
(d) having or pretending to have influence with the government or with a
minister of the government or an official, demands, accepts or offers or agrees
to accept for himself or another person a reward, advantage or benefit of any
kind as consideration for cooperation, assistance, exercise of influence or an
act or omission in connection with
(i) anything mentioned in subparagraph (a)(iii) or (iv), or
(ii) the appointment of any person, including himself, to an office;
(e) gives, offers or agrees to give or offer to a minister of the government or
an official a reward, advantage or benefit of any kind as consideration for
cooperation, assistance, exercise of influence or an act or omission in
connection with
(i) anything mentioned in subparagraph (a)(iii) or (iv), or
(ii) the appointment of any person, including himself, to an office; or
(f) having made a tender to obtain a contract with the government
(i) gives, offers or agrees to give or offer to another person who has made a
tender or to a member of his family, or to another person for the benefit of
that person, a reward, advantage or benefit of any kind as consideration for the
withdrawal of the tender of that person, or
(ii) demands, accepts or offers or agrees to accept from another person who has
made a tender a reward, advantage or benefit of any kind as consideration for
the withdrawal of his tender.
Contractor subscribing to election fund
(2) Every one commits an offence who, in order to obtain or retain a contract
with the government, or as a term of any such contract, whether express or
implied, directly or indirectly subscribes or gives, or agrees to subscribe or
give, to any person any valuable consideration
(a) for the purpose of promoting the election of a candidate or a class or party
of candidates to Parliament or the legislature of a province; or
(b) with intent to influence or affect in any way the result of an election
conducted for the purpose of electing persons to serve in Parliament or the
legislature of a province.
(3) Every one who commits an offence under this section is guilty of an
indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five
R.S., c. C-34, s. 110.
Breach of trust by public officer
122. Every official who, in connection with the duties of his office, commits
fraud or a breach of trust is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to
imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, whether or not the fraud or
breach of trust would be an offence if it were committed in relation to a
private person.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 111.
Disobeying a statute
126. (1) Every one who, without lawful excuse, contravenes an Act of Parliament
by wilfully doing anything that it forbids or by wilfully omitting to do
anything that it requires to be done is, unless a punishment is expressly
provided by law, guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for
a term not exceeding two years.
Attorney General of Canada may act
(2) Any proceedings in respect of a contravention of or conspiracy to contravene
an Act mentioned in subsection (1), other than this Act, may be instituted at
the instance of the Government of Canada and conducted by or on behalf of that
R.S., 1985, c. C-46, s. 126; R.S., 1985, c. 27 (1st Supp
128. Every peace officer or coroner who, being entrusted with the execution of a
process, wilfully
(a) misconducts himself in the execution of the process, or
(b) makes a false return to the process,
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding two years.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 117.
Offences relating to public or peace officer
129. Every one who
(a) resists or wilfully obstructs a public officer or peace officer in the
execution of his duty or any person lawfully acting in aid of such an officer,
(b) omits, without reasonable excuse, to assist a public officer or peace
officer in the execution of his duty in arresting a person or in preserving the
peace, after having reasonable notice that he is required to do so, or
(c) resists or wilfully obstructs any person in the lawful execution of a
process against lands or goods or in making a lawful distress or seizure,
is guilty of
(d) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding
two years, or
(e) an offence punishable on summary conviction.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 118; 1972, c. 13, s. 7.
Personating peace officer
130. Every one who
(a) falsely represents himself to be a peace officer or a public officer, or
(b) not being a peace officer or public officer, uses a badge or article of
uniform or equipment in a manner that is likely to cause persons to believe that
he is a peace officer or a public officer, as the case may be,
is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 119.
Obstructing or violence to or arrest of officiating clergyman
176. (1) Every one who
(a) by threats or force, unlawfully obstructs or prevents or endeavours to
obstruct or prevent a clergyman or minister from celebrating divine service or
performing any other function in connection with his calling, or
(b) knowing that a clergyman or minister is about to perform, is on his way to
perform or is returning from the performance of any of the duties or functions
mentioned in paragraph (a)
(i) assaults or offers any violence to him, or
(ii) arrests him on a civil process, or under the pretence of executing a civil
is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term not
exceeding two years.
Disturbing religious worship or certain meetings
(2) Every one who wilfully disturbs or interrupts an assemblage of persons met
for religious worship or for a moral, social or benevolent purpose is guilty of
an offence punishable on summary conviction.
(3) Every one who, at or near a meeting referred to in subsection (2), wilfully
does anything that disturbs the order or solemnity of the meeting is guilty of
an offence punishable on summary conviction.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 172.
Criminal negligence
219. (1) Every one is criminally negligent who
(a) in doing anything, or
(b) in omitting to do anything that it is his duty to do,
shows wanton or reckless disregard for the lives or safety of other persons.
Definition of "duty"
(2) For the purposes of this section, "duty" means a duty imposed by law.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 202.
423. (1) Every one who, wrongfully and without lawful authority, for the purpose
of compelling another person to abstain from doing anything that he has a lawful
right to do, or to do anything that he has a lawful right to abstain from doing,
(a) uses violence or threats of violence to that person or his spouse or
children, or injures his property,
(b) intimidates or attempts to intimidate that person or a relative of that
person by threats that, in Canada or elsewhere, violence or other injury will be
done to or punishment inflicted on him or a relative of his, or that the
property of any of them will be damaged,
(c) persistently follows that person about from place to place,
(d) hides any tools, clothes or other property owned or used by that person, or
deprives him of them or hinders him in the use of them,
(e) with one or more other persons, follows that person, in a disorderly manner,
on a highway,
(f) besets or watches the dwelling-house or place where that person resides,
works, carries on business or happens to be, or
(g) blocks or obstructs a highway,
is guilty of an offence punishable on summary conviction.
(2) A person who attends at or near or approaches a dwelling-house or place, for
the purpose only of obtaining or communicating information, does not watch or
beset within the meaning of this section.
R.S., c. C-34, s. 381; 1980-81-82-83, c. 125, s. 22.
I hope some of you duplicate the effort of asking the Question as to how they can have sanction and authority if they have a false oath of allegiance on the face of the record.
Please consider teh reason why the false oatyh is their and why it is being ignored.
You can change that and get rid of all the unscrupulous lawyers who will not reswear a true oath of allegiance to a monarch that defends do unto others as you would them do unto you as the Supreme law..
Of course their is much more to this peek at the under garments of Justice and this is included in some degree in the Supreme Defense in the Spirituality Forum.
Please write your MP or MLA and ask why this is being ignored and by whose authority.
It is simple questions of truth that will regain our gifts and rights my brothers and sisters. If we continually communicate in whines and complaints about what is wrong and why we must first adress the cause and approach it with full intent of invoking a cure. This means we are a part of the cure if we speak out to up others from the matrix they are asleep in.
We can show them it is fraud by the very laws that are in front of our eyes. We have only in more numbers than one write phone and email your local MLA MP or Police and ask Why is the law not enforced upon those who have false oaths? Why are the sections of the criminal code provided and clearly being violated, being allowed in brazen ignorance of duty to enforce them.?
We can ask such questions as it is every man or womans duty to protect tehir liberty by constant vigilaqance of those put i positions of trust and authority for our good in God's name by a Christian monarch upholding in duty the authority and supremacy of God's laws .
You do not have to believe in the Christian religion to agree that doing unto others as you would have tehm do unto you is a universal maxim of civilization that is irreproachable in it's power over the primitive darkness that was once a part of our daily endeavours.
We can rise to a higher level of conciousness if we maintain our controllers in good order so as to retain integrity in law.
I am sure we could go on about rightous stuff call write or email but do something other than complain to others or fight in the courts fedding the mouths of bogus non allegiant lawyers that have no sanction to practice law with the bogus legislation where none of the provincial legislators had valid oaths to pass that legislation provincially nor act as true allegiants in ignorance of the meaning of that allegiance. You cannot provide true allegiance if you do not know what it is.
Please tell me if anyone can, how they can be in lawful possession of the power without an understood oath of allegiance to a Christian monarch sworn to uphold the laws of God if not by force and fraud and then actually by proof in unlawful and defacto possession of the power.
Turn to section 15 of the criminal code.
Obedience to de facto law
15. No person shall be convicted of an offence in respect of an act or omission
in obedience to the laws for the time being made and enforced by persons in de
facto possession of the sovereign power in and over the place where the act or
omission occurs.
Go to the Governor General's Website

We can fight city hall with the truth if it is applied enmasse. I need others to tell this truth and scream at the top of your lungs that treason is being transpired in the provincial courts and violations of all the other sections I have provided for your perusal.
Let us let them know that among the working class their are intelligent thoughts and actions that are for the betterment of peoples and habitat not financial consortiums and the G8 club.......
and so on done the line to truthville. Which pill will you take the red one or the blue?
Were in!

Minister of Christ Edward-Jay-Robin: Belanger
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