CNN is the most anti Israel network ever. They are so biased against Israel.
Steve | 09.06.2002 21:23
Hen Keinan:
"CNN Interview About My Murdered Daughter Turned Into a Show About the Terrorist's Mother Amalia Argaman-Barnea Correspondent, Yediot Aharonot
The parents of the infant Sinai Keinan, who was murdered last week in the terror attack in Petah Tikva, were interviewed last week on CNN, and tearfully told the story of their loss.
When they later viewed the program, they said they were alarmed to see that instead of their story, only the mother of the terrorist who carried out the terror attack appeared on the program.
Last Friday Hen Keinan and her husband Lior were asked to be interviewed on the CNN program called "International Hour". This is a program that is broadcast in many countries all over the world. They were asked to talk about their feelings following the murder of their 14 month old infant daughter, Sinai, and Hen's mother, Ruti Peled, 56, who was also killed in the terror attack.
Hen, who speaks English well, and her husband Lior, already prepared at the hospital, very carefully, the message they wished to convey to the world, and "especially to the Europeans who give legitimacy to terror."
Before the taped interview began, Hen was asked to speak, in a live broadcast, to an American broadcast of the network, and among other things, she said: "We love you. Help us as much as you can".
Afterwards the two went for a special interview. The journalist who interviewed them, asked Hen, among other things: "How do you feel"? And she responded with a question: "Do you have a mother? Do you have children"?
"Close your eyes for a minute and imagine that they were murdered in front of your eyes. Only then will you know in what hell I live". Her husband, Lior, showed the journalist the broken parts of Sinai's baby carriage, and all the members of the broadcast team shed tears.
"That same evening", related Hen painfully, "We sat down to watch the special interview with us, and instead, to our amazement, we got only the interview with the mother of the terrorist who carried out the terror attack in which my daughter and mother were murdered".
The terrorist's mother related during the interview, among other things, that before he left on his mission, she gave him her blessings.
"Only the day after were portions of my interview broadcast, in another program, with my statements having been edited", related Hen last night on the Israeli TV show, Documedia.
She said that the special interview with her was not even broadcast. She expressed anger about the "unfair and unprofessional" treatment by CNN. Hen said that she expects that in wake of this, the Israeli Foreign Ministry would remove foreign journalists from Israel, as they serve the Palestinian public relations goals. CNN had made no comment to make.
By now you probably all heard about CNN scandal with Chen Keinan,the mother who lost both her baby daughter and her own mother (the grandmother of the baby) who were both murdered by a homicide bomber in Petach-Tikva. If you didn’t, here’s a small recap, otherwise you can skip this paragraph and move to the next paragraph. Well, basically Chen was interviewed by a CNN reporter and made hard accusations against the morality of some European countries and against the way the media is equating the morality of the terrorists to the morality of the terror victims. In the name of pseudo-balance, CNN also conducted an interview with the mother of the terrorist, who congratulated her son for killing Jews. CNN H.Q. in Europe then decided to censor completely the interview with Chen, and instead showed the full 5 minutes interview with the murderer’s mother.
Furthermore, the report about the homicide bomber was riddled with disinformation. It presented a scenario in which the homicide bombing was an avenge of the killing of the bomber's uncle by IDF forces, and it deliberately concealed the fact that the “uncle” who was killed by IDF forces was one of the top terrorists on Israel’s Most Wanted list, a man who was personally responsible for the killing of many Israelis and the wounding of scores, and was in the midst of planning additional homicide bombings!
Last week I saw on “Documedia” (Channel 1, with Mati Golan) a follow-up on the scandal. Documedia editors approached CNN to comment on Chen’s accusations. At first CNN-Europe (based in London) didn’t even bother to answer, only after they saw the issue was picking up wind and turning into a major scandal they issued a lame apology and sent their despicable bureau-chief in Israel to deny everything.
The program ended with a heartbreaking appeal by Chen to the public not to turn their back, but to go out to the streets and demonstrate.
Well, instead of just saying “yes she’s right” and going on with my daily life I think it’s about time that the silent majority start voicing it’s word. Otherwise, we will have no one to blame when a “Mega” terror attack does happen; as it is evident the way things are going on, with already 2 attempts being averted at the last moment (the planned bombing of the Azrieli towers in Tel-Aviv and the unsuccessful attempt to blow-up the country’s main gas and fuel depot next to Glilot junction).
So I’m looking for people who are willing to help in staging a protest in front of CNN offices in Israel, calling for the Israeli government to close down CNN offices in Israel. Let CNN explain to their viewers why they can’t report from Israel, and that the Keinan scandal was all a big misunderstanding and an honest mistake (yeah, sure).
Anyone who feels the same and is ready to participate, or better yet - through in a shoulder and help organize the protest, please reply by e-mail to me at:
Here was the story. Hen Keinan:
"CNN Interview About My Murdered Daughter Turned Into a Show About the Terrorist's Mother Amalia Argaman-Barnea Correspondent, Yediot Aharonot
The parents of the infant Sinai Keinan, who was murdered last week in the terror attack in Petah Tikva, were interviewed last week on CNN, and tearfully told the story of their loss.
When they later viewed the program, they said they were alarmed to see that instead of their story, only the mother of the terrorist who carried out the terror attack appeared on the program.
Last Friday Hen Keinan and her husband Lior were asked to be interviewed on the CNN program called "International Hour". This is a program that is broadcast in many countries all over the world. They were asked to talk about their feelings following the murder of their 14 month old infant daughter, Sinai, and Hen's mother, Ruti Peled, 56, who was also killed in the terror attack. Hen, who speaks English well, and her husband Lior, already prepared at the hospital, very carefully, the message they wished to convey to the world, and "especially to the Europeans who give legitimacy to terror."
Before the taped interview began, Hen was asked to speak, in a live broadcast, to an American broadcast of the network, and among other things, she said: "We love you. Help us as much as you can".
Afterwards the two went for a special interview. The journalist who interviewed them, asked Hen, among other things: "How do you feel"? And she responded with a question: "Do you have a mother? Do you have children"? "Close your eyes for a minute and imagine that they were murdered in front of your eyes. Only then will you know in what hell I live". Her husband, Lior, showed the journalist the broken parts of Sinai's baby carriage, and all the members of the broadcast team shed tears.
"That same evening", related Hen painfully, "We sat down to watch the special interview with us, and instead, to our amazement, we got only the interview with the mother of the terrorist who carried out the terror attack in which my daughter and mother were murdered".
The terrorist's mother related during the interview, among other things, that before he left on his mission, she gave him her blessings.
"Only the day after were portions of my interview broadcast, in another program, with my statements having been edited", related Hen last night on the Israeli TV show, Documedia. She said that the special interview with her was not even broadcast. She expressed anger about the "unfair and unprofessional" treatment by CNN. Hen said that she expects that in wake of this, the Israeli Foreign Ministry would remove foreign journalists from Israel, as they serve the Palestinian public relations goals. CNN had made no comment to make.
Dear family and friends,
You know I don't often write letters about the "matzav" [situation]. But,
the other night, Diane and I watched a heartbreaking interview on CNN (of all places) with Chen and Lior Keinan. She recently lost both her 56-year-old mother, Ruth Peled, and her 1-year-old daughter, Sinai, to a homicide-bomber in Petah Tikva. This is the picture of Chen (which means grace) over her mother's and baby's grave; her face says it all.
CNN sent an interviewer to interview Chen and Lior. It turns out that quite a journalistic scandal broke out. In order to be "even-handed", CNN also interviewed the mother of Jihad Titu (the bomber), who expained her pride and how she encouraged her son to kill the Jews. CNN neglected to show the Keinan interview at all on Friday, but gave prime-time coverage twice to the other one. When at last they showed it, they showed it non prime-time and whittled it down to 2.5 minutes, as opposed to 5 minutes for the murderer's family.
CNN has a history of bending over backwards to trying to indicate some kind of "moral equivalence" of the two sides of the Middle East conflict. Its relationship to Israel has been rocky, including the last Jewish head of the CNN office here, who ripped the mezuzot (found in most buildings here) off the door of his office, saying "this is a journalistic office, not a Jewish one". He also liked parading around Jerusalem in his "The Intifada Will Win" T-shirt. So much for journalistic objectivity.
Anyway, under protest, CNN apologized to the Keinans for its insensitivity and aired part of the interview and published an abbreviated version of the article on its Website. I've been looking for the interview on the Internet and finally found it. Here is the transcript.
Chen Keinan [to interviewer]: Do you have children?
CNN interviewer: Yes.
Chen: Do you have a mother?
CNN: Yes.
Chen: Then just close your eyes. Try to imagine them without a scalp. That's the last sight I saw of my daughter, on the pavement, no scalp, in a puddle of blood. If people who have children will have the guts to close their eyes and imagine it for one second, and I know it's hard, they'll know the horror. There's no other way to explain it. It's horror. And my heart is bleeding....
Chen, Europe is appeasing terrorism. And you hope that if you tolerate it, try to understand its motives, you give it reasons, whatever they are. But we cannot have another Iran here, you understand? What, without intelligence, we'll be dying in an
hourly basis, not a daily basis.
So I ask the Europeans-- do not tolerate murder. I don't want to use terrorism, because it's banal. Do not tolerate murder. Do not appease the terrorists, not for oil, not because you're scared. Because the more fear you show, the faster it's going to be on your doorstep. And then God help you. Because you gave it legitimacy.
And my baby's blood is just as precious as any French blood. God help these hypocrite people.
Hen Keinan:
"CNN Interview About My Murdered Daughter Turned Into a Show About the Terrorist's Mother Amalia Argaman-Barnea Correspondent, Yediot Aharonot
The parents of the infant Sinai Keinan, who was murdered last week in the terror attack in Petah Tikva, were interviewed last week on CNN, and tearfully told the story of their loss.
When they later viewed the program, they said they were alarmed to see that instead of their story, only the mother of the terrorist who carried out the terror attack appeared on the program.
Last Friday Hen Keinan and her husband Lior were asked to be interviewed on the CNN program called "International Hour". This is a program that is broadcast in many countries all over the world. They were asked to talk about their feelings following the murder of their 14 month old infant daughter, Sinai, and Hen's mother, Ruti Peled, 56, who was also killed in the terror attack.
Hen, who speaks English well, and her husband Lior, already prepared at the hospital, very carefully, the message they wished to convey to the world, and "especially to the Europeans who give legitimacy to terror."
Before the taped interview began, Hen was asked to speak, in a live broadcast, to an American broadcast of the network, and among other things, she said: "We love you. Help us as much as you can".
Afterwards the two went for a special interview. The journalist who interviewed them, asked Hen, among other things: "How do you feel"? And she responded with a question: "Do you have a mother? Do you have children"?
"Close your eyes for a minute and imagine that they were murdered in front of your eyes. Only then will you know in what hell I live". Her husband, Lior, showed the journalist the broken parts of Sinai's baby carriage, and all the members of the broadcast team shed tears.
"That same evening", related Hen painfully, "We sat down to watch the special interview with us, and instead, to our amazement, we got only the interview with the mother of the terrorist who carried out the terror attack in which my daughter and mother were murdered".
The terrorist's mother related during the interview, among other things, that before he left on his mission, she gave him her blessings.
"Only the day after were portions of my interview broadcast, in another program, with my statements having been edited", related Hen last night on the Israeli TV show, Documedia.
She said that the special interview with her was not even broadcast. She expressed anger about the "unfair and unprofessional" treatment by CNN. Hen said that she expects that in wake of this, the Israeli Foreign Ministry would remove foreign journalists from Israel, as they serve the Palestinian public relations goals. CNN had made no comment to make.
By now you probably all heard about CNN scandal with Chen Keinan,the mother who lost both her baby daughter and her own mother (the grandmother of the baby) who were both murdered by a homicide bomber in Petach-Tikva. If you didn’t, here’s a small recap, otherwise you can skip this paragraph and move to the next paragraph. Well, basically Chen was interviewed by a CNN reporter and made hard accusations against the morality of some European countries and against the way the media is equating the morality of the terrorists to the morality of the terror victims. In the name of pseudo-balance, CNN also conducted an interview with the mother of the terrorist, who congratulated her son for killing Jews. CNN H.Q. in Europe then decided to censor completely the interview with Chen, and instead showed the full 5 minutes interview with the murderer’s mother.
Furthermore, the report about the homicide bomber was riddled with disinformation. It presented a scenario in which the homicide bombing was an avenge of the killing of the bomber's uncle by IDF forces, and it deliberately concealed the fact that the “uncle” who was killed by IDF forces was one of the top terrorists on Israel’s Most Wanted list, a man who was personally responsible for the killing of many Israelis and the wounding of scores, and was in the midst of planning additional homicide bombings!
Last week I saw on “Documedia” (Channel 1, with Mati Golan) a follow-up on the scandal. Documedia editors approached CNN to comment on Chen’s accusations. At first CNN-Europe (based in London) didn’t even bother to answer, only after they saw the issue was picking up wind and turning into a major scandal they issued a lame apology and sent their despicable bureau-chief in Israel to deny everything.
The program ended with a heartbreaking appeal by Chen to the public not to turn their back, but to go out to the streets and demonstrate.
Well, instead of just saying “yes she’s right” and going on with my daily life I think it’s about time that the silent majority start voicing it’s word. Otherwise, we will have no one to blame when a “Mega” terror attack does happen; as it is evident the way things are going on, with already 2 attempts being averted at the last moment (the planned bombing of the Azrieli towers in Tel-Aviv and the unsuccessful attempt to blow-up the country’s main gas and fuel depot next to Glilot junction).
So I’m looking for people who are willing to help in staging a protest in front of CNN offices in Israel, calling for the Israeli government to close down CNN offices in Israel. Let CNN explain to their viewers why they can’t report from Israel, and that the Keinan scandal was all a big misunderstanding and an honest mistake (yeah, sure).
Anyone who feels the same and is ready to participate, or better yet - through in a shoulder and help organize the protest, please reply by e-mail to me at:

Here was the story. Hen Keinan:
"CNN Interview About My Murdered Daughter Turned Into a Show About the Terrorist's Mother Amalia Argaman-Barnea Correspondent, Yediot Aharonot
The parents of the infant Sinai Keinan, who was murdered last week in the terror attack in Petah Tikva, were interviewed last week on CNN, and tearfully told the story of their loss.
When they later viewed the program, they said they were alarmed to see that instead of their story, only the mother of the terrorist who carried out the terror attack appeared on the program.
Last Friday Hen Keinan and her husband Lior were asked to be interviewed on the CNN program called "International Hour". This is a program that is broadcast in many countries all over the world. They were asked to talk about their feelings following the murder of their 14 month old infant daughter, Sinai, and Hen's mother, Ruti Peled, 56, who was also killed in the terror attack. Hen, who speaks English well, and her husband Lior, already prepared at the hospital, very carefully, the message they wished to convey to the world, and "especially to the Europeans who give legitimacy to terror."
Before the taped interview began, Hen was asked to speak, in a live broadcast, to an American broadcast of the network, and among other things, she said: "We love you. Help us as much as you can".
Afterwards the two went for a special interview. The journalist who interviewed them, asked Hen, among other things: "How do you feel"? And she responded with a question: "Do you have a mother? Do you have children"? "Close your eyes for a minute and imagine that they were murdered in front of your eyes. Only then will you know in what hell I live". Her husband, Lior, showed the journalist the broken parts of Sinai's baby carriage, and all the members of the broadcast team shed tears.
"That same evening", related Hen painfully, "We sat down to watch the special interview with us, and instead, to our amazement, we got only the interview with the mother of the terrorist who carried out the terror attack in which my daughter and mother were murdered".
The terrorist's mother related during the interview, among other things, that before he left on his mission, she gave him her blessings.
"Only the day after were portions of my interview broadcast, in another program, with my statements having been edited", related Hen last night on the Israeli TV show, Documedia. She said that the special interview with her was not even broadcast. She expressed anger about the "unfair and unprofessional" treatment by CNN. Hen said that she expects that in wake of this, the Israeli Foreign Ministry would remove foreign journalists from Israel, as they serve the Palestinian public relations goals. CNN had made no comment to make.
Dear family and friends,
You know I don't often write letters about the "matzav" [situation]. But,
the other night, Diane and I watched a heartbreaking interview on CNN (of all places) with Chen and Lior Keinan. She recently lost both her 56-year-old mother, Ruth Peled, and her 1-year-old daughter, Sinai, to a homicide-bomber in Petah Tikva. This is the picture of Chen (which means grace) over her mother's and baby's grave; her face says it all.
CNN sent an interviewer to interview Chen and Lior. It turns out that quite a journalistic scandal broke out. In order to be "even-handed", CNN also interviewed the mother of Jihad Titu (the bomber), who expained her pride and how she encouraged her son to kill the Jews. CNN neglected to show the Keinan interview at all on Friday, but gave prime-time coverage twice to the other one. When at last they showed it, they showed it non prime-time and whittled it down to 2.5 minutes, as opposed to 5 minutes for the murderer's family.
CNN has a history of bending over backwards to trying to indicate some kind of "moral equivalence" of the two sides of the Middle East conflict. Its relationship to Israel has been rocky, including the last Jewish head of the CNN office here, who ripped the mezuzot (found in most buildings here) off the door of his office, saying "this is a journalistic office, not a Jewish one". He also liked parading around Jerusalem in his "The Intifada Will Win" T-shirt. So much for journalistic objectivity.
Anyway, under protest, CNN apologized to the Keinans for its insensitivity and aired part of the interview and published an abbreviated version of the article on its Website. I've been looking for the interview on the Internet and finally found it. Here is the transcript.
Chen Keinan [to interviewer]: Do you have children?
CNN interviewer: Yes.
Chen: Do you have a mother?
CNN: Yes.
Chen: Then just close your eyes. Try to imagine them without a scalp. That's the last sight I saw of my daughter, on the pavement, no scalp, in a puddle of blood. If people who have children will have the guts to close their eyes and imagine it for one second, and I know it's hard, they'll know the horror. There's no other way to explain it. It's horror. And my heart is bleeding....
Chen, Europe is appeasing terrorism. And you hope that if you tolerate it, try to understand its motives, you give it reasons, whatever they are. But we cannot have another Iran here, you understand? What, without intelligence, we'll be dying in an
hourly basis, not a daily basis.
So I ask the Europeans-- do not tolerate murder. I don't want to use terrorism, because it's banal. Do not tolerate murder. Do not appease the terrorists, not for oil, not because you're scared. Because the more fear you show, the faster it's going to be on your doorstep. And then God help you. Because you gave it legitimacy.
And my baby's blood is just as precious as any French blood. God help these hypocrite people.
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