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heather | 04.06.2002 19:46

jubilee poem with respect to The Coup...

In the crowd
one child
not singing
I'm proud
This is my motherfucking party



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04.06.2002 22:37

'....wrong nigga to fuk wif, i got the A to the muthafuking K, im setting up the ultimate drive by, tied me up, took me outside, an i was thrown in a big truck, it was packed like sardines, full of niggas who fell for the same scheme, took us to a place that made us work all night and day, and we cudnt hav shit to say, broke up families forever, to this day black folks cant stick together,broke us down, made me pray to his god, hanged me by a rope till my neck snapped, now the sneaky muthafuker want to bend that, put me under dirt or concrete, but i can see thru yur white sheet, you the devil in drag, well you can burn yur cross, i'm gonna burn yur flag, tried to give me the HIV, so i can stop making babies like me, and yur giving dope to my people, just wait till we get over that,.... so bitch you can fight yur own wars, so if you see a man in red white and blue, getting chased by the lench mob who, its a man who deserves to buckle, i wanna kill sam cos he's not my muthfuking uncle.'NWA

bernadette mary