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Flirting with Fascism

Kemal | 04.06.2002 03:02

Long time far right apologist Tony Gosling is at it again. Lovers all over the world of his fascinating site yes – the one that thinks David Irving is a good guy - may be interested to see that he is currently endorsing the nefarious but amusingly entitled “ American Free Press”

Gosling keeps getting himself into trouble for his blasé attitude towards bigots and rascists alike and seems to have no ethical problem flirting with the fascists. Follow this link for more examples/background and criticism -

For those of you who have never heard of them they are the editorial team behind that well known fascist publication “The Spotlight” – mouth piece for the American extreme right. Amongst being anti-semetic gun nuts they also advocate racial separation - but all done in the best possible taste. This new brand of friendly fascism is admired by Nick Griffin and his neo-fascist spindoctors at the BNP. The AFP are at the polite end of fascism but have no doubt in there motives.

In one of their recent editorials they reviewed a conference of the Far right ( which funnily enough included Nick Griffin) and criticised it for their heavy handed use of racist rhetoric…I think you can get the general tone of where these pigs are coming from

“I think black-bashing and Muslim-bashing is a counterproductive waste of time that offers little to white working people, or any working people, as it is clear that blacks in America do not have any independent political organizations that represent black interests [Except the Nation of Islam—Ed.] and that Muslims play a negligible role in American popular consciousness.
I think it would be much more productive to reach out to black workers with the promises of liberty and economic independence that appeal to white workers, with the prospects of them building real autonomous communities that they control, than it is to bash them as low-IQ criminals who can never be assimilated (rather than recognizing that low-IQs, criminality and the like are the results of living immersed in the particular culture of hatred, fear and ignorance which is manufactured by the owners of the mass media for consumption by blacks).” (

The AFP are financially backed and supporters of the America First Party – they’re founding principles are somewhat dodgy to say the least. Youre all American nightmare of fundamental Christianity mixed with guns, the ‘jewish conspiracy’ and a loathing of foreigners… Bush appears a mere limp wristed liberal when compared to these fascists.

So is it okay to sit back and casually associate yourself with such people? The BBC have been reporting widely how the far right in the UK are trying to legitamise themselves by adopting less contentious language and steering away from the “bootboy” image. It seems that they are learning fast from their friends across the pond. And considering the disturbing rise of fascism and xenophobia that is sweeping across Europe it is important to be aware of who the far right is courting.

Activists and campaign groups should be aware that Gosling has been watched by our group for some time now. His association with environmental groups is worrying as most seem unaware of his far right leanings…and as for his current postion in the National Union of Jouralists ? well that makes a joke of the NUJ.

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Display the following 4 comments

  1. Gosling is an apologist for nazis — Space Bunny
  2. Tony Gosling's home page — stuart
  3. missing the point — k
  4. piss poor smear — Tony Gosling