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Was Hitler a Globalist?

vngelis | 02.06.2002 10:41

Does Fascism Close Borders?

An arguement has developed regarding the role of fascism and labour mobility. Did fascism close the borders and expel immigrants under its control or not? Or did it actually bring immigrants to work in its bomb factories.

A quick reading of Mark Mazowers 'Hitlers Occupation of Greece' would clarify the situation if it needs clarification. Getting internal labour Ministry documents Mazower shows how Hitlers hordes forcibly took labourers from Yugoslavia, Greece, Poland, Ukraine etc and got them working for free in the various bomb making facilities of Dachau, Buchenwald etc.

Did Hitlers Occupation of Europe 'close' the borders or did Hitler become the first imperialist gangster who attempted the globalisation of labour alongside capital. After marching into countries Hitlers hordes looted the national vaults and appointed 'advisers' who run the local economies as local appendages of his war machine.

Leftist globalisers of today argue that big business has as the aim of supporting if the crisis develops the extreme right and that if it comes to power it will close and expel immigrants from Europe. Rightist governments are now in power in Italy, Austria and only one year ago the leftists were demonstrating about 'fascism' having arrived in Austria...

Big business by its very nature is globalist. The era of the 'nationalist' big businessman died with the outbreak of WWI when the capitalist nation states outgrew their economic environment. Fascism internally nationalist but outwardly globalist sought to 'solve' the crisis of capitalism by unifying Europe and then the world under its military, economic and political hegemony.

The same forces which existed then are attempting once more to solve the world crisis of capitalism by imposing a world dictatorship of the large transnational corporations whose power and influence has outgrown the nation states which gave birth to them. They need to solve the crisis by imposing their will.

Does that then imply we are on the verge of 'closed borders' or open borders?

Will the EU's expansion, NAFTAS expansion signify as the leftists argue mistakenly that immigrants will be booted out of these economic and military blocks?

Do the modern transnational corporations resemble Hitlers bomb factories? Does a $3 a day wage equivalent in modern times with Hitlers 'free soup' equal 'free choice' and 'voluntary labour'?

Has there ever been a successful union strike in a tax free zone where reformist gains have been made? If so when?



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Nation sold out, again.

03.06.2002 18:33

It is a long-standing whine of the right, that the nation is being sold out to global financial forces. No surprise, that right has adopted the language of anti-globalisation for its campaigns, in this case immigrant-bashing.

Remember: "globalisation of labour" is a code-word for immigration. And indeed immigrants are employed by business firms. So within an anti-globalisation movement, the right can campaign for an anti-capitalist anti-immigration platform.


if there is a shrub....

03.06.2002 19:02

Take note of the Bush continuity behind the two fascisms, recalling grandfather made many bucks on those factories, whether the forced labour was German or Polish.

Another continuity would seem the world domination drive, whether Hitler and his industrialists, or the "multinationals" with their little bush.


Bib Business support Nations??

04.06.2002 09:53

Big Business now Supports Nations!!!
Big business only cares for big business. If it cared for the nation it wouldn't have led to the Marshall Petain scenarios in France.
The globalisation of labour like the globalisation of capital are policies actively pursued by big business. To argue the opposite would imply that Big Business is sealing borders at the same time as actively pursuing the expansion of the EU and NAFTA.
