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Lancaster University Greenfield Expansion

16.06.2002 22:54

Jarvis Construction plc, in conjunction with Lancaster University, want to build a new housing complex on a greenfield site to the south of Lancaster University. Part of this will involve a new link road between Green Lane and the A6. The scheme is being rushed ahead to try to forestall local objections and to capitalise on funding before the state's education budget is eaten up. Student representatives oppose the scheme, which is expected to drive up the rents. This cash cow, costing £120m, will be owned by Jarvis under a 35 year lease scheme, and will provide 1750 new residences. Other developments not shown on the plan include an 'Infolab' complex nearby. In addition, under 'Phase 1' there are also plans to pull down existing university buildings and put up a seven storey monster accommodation block. Eventually, 4,000 university residences are expected to be owned and managed by Jarvis. Read the full story: environmental destruction, roads and traffic.