Stonehenge and Glastonbury ambience threatened by Police and big business
15.06.2002 13:51
Thousands of travellers with nowhere to go between next week's Stonehenge midsummer solstice gathering and the opening of the Glastonbury Festival are seeking to persuade landowners to provide them with park-up sites. People involved with the Stonehenge Peace Process and the Truth and Reconciliation Commission for Stonehenge (TRC) have been trying to find some park-up land for people to use inbetween the solstice and Glastonbury festivals. article.
The approach by the (TRC) for Stonehenge looks certain to be rebuffed by farmers and other landowners. It seems the police have been trying to stop such initiatives by warning off farmers and other landowners. This comes on top of the orders for Micheal Eavis not to provide a traveller park-up field for the Glastonbury festival itself.
Meanwhile in Feburary this year Mean Fiddler Music acquired a 20% stake in the Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Arts. This will see the Mean Fiddler receiving 20% of the net profit. In 2000, the event's net profit of around £700,000 was wholly donated to charities such as Water Aid, Greenpeace and Oxfam. The Mean Fiddler's involvement at Glastonbury will be the operational management of the event, incorporating security, crowd control and perimeter fencing. See a Corporatewatch news article.
The approach by the (TRC) for Stonehenge looks certain to be rebuffed by farmers and other landowners. It seems the police have been trying to stop such initiatives by warning off farmers and other landowners. This comes on top of the orders for Micheal Eavis not to provide a traveller park-up field for the Glastonbury festival itself.
Meanwhile in Feburary this year Mean Fiddler Music acquired a 20% stake in the Glastonbury Festival of Contemporary Arts. This will see the Mean Fiddler receiving 20% of the net profit. In 2000, the event's net profit of around £700,000 was wholly donated to charities such as Water Aid, Greenpeace and Oxfam. The Mean Fiddler's involvement at Glastonbury will be the operational management of the event, incorporating security, crowd control and perimeter fencing. See a Corporatewatch news article.