I Told You So!
David Charles | 31.05.2002 13:55
9-11 Warnings - I Told You So May 22, 2002 -
by David Charles
I Told You So!
by David Charles
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Vice President Cheney is now trying to do damage control. Be a good
American and turn off your brain. Thinking will hurt the war effort. We
know what to do. Trust us!
What was the intelligence and how much was received about any of this? How
much of it was acted on? Why did it not raise eyebrows so strongly that
something was done?
In 1993 the WTC was bombed. This should have put that building along
with others on a list that terrorists might want to hit. Nothing appears to
have been done.
A Representative or a Senator was interviewed on CNN regarding
security after Sept. 11. He had no luck in getting the media to pay attention to their
report (in July 2001). It mentioned the use of an airplane as a weapon.
During the first week of coverage, CNN covered a wide variety of questions
concerning why, who, what, when, were asked. But hours later that
particular part of the CNN program was shelved.
There is another man who phoned (FBI) many times. His concerns were
that a fully laden (fuelled) airplane could be used a bomb. He was
concerned that no body was taking him seriously. Then there is a man who
phoned and complained (I believe to the FBI) about people undergoing flight
lessons that were not interested in taking off and landing.
One FBI agent by the name of Kenneth Williams from Phoenix, wrote a
memo about the flight schools. This internal report went no where? Another
report was censored, the idea of using a hijacked airplane as a bomb was
thought to be a bad idea that someone might act on.
Summer of 2001, an Iranian man phones and warns of an imminent attack
on the WTC.
Then theres the foreign services of Russia warning in the summer of
2001, 25 men trained to attack; that is followed by Putin warnings of an
imminent attacking in August; in June 2001; BND, Germany and Israel
providing information on planes being used as a bomb! The Philippines
supplied even better information from Al Qaeda; after torturing some
members. This too concerned airplanes as bombs.
Tom Dachle is "gravely concerned;" "Why did it take eight months for us
to receive this information?" Tenet was extremely worried that it caused him some
sleep problems. Supposedly, there was "something big coming."
But, we are being told that nobody had ever thought of this idea or the
use of it. "We never imagined hijackers using planes as missiles," says
Rice. But then John Ashcroft was not using commercial airplanes around this
time. What did he know?
Then there was the U.S. airliner a few years back, that was hijacked to
be used as a weapon. A smart thinking pilot banked the aircraft, foiling
the attempt. Then the French stopped an attempt in France. Allegedly the
airplane was going to be used to destroy the Eiffel Tower. Still, nobody knew
of an idea that planes might be used as weapons!
We are now told of news from August (2001) that an airplane that might be hijacked. This came from Phoenix and Minneapolis. It also concerned Moussaoui. The British, in the years before had also supplied
information about hijackings. Further, when Bush attended the G8 Conference Genoa (summer of 2001), somebody thought to provide anti-aircraft weapons around the
buildings. Why, there had been intelligence (airplanes used as weapons) that this sort of attack might happened.
Then, there is the case of an Investigator (referring to another man)
who says there is allegedly a signed and sealed document in a Canadian
court mentioning the hijacking and naming some of the buildings to be targeted. If
this is only partially true, it will be damning evidence. The alleged name of
this man is Lt. Delmart, U.S. Navy.
Again on CNN within the first week. A report that the airlines had
lobbied against no more costs for security. This was not long staying on
CNN. What simple measures could have been taken to ensure that an airplane plane was less easily hijacked, or equipped not to be able to be hijacked?
September 3 to 10, MS-NBC reports of an attack in the offing. Just days
before the hijacking and massive tragedy, the FAA removed the right of
Pilots to carry firearms. The reason, minimal usage. But a congressional
source told WND of planned attacks around July 5, 2001. The FAA also claims
warnings were given to the airlines in July (July 22, 2001) and August of 2001. The
airlines don't have any recollection of these warnings.
The question asked again; what is intelligence? It is the gathering of
minute pieces of information. The sum total maybe only 5%. From there,
experienced intelligence officers attempt to create a picture of 100% Using
both intelligence officers and specialists in various fields, eg,
Afghanistan, Taliban, Al Qaeda and terrorism. From this info is created an
idea as to what will or is happening.
In this case the information supplied was 100% of what was going to
happen. The only missing component was the dates and the targets. The WTC
would or should have been high on the list, the symbols of American
dominance (military?) based on the alleged perpetrator bin Mohammed Osama
bin Ladin. This should have generated a small list of targets. The example
(coming easily) being the White House, the Pentagon.
Now were told (by the administration) that someone is playing politics
with this information. Yes, we know who they are ...
Give me a break, Mr. Vice-President!
David Charles
David Charles