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Who? What? Why?

PUk | 29.05.2002 20:49

admit we're shit......

I know this is not a news article, nor an event publication but I just need some reassurance we are not pissing in the wind. For many a year now I have been involved in the long hard struggle to try and make this world a fair and just place. I, like many others to this site believe life is very precious and we do not have any right to exploit this planets inhabitants or its resources. I have mellowed a lot as I have got older and now have pleasure in spending time with my 2-year-old, showing her the beauty of nature. She loves to see the birds, frogs etc,etc. And what she really loves is to see the wild rabbits jumping around. The other night we went to spot the rabbits. After spending 10-15 minutes watching them I saw a bloke and his son (about 4-5 years old) also looking for rabbits, only this bastard had a gun. My instant reaction was to (politically incorrect I know) kick his fucking head in. Thankfully common-sense prevailed, however I did not want my little one to see this brainless arse hole killing the very rabbits she was having great pleasure in watching. So what did I do? I did nothing. We cut our evening short and went home! Scum wins again…….
I have been involved in various actions at varying levels and have felt the pain of frustration and despair, but daft as it may sound this one evening has really got to me.
Ignoring the fact that had I let my emotions get the better of me, and I had chinned this cretin, it would have been me in the dock. What really hit home was that no matter how many Hilgroves get shut down, how loud we scream or how much we kick at the foundations of cruelty and exploitation. Nothing will change, as ours is a race of self centred, cruel bullies. If we can exploit, we will, if we can inflict pain, we will, and unfortunately we can do both very, very well. The 5-year-old son of this twat will more than likely grow up to be another twat and so the cycle continues. They are safe in their power as most powerful species on earth. The only thing that can stop them is other human's like us. As we all know they create laws to stop us, outlaw us. This is well known I know but fucking hell I couldn’t even watch a few fluffy bunnies hopping around without someone wanting to kill. And I was powerless to stop him. I honestly cannot understand the mentality of humans, why do we always want more? Why do we always have to inflict suffering? What the fuck is wrong with us?



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29.05.2002 21:45

I love to watch the bunnies hopping too, but they eat my vegetables before I can, so my cat kills them. It's natures way. A gun is a bit severe, when a ferret would do.

Brown Eyes

thats so sad

29.05.2002 22:12

i,m afraid you wont get much positive comment here PUK, why not try the bulletin/chat boards on urban75, they are a generally mellow, supportive and analytical crowd,,,

good luck


not at all

30.05.2002 06:45

I am sure plenty of people who frequent IMC UKhave similar opinions to PUK.
Kicking people whoo do things he doesn't like is resorting to
"their" methods. Hitler burnt books, the NWO have replaced books with the Tellie which they control 100%.
they have turned real life into soaps like Eastenders.
People need to be educated not have their heads kicked in.
That is a big job. But IMC is a good start.
Now we need to Reclaim our communities, some people are trying to doo this by starting community projects run by the
community, not a bunch of arselicking politicos who represent
big business and organized crime.who are one and the same.
let's get on .... regards ....


Its a Genetic thing

30.05.2002 11:11

(Note by Bastard I refer to someone you is happy to benifit at the expense of others - not the old fasioned definition of an illegitimate child)

Why are humans Bastards - its a survival trait. At work today there are two opposing survial traits,
1. co-operation - this provided humans with all our social benefits and with all the gains of society.
2. Competition/Exploitation - this means that you will rise to the top in our society, IE You gain at the expense of others.

Our current society rewards the second trait (dont believe me look at any workplace, country, political group. The higher up the structure you go the higher the % of bastards is!) which is a problem as to contine as a functioning society we need most people to have the first trait - look at the effect just one money hungry person can have - polluting for profit etc.
change society so that its fair and this trait(2) wont be such an advantage so natural selection will slowly (100-500 Generations?) remove it.
you can also change people by educating them - next time walk up to the man and ask him why he is shooting the rabbits, you may change his mind and if that fails just make sure the last few words are shouted - All the rabbits will run away :-)



What's your point?

30.05.2002 12:37

What's the problem. When I was a kid my dad and me shot rabbits and ate them: it was free food! Are you against free food for poor workers? Does that make me scum? If it does then I'm not in the same movement for change as you, and I've been struggling for a better world for more than 25 years. Face reality: a better world is not going to mean a world where everything is nice 24/7. Life is hard, whether its non-hierarchical hard or Capitalist hard. Haven't you learnt any politics in the last couple ofyears, or have you just learnt how to be an activist?

Cliff Hanger
mail e-mail:

25 years wow! Happy anniversary

30.05.2002 18:22

cliff-hanger Are you really suggesting this person was so hard up he jumped into his range rover complete with bull bars(in case a young child’s head might damage his paintwork) and set off to hunt rabbits to prevent his family from starving? Romantic thought tho, by the way how much do air guns cost or new 4x4’s for that matter. Shame u and your dad had to kill rabbits to eat. Us well off geordies have never done without, infact Maggie really made our bellies swell when we decided we were so well off with working down the pit we would go on strike. (Its true what they say, the mine shaft is really paved with gold). Politics that’s my interior designer’s name I think. So surprised u feel life is hard, try moving here, it’s really swell. Aghhhh fuck it, 25 years and u’ve achieved fuck all, sums it up really, go and shoot your rabbits get for your free food. If that’s your idea of free food so be it. Again up here the daft gits thought it would be better to introduce the UK to the wonderful sport of ram raiding, cheap goodies sold in the local made money to buy (real free food). I tried telling em "shoot rabbits young lads and study politics", they told me go hang off a cliff, life’s hard you know, never!



30.05.2002 20:13

PUK have you not learnt your politics yet. Thicko (-; Jesus pay attention to your elders.
Think u hit a nerve with our friend cliffjumper the bunny murderer.
Thing is puk there are millions like u out there. Human freedom/animal rights are the same struggle. Cliffjumper is right when he says he is not fighting the same fight as us. Now if the bunnies were armed with AK47’s well then fair game. Did u know that the rich scum now pay to shoot caged endangered animals, bastard cowardly scum.
Air guns and 4x4’s are very expensive anyway must go now I’m off to do some paint stripping.


Meat means dinner

31.05.2002 11:37

You never mentioned 4x4s and rich twats shooting for fun in your original post - you were bothered about the principle of the thing. And the principle of the thing is, when times are hard working class people take what they can from where they can, be it ram raiding or rabbit shooting. To believe otherwise is to kid yourself. Try going beyond your feeble liberal moralism into some political thought, maybe you might get further than "aren't we all horrid".

You can have a go at me about struggling without apparent success if you like, but are you really pleased that there has not been a revolution in the UK so that you can use that to slag people off? Fucking wierd priorities mate.

Sorry you feel life down there in Geordie land is tougher than anywhere else on these islands. I assure you life is tough North East South or West. Do you want fries with that chip?

"Human freedom and animal rights are the same struggle"? Nice slogan, is that why he was going to punch a human then? Be a vegan if you want, but don't try and impose your veganism on me thanks, I'll eat you up!

Clif Hanger


31.05.2002 19:14

Before this gets into a pointless slanging match. Yes I was bothered about the principle of the thing.
The principle of this knacker killing for fun, u jumped to the conclusion he was doing it out of need. Yes the working class will take what they can from were they can. In my ill spent past I have done exactly that (tho in all honesty I can not say I was actually starving). It is u sir with the problem, u talk of revolution and have a go about me punching another human, the feather duster revolution is it?
U say I have a chip on my shoulder, The chip was probably born from the fact that whilst we stood in bloody conflict against thatchers boot boys, people like u were condoning us for the violence. Animal rights activists went mental coz some people were throwing potatoes packed with 6” nails at police as they charged on horseback. Horses were hit. Trip wires were also used to fell the horses. That was the working class in struggle doing desperate things in desperate times. We were trying to bring down thatcher and would have done if people like u got of your arses and helped...why didnt u eh? head in a book or up your arse? Harsh fact it was violent. Scabs were beaten, some were killed. A taxi driver was killed when a concrete slab was throwing from a bridge through his windscreen.. He had been driving scabs to work.
We could have smashed the Thatcher government, but others did not join us. Where were u then cliffjumper? I cannot recall anyone with feather duster shouting “don’t hit a fellow human, have political thoughts man, after all meat is dinner”So yeah i have a chip with people like u. people who are all mouth, but in the end are faceless dreamers. i am still invoved today as i strongly belive in a fair and just world, it fills me with hope now when i see the amount of younger people attending demos/actions etc. they do not deserve this shitty do. they are not to blame for our generations lack of bottle...
By the way did I ever say I was a vegan? U like to jump to conclusions don’t u cliff jumper? Often the wrong one I may add. Meat means dinner? The wit of it all. May I suggest u get out more, mix with some of us working class if u really must. Word of advice tho don’t threaten to eat people up. Somehow I cannot see that being taking to well, North, East, West or South.

“Try going beyond your feeble liberal moralism into some political thought, maybe you might get further than "aren't we all horrid"

.????????????? Eh???? Lost me here I’m afraid. Are u suggesting political thought will, will what exactly, what is it exactly u have been struggling for all these years? The right to shoot rabbits? /have political thoughts? WHAT? Enlighten pls. Is that what you do, lie back and have thoughts on politics? Wow far out. Sorry like but I’ve got more things to do with my life than to waste time thinking of politics. Keep on thinking man.

“You can have a go at me about struggling without apparent success if you like, but are you really pleased that there has not been a revolution in the UK so that you can use that to slag people off? Fucking weird priorities mate. “

Your above quote sums it all up, go back to your books/smoke your dope/wash the sheep/do anything but don’t ride along on the backs of people who want change, play your revolution game elsewhere.
There’s plenty a time waster playing the revolution game, but things are a bit different when you really start to play………


Mixed up mister

10.06.2002 14:03

Oh dear. You really are mixed up, aren't you?

You start off posting about "the principle of the thing", that "ours is a race of self-centred bullies" even though your reaction was to "kick his fucking head in". So far so contradictory. So far so totally full of feeble liberal moralism: that's what "ours is a race of self-centred bullies" comes down to. There's no rationality behind it, no analysis, no way out, just throwing up your hands and whining "its all horrid". What I was suggesting is that perhaps you might do better if you actually thought a bit more about the situation, and then did something about it, rather than moaning "we cut our evening short and went home! Scum wins again..."

As for your assumptions about me - I didn't say what kind of politics (that's up to you, innit) just that you might need to think a bit beyond moral outrage. I didn't suggest in any way that the problem was that you were going to punch somebody, just that it totally contradicted what you were saying. I don't have a problem with punching people, just with people who contradict themselves over and over again. You ask me where I was during the miners strike? At Bettshanger colliery (we had mines in Kent too you know). And then I was on the pickets and hit squads for News International, and rioting in Brixton and Tottenham, and poll tax riots in Hackney and Trafalgar Square... and more that I'm not posting here. If you think that none of that was "political" you're a complete fucking twat. If you think that whining about "cruel bullies" is time better spent, then more fool you. If you are narrow-minded enough to believe that only middle class people READ BOOKS then I think its you who need to get out more you prick!

Don't call me all mouth mate, you have no fucking idea what you're on about. There's no point in street fighting if you don't know who owns the street and why you're fighting. If YOU'VE given up fighting for change, don't assume everyone else has.

Cliff Hanger