Why the Left must organize to deliver a loud NO vote on the Euro referendum
Rotekatz | 26.05.2002 15:24
The Left must organize a strong "No" vote on the Euro. Forget the arguments pro and con: this is a referencdum on New Labour's pro-capitalist, war-mongering, poor-bashing, benefits grabbing, millionaire brownosing regime. It is time to let Tony Blair know that the only reason we don't vote against his smarmy crew is because we think the other lot is worse. VOTE NO
It is absolutely certain that we will have a referendum on the euro sometime in the next 18 months.
The Left needs to organize to deliver a powerful NO vote.
We may be divided about the substantive economic issues. I happen to think that the euro is part of the bankers' vision of Europe, about making corporate accounting easier, not about the Europe concerned with citizenship and rights. But you may disagree.
What we can all agree on is that we loathe Tony Blair and his destruction of the Labour Party. That we hate his foreign policy, his militarism, his brownosing of millionaires and press barons, his poodling to George Bush, his fundamental dislike of the poor, his siding with Berlusconi, Asnar, his anti-refugee policy, his crime policy, his destruction of back bench opposition, his hatred of any kind of politics he cant control or which his friends cant buy, his "anti-terrorist" legislation, his erosion of civil liberties, his neglect of public services, his smarmy face.
A NO vote on the euro referendum is a way of bashing Blair without electing the even less palatable Tories. Let us bruise his ego on this, let us shake his credibility once and for all. He is going to bet his political house on this one, and we can organize, just this once, to fuckhimup good and proper.
So vote no on the euro if you hate the war in Afghanistan, vote no on the euro if you hate our betrayal of the
palestinians, vote no if you hate the bashing of the unions, vote no if you've been section 60'd or worse by the police, vote no if your email is being read without your consent, and your phone is being tapped, vote no against poverty, vote no against globalization and capitalism, vote no to stop this New Labour machine in its trackss , vote no because you are sick of their betrayals
The Left needs to organize to deliver a powerful NO vote.
We may be divided about the substantive economic issues. I happen to think that the euro is part of the bankers' vision of Europe, about making corporate accounting easier, not about the Europe concerned with citizenship and rights. But you may disagree.
What we can all agree on is that we loathe Tony Blair and his destruction of the Labour Party. That we hate his foreign policy, his militarism, his brownosing of millionaires and press barons, his poodling to George Bush, his fundamental dislike of the poor, his siding with Berlusconi, Asnar, his anti-refugee policy, his crime policy, his destruction of back bench opposition, his hatred of any kind of politics he cant control or which his friends cant buy, his "anti-terrorist" legislation, his erosion of civil liberties, his neglect of public services, his smarmy face.
A NO vote on the euro referendum is a way of bashing Blair without electing the even less palatable Tories. Let us bruise his ego on this, let us shake his credibility once and for all. He is going to bet his political house on this one, and we can organize, just this once, to fuckhimup good and proper.
So vote no on the euro if you hate the war in Afghanistan, vote no on the euro if you hate our betrayal of the
palestinians, vote no if you hate the bashing of the unions, vote no if you've been section 60'd or worse by the police, vote no if your email is being read without your consent, and your phone is being tapped, vote no against poverty, vote no against globalization and capitalism, vote no to stop this New Labour machine in its trackss , vote no because you are sick of their betrayals
Hide the following 8 comments
No to the European Union
26.05.2002 15:43
Switzerland, the most democratic country is not is the European Union. Norway which has one the highest standard of living in the world is not in the European Union.
The EU is the work of the devil and mean that not as a right-wing nationalist but as a genuine democrat and a anarchist. We need de-centralised government on a more local level and not more centralisation being run from Brussels.
The EU is only good for one thing - free movement of people - but the border around Europe are discraceful.
Lets get out of the EU.
Gary Shlomo
e-mail: gary224@email.com
No to the European Union
26.05.2002 15:43
Switzerland, the most democratic country is not is the European Union. Norway which has one the highest standard of living in the world is not in the European Union.
The EU is the work of the devil and mean that not as a right-wing nationalist but as a genuine democrat and a anarchist. We need de-centralised government on a more local level and not more centralisation being run from Brussels.
The EU is only good for one thing - free movement of people - but the border around Europe are discraceful.
Lets get out of the EU.
Gary Shlomo
e-mail: gary224@email.com
I don't Loathe Tony Blair
26.05.2002 15:45
Tony Blair is not a suitable person for prime minister, and it's a tragedy that he is prime minister. But we should avoid loathing our fellow human beings.
There are plenty of people who we don't loathe who would do just as bad a job as Tony if they were the prime minister. But it just so happens that they're not.
Tony is a dangerous man. That doesn't mean we should hate him. If a dangerous tiger was trying to eat me, I wouldn't hate it - I might try to kill it but only to stop it killing me.
Let's not hate people. Let's sit around and take drugs and wear flowers in our hair and dream about world peace instead. Yeah man.
Europe has two choices-
26.05.2002 16:26
Scrap the pound........
26.05.2002 17:55
Ad Nauseum
No euro No pound
27.05.2002 08:58
For a socialist federation of europe not a bosses one
No one told me why
27.05.2002 10:37
Tom Husband
e-mail: thetada@yahoo.co.uk
re: no euro no pound
27.05.2002 12:09