The American Media Should Be Ashamed of Itself
Victor Thorn | 26.05.2002 12:21
From May 30-June 2, 2002, the ultra-secret, ultra-elitist Bilderberg cabal will meet at the Westfields Marriott Hotel in Chantilly, Va., seven miles south of Washington, D.C. The big question is: will the local and national media cover this extremely crucial event?
Some of the items on their nefarious list this year were:
- America's upcoming invasion of Iraq, and how to lure Europe and other Asian nations into supporting our War Machine.
- Further create a multinational financial octopus, with the United Nations as the head of a one-world government.
- Keep pumping money, technology, and computers into China, bolstering them as the next premier global superpower.
- Funnel more American aid to "under-exploited" foreign countries, leading the way for the implementation of a World Tax.
- Finally, prevent the Israeli/Palestinian war from turning into a complete powder keg, thus endangering our Middle Eastern oil supplies.
To me, each of these issues seems vitally important, even crucial, to the world. Others thought so too, for some of the attendees included:
- David Rockefeller - Overlord, Chase-Manhattan Bank
- Paul Volcker - Former Chairman, Federal Reserve
- Charles Robb - Former Senator
- Robert McNamara - Former Secretary of Defense
- Kenneth Lay - Former CEO, Enron
- Henry Kissinger - Former Secretary of State
- Winston Lord - Former China Ambassador
- David Gergen - Editor, U.S. News and World Report
- Zbigniew Brzezinski - Former Head of National Security, Trilat co-founder
- Madeline Albright - Former Secretary of State
- John Deutch - Former Head, CIA
- Richard Holbrook - Former U.S. Ambassador to U.N.
- Harold Brown - Former Secretary of Defense
- Strobe Talbott - Former Under Secretary of State
- Tom Foley - Former Speaker of the House
Some fairly important names, huh? Well, in addition to them, there was also the head of Goldman-Sachs International, which is one of the ten firms that hold the most stock in our nation's Federal Reserve System. Plus, there were other representatives from:
- Fuji Xerox
- The Ambassador of Germany
- a Georgetown Professor
- a Washington Post columnist
- Chairman, Archer-Daniels Midland
- President, Club of Rome
- International Monetary Fund managing director
- Former Canadian High Commissioner to the U.K.
- a member of the British Parliament
- President Emeritus, AFL-CIO (NITE branch)
- President, Federal Reserve
- Chairman, Levi-Strauss
- Director of Rothschild & Sons
- Vice Chairman, Citicorp (which owns 22% of NYFR stock)
- CEO, Institution of Global Economics, Seoul
- Former Minister of Trade, Mexico
- Former Irish Senator
- Former CEO, Xerox
- Former President of Mexico
Finally, some of the speakers and panelists were:
- Dick Cheney, Vice President of the United States
- Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Federal Reserve
- Colin Powell, Secretary of State
- Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense
- America's upcoming invasion of Iraq, and how to lure Europe and other Asian nations into supporting our War Machine.
- Further create a multinational financial octopus, with the United Nations as the head of a one-world government.
- Keep pumping money, technology, and computers into China, bolstering them as the next premier global superpower.
- Funnel more American aid to "under-exploited" foreign countries, leading the way for the implementation of a World Tax.
- Finally, prevent the Israeli/Palestinian war from turning into a complete powder keg, thus endangering our Middle Eastern oil supplies.
To me, each of these issues seems vitally important, even crucial, to the world. Others thought so too, for some of the attendees included:
- David Rockefeller - Overlord, Chase-Manhattan Bank
- Paul Volcker - Former Chairman, Federal Reserve
- Charles Robb - Former Senator
- Robert McNamara - Former Secretary of Defense
- Kenneth Lay - Former CEO, Enron
- Henry Kissinger - Former Secretary of State
- Winston Lord - Former China Ambassador
- David Gergen - Editor, U.S. News and World Report
- Zbigniew Brzezinski - Former Head of National Security, Trilat co-founder
- Madeline Albright - Former Secretary of State
- John Deutch - Former Head, CIA
- Richard Holbrook - Former U.S. Ambassador to U.N.
- Harold Brown - Former Secretary of Defense
- Strobe Talbott - Former Under Secretary of State
- Tom Foley - Former Speaker of the House
Some fairly important names, huh? Well, in addition to them, there was also the head of Goldman-Sachs International, which is one of the ten firms that hold the most stock in our nation's Federal Reserve System. Plus, there were other representatives from:
- Fuji Xerox
- The Ambassador of Germany
- a Georgetown Professor
- a Washington Post columnist
- Chairman, Archer-Daniels Midland
- President, Club of Rome
- International Monetary Fund managing director
- Former Canadian High Commissioner to the U.K.
- a member of the British Parliament
- President Emeritus, AFL-CIO (NITE branch)
- President, Federal Reserve
- Chairman, Levi-Strauss
- Director of Rothschild & Sons
- Vice Chairman, Citicorp (which owns 22% of NYFR stock)
- CEO, Institution of Global Economics, Seoul
- Former Minister of Trade, Mexico
- Former Irish Senator
- Former CEO, Xerox
- Former President of Mexico
Finally, some of the speakers and panelists were:
- Dick Cheney, Vice President of the United States
- Alan Greenspan, Chairman, Federal Reserve
- Colin Powell, Secretary of State
- Donald Rumsfeld, Secretary of Defense

Victor Thorn